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Elma Electronic is a global manufacturer of electronic packaging products for embedded systems and other sensitive electronic equipment -- from components, storage boards, backplanes and chassis platforms to fully integrated subsystems.
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Jack Center - Suplementos no Paraguai
Especializada na venda de suplementos alimentares e acessórios esportivos, cosmeticos Whey Protein, Creatina, Albumina, e muito mais, produtos importados. Confira!
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36.51 0.35 00:52
** WaveTherm Corporation **
WaveTherm's high-performance wedgelocks, injector/ejectors, heatframes, and chassis are intended for commercial and military applications.
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REDLINE - The Ultimate Energy Rush
Redline energy drink is scientifically formulated to enhance energy, burn fat, and improve physical performance. Redline is the first premium energy drink that represents VPX’s breakthrough in physique-transforming coupled with performance enhancement.
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GOLDNUTRICION Tienda de nutricion deportiva suplementos deportivos capsulas proteinas creatinas ta musculo bsn glutamina amino-acidos optimun nutricion nutrex muscletech anator
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E-cig VaporCone / 電子タバコとMODパーツのオンラインショップ
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VPX Sports nutrition supplements advance you to the next level of fitness while achieving your goals to either lose weight, burn fat, build muscle, increase strength, improve endurance, or speed up muscle recovery.
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Sports Nutrition;All Major Brands of Sports Supplements and Fat burners; sport nutrition,bodybuilding supplements,EAS,Muscletech,Xenadrine,Hydroxycut,Cytodyne,steroids,fat burner,supplements,biotest,myostat,optimum nutrition,whey protein,discount supplements,myoplex,creatine,andro,cell tech,vpx,lean body
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Embedded I/O, Dynamic Engineering is the Embedded Solution Center. We specialize in providing mezzanine board solutions to Industrial and Embedded computing designers. Our solutions are designed to be platform independent using the concept of mezzanine modules (cPCI, cPCIe, custom, IndustryPack, PC104p, PCIe, PCI, PMC, XMC, VME, VPX, PIM). System engineers can mix and match different functions under different system architectures. System designers can port solutions between different architectures quickly and easily with mezzanine designs and modular software. Solutions offered include Custom Design, ***og I/O, Digital I/O, Serial I/O, Control, Bus Interface, Networking, robotics, motion control, machine control, real time systems, RTS, and more. Please email to sales@dyneng.com , call 831-457-8891 with your questions and requirements
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VITA is the organization driving technology and standards for the bus and board industry. Committed to open standards for embedded computing, VITA members share in advancing specifications and creating market awareness for technologies.
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