'Ssconfig' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Ssconfig'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
NewLifeImages by Terry Runion
Event P os- Check out the Galleries for images, and order prints and gifts from there. var ssConfig = { Al ID: '9628976', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', randomize: 'true', splash: 'http://www.newlifeimages.net/Other/My-SmugMug-Site-Files-Do-Not/8454012', showLogo: 'false', clickToImage: 'true', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'false', crossFadeSpeed: '350' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(500, 500, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 1.00 n/a
Still Frames by Nick - Personalized Portraits
var ssConfig = { Al ID: '4199170', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', splash: 'http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/***amSlides/smugmug_black.png', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: 'http://www.stillframesbynick.com/galleries', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'false', crossFadeSpeed: '500' }; borderThickness: '20'; borderColor: 'ffffff'; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(500, 500, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 3.00 n/a
Mike Ireland P ography
var ssConfig = { Al ID: '2881440', Al Key: 'qTVpk', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', splash: 'http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/***amSlides/smugmug_black.png', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: 'http://www.smugmug.com', showThumbs: 'true', showButtons: 'true', crossFadeSpeed: '350' }; InsertStretchySlideshow(ssConfig);
n/a 3.00 n/a
Jake's Point of View
var ssConfig = { borderThickness: '20', borderColor: 'ffffff', Al ID: '5130496', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', showLogo: 'false', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'false', crossFadeSpeed: '350' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow (900, 600, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 3.00 n/a
brjP o -- Brent Jackman P ography -- Sahuarita/Green Valley/Tucson
var ssConfig = { Al ID: '6863164', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', splash: 'http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/***amSlides/smugmug_black.png', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: 'http://brjp o.smugmug.com/Public', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'false', crossFadeSpeed: '550' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(700, 700, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 3.00 n/a
Noel Kleinman's P os- powered by SmugMug
var ssConfig = { Al ID: '2868278', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', splash: 'http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/***amSlides/smugmug_black.png', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: 'http://www.smugmug.com', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'false', crossFadeSpeed: '350' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(600, 600, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 3.00 n/a
tim nosenzo :: p ographs
Thank you for stopping by, I hope you’re enjoying some of my pictures here. I am constantly updating my Daily P o gallery, so check back often for new pictures there. I am also always posting new pictures in my other galleries, so be sure to stop by the What's New section to see if I have added any galleries lately. var ssConfig = { Al ID: '3624766', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: 'http://www.timnosenzo.com/galleries', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'false', crossFadeSpeed: '350', borderThickness: '2', borderColor: 'ffffff', randomize: 'true' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(700, 480, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 3.00 n/a
Ty Mattheu P ography
var ssConfig = { Al ID: '8854485', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', splash: 'http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/***amSlides/smugmug_black.png', showLogo: 'false', clickToImage: 'true', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'false', crossFadeSpeed: '350' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(600, 600, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 3.00 n/a
Jenera Healy P ography
var ssConfig = { Al ID: '4571387', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', splash: 'http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/***amSlides/smugmug_black.png', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: 'http://www.smugmug.com', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'true', crossFadeSpeed: '350' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(450, 450, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 3.00 n/a
EKS Productions- powered by SmugMug
Joe Harrington, P ographer Rest of slideshow code. var ssConfig = { Al ID: '5869105', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: 'http://www.eksproductions.com', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'false', crossFadeSpeed: '350' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(600, 600, ssConfig, 'transparent'); 2muchcoffee@comcast.net
n/a 3.00 n/a
DB Impressions - Diane Kovach
Diane Kovach is from Palmyra, PA and works in Lebanon, Dauphin and Lancaster Counties. Diane specializes in Senior portraits, children, newborn and maternity p ography, as well as event p ography. var ssConfig = { Al ID: '5584957', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', splash: 'http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/***amSlides/smugmug_black.png', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: 'http://www.smugmug.com', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'true', crossFadeSpeed: '350' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(600, 600, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 3.00 n/a
Images by Jenifer Clark -- IBJC
Game posting status....there are many games yet to be posted but we are working as fast as possible to open each game for you. If you don't see something your looking for please contact us for details or posting status. Thank you for your support. ........Rutledge Marathon........ is now OPEN and can be found under Galleries/Events. New Gallery info:......WBBL Basketball League is now in the Sports Navbar. Tournament game s s will be posted shortly.............. Parks & Rec SUPERBOWL games are NOW OPEN......several games have highlight p os open for viewing and more action s s will be posted soon. Check back here for status updates. AHS vs CAK Game 1 is NOW OPEN...................AHS vs CAK Game 2 and AHS vs Tyner coming soon!!! To view a few now see Blount Today Monday Morning QB. www.blountfootball.com NOTICES: Volleyball will be posted soon and emails will be sent to all players upon opening. ......AHS Senior Layouts given out at the game can be viewed from Sports/Sports Style/AHS Football Seniors............. var ssConfig = { Al ID: '9730775', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', splash: 'http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/***amSlides/smugmug_black.png', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: 'http://www.imagesbyjeniferclark.com', showThumbs: 'true', showButtons: 'true', crossFadeSpeed: '350' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(600, 600, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 3.00 n/a
Draft Green Room - See our 2009 NFL Mock Draft and Player ysis 
Draft Green Room - See our 2009 NFL Mock Draft and Player Rankings! DraftGreenRoom.com provides expert ysis of the upcoming NFL Draft. Home var ssConfig = { Al ID: '5592940', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'true', splash: 'http://draftgreenroom.com/p os/462973996_s85Ke-O.png', splashDelay: '750', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: '', showThumbs: 'false', showButtons: 'false', crossFadeSpeed: '350', randomStart: 'true', borderColor: '', borderThickness: '0' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(700, 394, ssConfig, 'transparent'); P os by Ryan Lejbak - used with permission Slideshow Requires Flash Player
n/a 3.00 n/a
DoLinh Studio
var ssConfig = { Al ID: '5287991', newWindow: 'false', transparent: 'false', splash: 'http://www.smugmug.com/img/ria/***amSlides/smugmug_black.png', showLogo: 'false', clickUrl: 'http://zdolinh.smugmug.com', showThumbs: 'true', showButtons: 'true', crossFadeSpeed: '350' }; SM.flash.insertSlideshow(700, 700, ssConfig, 'transparent');
n/a 3.00 n/a