“screw it i'll just get to the point right away, i have literally taken my tripod into the SAUNA with me ???? anddd honestly with those kind of views u're getting of my ???? as well as ???? in there.. what more could u even ask for??”
i'm just gonna say it how it is… so i got out of my shower a few mins ago buttt thought i’d use that moment to take a few pics for u ???? giving u different angles (pls ignore my wet hair ????) and do you think i could get away with wearing a bathing suit like this in public? it honestly looks more like lingerie than a bikini ???????? ahhh i’m already blushing and u haven’t even seen it yet haha but here u go i guess ????
honestly i have NO words for this... but i don't think there's much i gotta say anyway because this is literally the definition of ???? shots haha ???????? well and that's exactly the kind of stuff you've been wanting to see from me.. right?