'Rdbms' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Rdbms'

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Abdul Qabiz on Web Technologies, Adobe Flash Platform, Flex, AIR, Mobile, RIA, Open Source, Standards, Entrepreneurship - Kanpur, India
Abdul Qabiz is a Web Technologist, FLASH Platform (Flash, Flex, ActionScript) Developer and Entrepreneur. He has worked for companies like Macromedia, Adobe, Yahoo!, Tata Interactive Systems and Mixercast in past. He is co-founder and CTO of Allies Interactive Services Pvt. Ltd., which is a company based in Kanpur, India. Abdul Qabiz talks about different topics on his blog. He talks about Programming, ActionScript, Flex, Video, Flash Platform, Web Technologies, Web Design, Web Development, Opensource, Wordpress, Linux, OSMF, Joomla, Apple, Adobe, MacOSX, Startups, Entrepreneurship, Software Development, Books, Reviews, Blogging, Kanpur, India, Uttar Pradesh, Facebook, Twitter, API and lot more.
n/a 1.50 n/a
repmgr - Replication Manager for PostgreSQL clusters
repmgr (Replication Manager) is a tool that helps DBAs and system administrators manage a cluster of PostgreSQL databases
n/a 5.00 n/a
聚合首页 SQL SERVER,商业智能,BI,DBA - 微软BI开拓者 - Powered by Discuz!NT
微软BI开拓者,微软BI技术/SQL SERVER技术交流区,sql server,SQL SERVER 2000,data warehouse,数据仓库,关系数据库,BI,商业智能,SQL Server 2005,Database,business intelligence, rdbms, db,database, ysis Services,Integration Services,Reporting Services,sql server agent,数据库,分析服务,集成服务,报表服务,ETL,网络营销,BI项目管理,ETCL,OLAP,OLTP,dba
n/a 1.20 n/a
IT Recruitment: Infrastructure, RDBMS, Development & ERP
Resource Solutions Group provides specialist recruitment services for the Australian IT industry. Three specialised IT divisions: Infrastructure Resource Solutions, RDBMS Resource Solutions and ERP Resource Solutions. We are well placed to service all of your IT recruitment needs.
n/a 3.10 n/a
Database as a Service (DBaaS) | NoSQL with One REST API
Orchestrate is an API platform that powers multiple databases-as-a-service for developing Web and mobile applications. It powers key/value, full-text search, event and graph data queries through a simple, intuitive REST API and dashboard.
n/a 2.20 n/a
What Is Database Management System (DBMS)?
Database Management System (DBMS) Is the Systematic Collection Of Data. Normalization Advantages, Applications, Er Models, Tutorials, RDBMS, Interview Questions
81.17 1.30 01:54
BI-Platform | Business Intelligence & ***ytics
BI-Platform.nl is een onafhankelijk en journalistiek platform op het gebied van Business Intelligence, data management en datawarehousing voor de Benelux. BI-Platform.nl vormt het startpunt bij uitstek voor iedereen die vakmatig bezig is met het verzamelen, doorvorsen, ***yseren en presenteren van business- en managementinformatie en op de hoogte wil blijven van de ontwikkelingen.
n/a 2.40 n/a
Alpha ÐËÇÑÏÖÏÑÉÊÇ AE * Next Generation Technology Site @ WEB
Alpha ÐËÇÑÏÖÏÑÉÊÇ ìéá äõíáìéêÜ áíáðôõóóüìåíç åôáéñßá ôçò ÈñÜêçò ìå êýñéïõò Üîïíåò äñáóôçñéüôçôáò ôï System-Networks-Software & Service Intergration
n/a 1.90 n/a
JES.com - Consulting, Do***entation, Training, Web Apps, Databases, Wiki
JES provides consulting, training, enterprise applications, mobile apps, databases, do***entation, editing, Wiki and Web technology on virtually any scale.
n/a 2.20 n/a
Saltriver Infosystems, a Information technology solution and services provider, offers range of niche products and co-sourcing services. We have offices in India and Australia and our development centre is based at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We started our operation in 1997 as a customized software development company and served more than 100 clients across the globe. Saltriver Infosystems Private Limited is an integrated IT solution company. ...
Software, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, SMS, saltriver.com: Saltriver PHP Developer India PHP Programmers India Offs*** IT Outsourcing Ecommerce web site design company india Offs*** software outsourcing software Development company India offs*** outsourcing India software outsourcing PHP programmers web programmer website development India e-commerce web site Design ASP Cold fusion MySQL PHP .NET ASP.NET Outsource PHP Developer PHP Programmers India Web Development India Outsourcing Offs*** Software Development Center India Web Programmers PHP Developer India Offs*** software Outsourcing India Offs*** development center India custom website design Database Design Software Testing Client Server Application Distributed Application Component Development Java Development Data conversion Web Development System Programming E-Commerce Solution Database Maintenance Programming & Scripting Operating System Technology Platform RDBMS Middleware & Protocol Security & Authentication Web & Application Server Pocket PC Palm Handheld Development Wireless Mobile Application C/C++ Condults True Sync Code Warrior VC++ VB.Net C# GPRS GSM J2ME CLDC MIDP Quick Books Internet Application Mobile & Handheld Solutions Software Testing E-Commerce Java Development Software Development Web Development Web Designing Multimedia Solutions Wireless Development ASP.Net Programmers ASP Programmers Java/J2EE Programmers J2ME Programmers VB.Net Programmers VC++ Programmers Offs*** software development india Outsourcing software development india,offs*** development center Offs*** Development Center Offs*** Outsourcing India software outsourcing India web development india software development company PHP developer India web developer PHP programmersERP Implementation Consulting Supply chain management consulting and customer relationship management consulting offer services such as IT planning
n/a 2.50 n/a
Hexainclude | Programming tutorials with examples for C, C++, Java, PHP, Oracle, WordPress, Operating System in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts.
