'Stalking' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Stalking'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is a federally funded resource offering justice, substance abuse, and victim istance information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.
n/a 1.36 n/a
The Ultimate Hunting Community with daily hunting news and article updates, how-to's, field journals, photo gallery, free games, free background wallpapers, messsage baord, chat room, and more!
n/a 2.50 n/a
Illinois Legal Aid Online
Provides information to Illinois residents about available legal services for non-criminal problems and provides client educational materials.
Learn about Illinois law and take action with free legal forms, referrals and clear information on issues dealing with family, housing, debt, work, and more.
70.73 1.50 00:35
Eastmans.com | Eastmans' Hunting Journals | The Magazines for Western Big Game Trophy Hunters
The Original Western Hunting Magazine Focused on DIY, Public Land, Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting.
n/a 2.90 n/a
National Center on Domestic and *** Violence
Texas based agency. Has training contracts with Law Enforcement and military agencies. Primarily a consulting agency. Does not appear to provide direct services to battered women.
NCDSV offers consulting, training and advocacy on issues relating to domestic violence and *** abuse.
n/a 1.21 n/a
ShootingUK | The UK's most po***r shooting website
Get the latest shooting news, gun reviews, shooting tips, game recipes, gundog content and shooting videos. Buy or sell a gun and browse gundogs for sale.
85.41 1.19 01:41
No Nonsense Self Defense - Reliable information for dangerous situations
Tips from Marc "Animal" MacYoung on staying safe from robbery, ***, burglary and physical attacks.
n/a 1.40 n/a
GoHuntingandFishing.com - Fishing Forum, Hunting Forum, Hunting Fishing Community, Deer Hunting, Bowhunting, Hunting Outfitters
GoHuntingandFishing.com - Fishing Forum, Hunting Forum, Hunting Fishing Community, Deer Hunting, Bowhunting, Hunting Outfitters,This is the place! Join our site, create your own profile and enjoy all of our members stories, blogs, pictures, video and hunting or fishing adventures. GHF is the 'Myspace' for hunters and fishermen.
n/a 3.50 n/a
WEISSER RING e. V. :: Startseite :: Kriminalitätsopferhilfe, Hilfe für Opfer, Verhütung von Straftaten, Spende, Gemeinnützig, Opferschutz, Gewaltopfer, Verbrechen, Stalking
Gemeinnütziger Verein zur Unterstützung von Kriminalitätsopfern und zur Verhütung von Straftaten e.V.
n/a 3.10 n/a
Prairie State Outdoors :: Illinois deer hunting, fishing and outdoors news
Illinois' premier site for deer hunting, fishing and birding - Prairie State Outdoors
n/a 1.30 n/a
Shooting, Stalking, Hunting, Fishing in Scotland | Scottish Country Sports
Offers details of aims, events, projects, galleries, and contacts.
Scottish Country Sports Tourism Group - the national web portal for shooting, stalking / hunting and fishing in Scotland. Offering news, events, sporting seasons, information for beginners and much more.
33.33 2.30 00:18
Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime
Depuis 1993, cette ONG s'avère un chef de file dans le domaine de la défense des victimes et des survivants d'actes criminels. Situé à Ottawa, Ontario.
n/a 1.10 n/a
polizei-beratung.de: Informationen zu Straftaten und Opferschutz
Offizielle Website der Länder und des Bundes zur polizeilichen Kriminalprävention.
Polizei informiert über Straftaten wie Betrug, Diebstahl, Körperverletzung, Stalking, Cybercrime, Missbrauch. Informationen für Opfer. Beratungsstellensuche.
71.53 1.73 01:01
StalkFace - Facebook Stalking & Facebook Scanner
Stalk someone just entering the Facebook personal profile URL or a Facebook photo URL
56.54 1.00 04:30
WiredSafety: the world's largest Internet safety, help and education resource.
