'Rotational moulding' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Rotational moulding'

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Global Plastic Industry Portal | Plastics News , Jobs, Events, Directory and classified | Plastics Information
Plastopedia is a global plastic industry portal focus in India, It provides plastic industry news,events, plastic directory, industry jobs and polymer price trends at one place.
n/a 11.60 n/a
Plastic Moulding: Process, Polymers & History
Plastic moulding is the process of shaping plastic using a rigid frame or mould. The technique allows for the creation of objects of all shapes and sizes with huge design flexibility for both simple and highly complex designs.
50.98 1.50 02:20
Plastics Product Bags Used Machines Technology Jobs Recycled Polymers, India | Supplier & Manufacturer of Plastic Machines
Provides information on plastics industry, used plastics machinery, recycled polymers, manufacturers of plastic products, additives and ***ches, associations and institutions, news from plastic industry, useful technical aticles and a discussion forum.
Plastemart is B2B website for new and used plastics machines, plastics products, news, recycled plastic and raw material, polymer prices, plastic extrusion & moulding machines, India
83.95 1.70 12:10
Quality Polyurethane & Silicone Mold Materials Worldwide
Find All Your Needs in Thermosetting Polyurethane, Epoxy, & Silicone Systems Worldwide. Customizable Solutions for Rotational Moulding & Silicone Molds.
n/a 2.00 n/a
DS PLASTICS | watertight solutions
DS Plastics | watertight solutions zet zich in om water op duurzame wijze te beheersen, behandelen en af te voeren. Reken op ons voor systemen zoals regenwater- en septische tanks, pompputten, zuiveringsstations, vetafscheiders, olie- en benzineafscheider
76.28 0.35 00:18
PlastikCity | Find suppliers in the North American plastics industry
Find excellent North American based vetted plastic industry suppliers and acquire fast, comparative, customised quotes using our intelligent quotation tool (IPQ)……….. 
n/a 1.00 n/a