Hexainclude - Programming tutorials with examples for C, C++, Java, PHP, Oracle, WordPress, Operating System in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts.
n/a 1.00 n/a
n/a 4.00 n/a
n/a 2.00 n/a
dasini.net - Journal d\'un expert MySQL
Connaissance du logiciel libre & libre connaissance du SGBDR open source MySQL et son écosystème MyISAM, InnoDB, MariaDB, Oracle, Cluster, Percona
n/a 1.00 n/a
艦これ、料理、男の自炊、おつまみ、艦めしなどの料理。プログラミングやUNIXやらRDBMSやらPHP。時々steamやGOGなどでのold school computer games (PC洋ゲー)を ゆる~く、ぬるーく。
n/a 1.20 n/a
Solid Data - The trusted leader in solid-state disks
Solid Data is a leading manufacturer of intelligent solid-state storage systems. The Company's software and hardware capabilities enable its customers to achieve dramatic, mainframe-level performance improvements in their I/O intensive applications such a
n/a 4.00 n/a
Business 2 Business Solution, Inc. established in 2001, is an Information Technology firm providing specialized services to its customers in the various fields of IT such as, Web development, Customized Software development, E-commerce, software packages, ERP, 3d and 2d Animation, Screen production, corporate ysis and image development, Campus Networking, Data Entry, Database Conversion, Internet Via Satellite etc.
n/a 1.40 n/a
Free Windows,Database & Networking Interview questions and knowledge base articles
All About windows servers, network and database
n/a 1.00 n/a
東京・大阪のシステム開発会社: 株式会社ヘッドジャパン
14.01 3.39 04:30
한국 포스트그레스큐엘 홈페이지 :PostgreSQL KR
PostgreSQL 한국 공식 사이트...
n/a 1.00 n/a
株式会社アゲハ | Database Engineering Boutique
データベースのエキスパート集団、株式会社アゲハのオフィシャルページです。Oracleデータベースに特化し、最高の技術をベースにして、 eビジネスを成功に導くためにお客様にとって最適なソリューションを提供いたします。
n/a 0.27 02:41
Welcome to OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
OpenLink Software is an industry-leading developer and deployer of Secure, High-Performance, and Standards Compliant Universal Database Connectivity Middleware.
100.00 0.18 n/a
Dobeash Software
REBOL based software solutions for Optometrists and Software Developers. Optometric applications include ImageMan, RecordMan and Oc an. Development tools include RebGUI, RebDB and SQLite Driver.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Jason ociates - NEPA, RCRA, CERCLA, Safety Integration, Public Involvement, and Information Technology experts
Jason ociates is a small, minority owned consulting firm specializing in environmental programs, safety integration, and public involvement
n/a 3.00 n/a
Welcome to OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
OpenLink Software is an industry-leading developer and deployer of Secure, High-Performance, and Standards Compliant Universal Database Connectivity Middleware.
n/a 0.00 n/a
IA Inc. - Web, Software Development, LAN Experts
IA, Inc. provides web hosting, web design, web development, custom software development, LAN configuration and installations, and systems integration.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Creative Infotech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
The ociation of technological experts from leading IT organisations gave birth to Creative Infotech Solutions Pvt. Ltd
n/a 3.00 n/a
Data Xplorer - Access Anywhere! Oracle, Mssql Server, MySql, DBF, Paradox, DB2, Informix, Datagrid, Data yse
professional tool for work with databases.combines the present flexibility and universality at work with various databases,modify and yse data,create query,quick search and filtering data;copying, export and import data into other tables.
n/a 3.00 n/a
BI-Platform | Business Intelligence & ***ytics
BI-Platform.nl is een onafhankelijk en journalistiek platform op het gebied van Business Intelligence, data management en datawarehousing voor de Benelux. BI-Platform.nl vormt het startpunt bij uitstek voor iedereen die vakmatig bezig is met het verzamelen, doorvorsen, ***yseren en presenteren van business- en managementinformatie en op de hoogte wil blijven van de ontwikkelingen.
n/a 0.00 n/a
Empress Embedded Database | embedded database management system (DBMS)
EMPRESS Embedded Database is a full-featured embedded database management software designed for both embedded and real-time applications on Unix, Linux, Windows and Real Time systems. Fast, powerful and maintenance-free, Empress Embedded Database provides total control to the developer for reliable and deterministic data management.
n/a 0.00 n/a