All-inclusive, free resource focusing on Internet safety, help and education for Internet users of all ages; providing information and solutions to online safety issues such as identity theft, scams, fraud, child ography, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, ***, phishing, spyware and viruses.
n/a 1.00 n/a
Startseite: Hilfetelefon
Herzlich willkommen! Das Hilfetelefon "Gewalt gegen Frauen" ist ein bundesweites Beratungsangebot für Frauen, die Gewalt erlebt haben oder noch erleben. Unter der Nummer 08000 116 016 und via Online-Beratung unterstuetzen wir Betroffene aller Nationalitaeten, mit und ohne Behinderung – 365 Tage im Jahr, rund um die Uhr. Auch Ange***ige, Freundinnen und Freunde sowie Fachkraefte beraten wir anonym und kostenfrei.
62.99 1.28 00:53
stalkscan.com | 521: Web server is down
90.88 1.09 00:31
Hunting in Bulgaria - Sport shooting experience since 1979
Bulgaria, Hunting, Sport shooting, Driven hunt, Deer, Stalking, Hunt, Red stag, Pheasant
n/a 1.00 n/a
Effective, victim centered, multidisciplinary training and expert consultation regarding crimes of *** assault and domestic violence.
n/a 1.00 n/a
Projekt E-bezpečí - E-Bezpečí
E-Bezpečí se zaměřuje na bezpečnost dětí v online prostředí, především na vzdělávání, výzkum a intervenci. Projekt cílí především na děti, rodiče i učitele.
50.51 2.38 02:14
Veneto 24 News | Cronaca | Eventi | Ecco un altro sito Italia 24 News | Attualità | Cronaca | Politica Siti
Veneto 24 News | Cronaca | Eventi | Ecco un altro sito Italia 24 News | Attualità | Cronaca | Politica Siti
n/a 1.10 n/a
StalkFace - Facebook Stalking
StalkFace, Stalk Facebook, stalkscan, facebook stalker, Stalk someone only enters the Facebook personal profile URL work on mobile browsers and pc
n/a 1.00 n/a
Army Store: Home
Warehouse military, hunting and hiking clothing and accessories.
57.91 3.34 01:50
Jane Doe Inc. | Home
Offers support services for victims of domestic violence and *** assault. Includes directory of *** crisis centers, donation information, restraining order realities, and program highlights.
Jane Doe Inc. (JDI) is a statewide membership coalition, an advocacy organization, a catalyst for change, and so much more. Offering unparalleled leadership in Massachusetts, we are changing the way society views and reacts to *** and domestic violence in ways that make our communities safer today and for future generations.
n/a 1.00 n/a
n/a 2.00 n/a
Marche 24 News | Cronaca | Eventi | Ecco un altro sito Italia 24 News | Attualità | Cronaca | Politica Siti
Marche 24 News | Cronaca | Eventi | Ecco un altro sito Italia 24 News | Attualità | Cronaca | Politica Siti
n/a 2.00 n/a
Informationen und Tipps zum Thema Stalking
Informationen rund um das Thema Stalking, für Betroffene, Angehörige und Menschen, die beruflich mit Stalking konfrontiert werden.
n/a 1.90 n/a
Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb
Mail- und Faxaktion mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung eines Briefes an Prominente. Der Brief liegt in den Sprachen Deutsch, englisch, Französisch, Italienisch und Holländisch vor.
Gemeinschaft für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Ökologie e.V. mit Sitz in Gammertingen (Kreis Sigmaringen) will konstruktive, Leben stiftende Antworten auf existentiell wichtige Fragen und auf die vielfältigen Formen zerstörerischer Gewalt geben.
n/a 1.00 n/a
We are AWARE
Prevention information including quizzes, tips, safety tools, and techniques.
n/a 1.20 n/a
Blackburn Center Greensburg Anti-Violence Organization
You’ve come to the right place if your life or the life of someone you care about has been touched by violence. Free and confidential.
62.96 0.34 01:35