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n/a 3.90 n/a
Płatności i przelewy internetowe — system PayPal
System PayPal pozwala przesłać pieniądze do dowolnej osoby dysponującej adresem e-mail. System PayPal jest bezpłatny dla kupujących, a przy tym działa w ścisłej i bezproblemowej integracji z istniejącą kartą kredytową i rachunkiem rozliczeniowym użytkownika. Umożliwia regulowanie długów, pożyczanie gotówki czy dzielenie się rachunkami i wydatkami ze znajomymi — wszystko to bez potrzeby chodzenia do bankomatu czy szukania książeczki czekowej.
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An on-line union of three premier embedded systems development information sources. All items archived with free, full-text access.
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n/a 23.00 n/a
Fastgraph Home Page - Ted Gruber Software, Inc.
Collection of graphics functions that can help you develop professional games and applications.
Ted Gruber Software, home of Fastgraph. Fastgraph is a general purpose programmer's graphics library well suited to game development but also useful for any program needing robust, reliable graphics.
n/a 1.60 n/a
Modbus Driver, Modbus Library, Modbus Protocol Stack for .NET, Linux, Windows, Windows CE, C, C++, Java, Delphi, Visual Basic
Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, MODBUS/TCP library and driver for multiple platforms including .NET, Linux, Windows, Windows CE, QNX, Java, Delphi, Solaris and UNIX.
n/a 2.00 n/a
Free Windows Mobile Pocket PC, Symbian, Android, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Java, Maemo, PSP Download Software, Apps, Games, Themes
Mobyware provides Free and Shareware Windows Mobile Pocket PC, Symbian, Android, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Blackberry, Java, Maemo, Palm, PSP Software, Apps, Games, Themes, GPS, Applications and more. Over 30 000 Applications, news and updates everyday.
70.18 2.90 03:08
Electronic Product Design and Development Services
Electronics Design Services firm providing ASIC, FPGA, printed circuit board (PCB), firmware, and embedded software design services.
Nuvation Engineering provides electronic design and product development services for all markets. Over 800 projects completed in 18 years.
n/a 1.80 n/a
PayPal - Privatkunden - PayPal
Mit PayPal können Sie Zahlungen an jeden senden, der eine E-Mail-Adresse hat. PayPal ist kostenlos für Konsumenten und arbeitet nahtlos mit Ihrer bestehenden Kreditkarte und Ihrem Girokonto. Sie können Schulden begleichen, Geld leihen, Rechnungen oder Ausgaben mit Freunden teilen, ohne zu einem Geldautomaten zu gehen oder nach Ihrem Scheckheft zu suchen.
n/a 1.40 n/a
Smartlab | Smart systems, makers and technology
Smart software for embedded and mobile devices, such as MobileVNC VNC Server for Windows Mobile and Industrial Windows CE devices and TabShop a Point of Sale Software for Android Smartphones and Tablets.
n/a 1.00 n/a
Javy's International Ltd.
Javys - CASIO sales distributor in Hong Kong
49.23 1.32 00:10
Global Logica Software Technologies is Leading company
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CASIO | Hong Kong (HK) | Javy's International Ltd. - Authorized Distributor by CASIO and HARIO
Javys - CASIO sales distributor in Hong Kong
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Cambridge Computer Corp.
Communications Software for Windows, Windows Mobile and Apple Macintosh OS X
66.67 3.00 00:01
BetaTeam - Több szem, többet lát
Windows blog
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Business 2 Business Solution, Inc. established in 2001, is an Information Technology firm providing specialized services to its customers in the various fields of IT such as, Web development, Customized Software development, E-commerce, software packages, ERP, 3d and 2d Animation, Screen production, corporate ysis and image development, Campus Networking, Data Entry, Database Conversion, Internet Via Satellite etc.
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A.C.C. Systems Incorporated
rfid handheld rugged computers
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Innernet Store : Coming Soon
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Сайт fat.lv размещён на технической площадке Интернет Хостинг Центра
Fat.Lv *** Tracker :: Главная
n/a 1.00 n/a
Bowling team statistics and individual bowling statistics in an easy to use Excel spreadsheet software program.
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100.00 1.00 n/a
Appolis - Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains) Warehouse Management (WMS) and Mobile Solutions
Microsoft Business Solutions Provider Appolis Internet Business Platform for the future of wireless warehouse management and Microsoft Dynamics GP solutions
n/a 3.00 n/a
Startseite - PPC-Welt
In der PPC-Welt Community geht es um mobile Geräte vorwiegend mit Microsoft Windows Mobile.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Bienvenido - PayPal
PayPal permite a los usuarios enviar dinero a cualquier persona que disponga de dirección de correo electrónico. PayPal es un servicio gratuito para los consumidores y funciona a la perfección con su tarjeta de crédito y cuenta corriente. Puede resolver deudas, pedir dinero, dividir facturas o repartir gastos entre amigos sin necesidad de acudir a un cajero automático o utilizar el talonario de cheques.
n/a 3.00 n/a
WEBDIRECT is your online shop for all brand name laptop computers, also known as notebooks, or notebook computers, in South Africa. Best prices guaranteed. Buy your laptop from us today.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Online calendar, webmail, shared calendars, calendar and schedule management
With calendae, manage professional or personal virtual office, online calendar and online address book, online organizer, with a wap mobile phone, share and backup business calendars and contacts. Software of synchronization with a pda ( palm os or pocket pc ), backup your pda, reminder by email,statistics.
n/a 3.00 n/a
msmobiles.com - All about Windows Mobile phones : Microsoft Smartphone , Pocket PC and more
msmobiles.com - all about Microsoft powered cell phones: Microsoft Smartphone and Pocket PC Phone Edition
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