'Pastor' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Pastor'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
Logos | The Most Complete Bible Study Platform
Jump into Logos and experience the most powerful bible study platform that will equip you to go deeper into scripture so you will know the Word like never before.
35.39 9.74 05:29
AmorEmCristo.com - Namoros, Amizades e Relacionamentos Evangélicos
Encontre pessoas cristãs para bater papo e trocar idéias no maior site de relacionamentos evangélicos da América Latina
n/a 15.30 n/a
The Text This Week - Textweek - Sermon, Sermons, Revised Common Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links
Lectionary and Bible Based Resources for Scripture Study and Worship - Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost
n/a 2.82 n/a
Welcome to Shepherd's Chapel
Shepherd's Chapel daily one hour live teaching.
n/a 2.20 n/a
HigherPraise Official Site - Praise And Worship Lyrics, Christian Lyrics, Worship Music, Higher Praise,Tsunami Images, Christian Sheet Music Tabs, Religious Music, Sermons, Gospel Videos, Tsunami Video, Tsunami Pictures (HigherPraise.Com)
Higher Praise Specializing in Praise and Worship Music, Lyrics, Chord Charts, Guitar Tabs, Midi Files, Christian Music Videos, 24/7 Christian TV, HigherPraise Church Resources and Christian Info. With Thousands of Free Audio Sermons, Illustrations, Outlines, Sunday School lessons, Research Tools, HigherPraise Bible Software, Clip Art and Web Graphics. Higher Praise is your #1 Christian Resource with Talking Bible, Youth Ministry, Children's Church, Educational Games, Christian Chat, Jesus Film, Screen Savers, Church Administration and Direct Prayer Email Link. All items are Free and can be down loaded
n/a 1.74 n/a
Welcome to Enrich Naija Blog | Giving you top trending news in entertainment, celebrity news, business, politics, lifestyle, sports, gist, etc
n/a 13.00 n/a
Verdade Gospel - Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil
Portal gospel de notícias do Brasil
n/a 1.70 n/a
Women after Grace | Learn | Discover | Become
Find articles and podcasts that to learn, discover and become women of greater faith at womenafterfaith.com
n/a 10.00 n/a
Home - North American Mission Board
Official site, provides mission opportunities and training, missionary biographies, daily devotion, ministry resources, departments directory, and the plan of salvation.
n/a 1.80 n/a
GospelEncontros.com - Namoros, Amizades e Relacionamentos Evangélicos
Encontre pessoas cristãs para bater papo e trocar idéias no maior site de relacionamentos evangélicos da América Latina
n/a 10.00 n/a
Good Amharic Books | Welcome!
The Amharic books gathered within this site by the Lapsley/Brooks Foundation provide a small library for the study of the books of the Bible, doctrine, prophets, church history, and practical Christian life. Amharic speaking teachers, pastors, and students will find them to be of tremendous value in their life, studies, and ministries.
n/a 0.00 n/a
Todo Perros - Todo para tu perro - El mayor portal canino del mundo hispano
Portal canino, con enlaces a criadores de perros de razas y veterinarios. Fotos, nombres y perros famosos.
n/a 1.33 n/a
- Idź Pod Prąd
Chrześcijański miesięcznik społeczno-polityczny. Pragniemy opisywać rzeczywistość nie z perspektywy teologii, dogmatów czy zmiennych nauk kościołów, lecz w oparciu o Słowo Boga, Biblię
n/a 3.10 n/a
The Foursquare Church
Denominational website. Information on conferences, beliefs, officers, church history and structure.
The Foursquare Church is a family of more than 1,600 churches that exist to glorify God and advance His kingdom. Find a church near you as well as church and ministry resources for Foursquare church leaders.
n/a 2.60 n/a
NaijaGreen - bringing to you! News, music, video, movies, celebrity gist, lyrics, education, tech, Exam help desk
bringing to you! News, music, video, movies, celebrity gist, lyrics, education, tech, Exam help desk
n/a 2.70 n/a
Fresh Life Church | Welcome
Fresh Life Church is a multi-site church in NW Montana, pastored by Levi Lusko, that exist to see those stranded in sin find life and liberty in Christ.
n/a 2.10 n/a
Casa de Oración
Página web de la iglesia Casa de Oracion en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, contiene estudios de la Biblia, radio en vivo, predicaciones en línea, videos on line para la comunidad cristiana y en general para los cristianos, pastoreada por Chuy Olivares
n/a 1.70 n/a
Seminário Internacional de Teologia Gospel Cursos à distância
Seminário Gospel igreja pastor cursos filiações conselho federal de pastor cgiadb notícias cgadb formação Marco Feliciano conamad Bacharel Teologia Doutorado Mestrado
n/a 3.00 n/a
Pastor Chris Digital Library
Changing lives, changing things
36.32 3.20 12:09
Seminário Internacional de Teologia Gospel ensino cristão formação pastoral - Seminario Gospel
Seminário Gospel igreja pastor cursos filiações conselho federal de pastor cgiadb notícias formação ministérios gideões grupo seminaristas instituto Teologia Gospel
92.90 2.00 08:37
Philadelphia Romanian Church
Philadelphia Romanian Church
n/a 9.00 n/a
Xenos Christian Fellowship, Columbus OH
An evangelical church with emphasis on home Bible studies and lay ministry.
n/a 1.30 n/a
Metro World Child
Metro World Child is a global Christian, non-profit organization dedicated to serving inner-city children throughout New York City and various urban centers around the world.
n/a 1.40 n/a
Bible Exposition International - Home
在這個網站裡您可以更進一步的認識我們出版的《聖經分析排版本》 聖經。這是一本根據和合本聖經,把新分析排列,讓讀者能更容易看到經文的主題和結構。 在這個網站裡您也可以認識聖經信息學院所開辦的課程、講座及查經資料。盼望透過這些課程、講座幫助弟兄姊妹。
66.46 2.00 03:10
21st Century Christian: Publishers of Christian Books and Curriculum
Bookstore and publishing company (founded 1938): Thousands of books, Bibles, teaching aids, gifts, and software.
n/a 3.50 n/a
This is Berean Bible Church, located in Chesapeake, Virginia.
n/a 1.10 n/a
AMEC Casa de Alabanza Canóvanas PR
Sitio Oficial AMEC Casa de Alabanza, Canóvanas, Puerto Rico. Somos una Iglesia de Presencia.
n/a 2.40 n/a
Break Free Youth Ministry Resources
Your source for free youth ministry resources. Bible studies, sermons, PowerPoint games, videos, events, ministry do***ents, and other ideas for your youth group!
n/a 1.90 n/a
Remikuti lets you follow only those news, people and activities that are important to you. From Gist, music, movies, photography, fashion, lifestyle, to job-offers, you'd never miss out on your own personal kinda stuff.
Remikuti | COZA pastor gushes about his wife, Modele, on IG
n/a 1.60 n/a
Welcome to Blacksermons.com
Powerful sermons for today's busy preacher, including a Black Lectionary subscription.
n/a 4.00 n/a