'Nerds' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Nerds'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
Fowl Language Comics - by Brian Gordon
Weekly cartoons about a geeky, neu***, duck trying to survive in a stupid, stupid world.
n/a 6.80 n/a
Ninja Nerds
Video Games,Ninja Nerds Random Gaming News and Deals- Major and Indie developers|Minecraft|Terraria
n/a 10.30 n/a
Home of SweeTARTS, NERDS, Laffy Taffy and the NEW WONKA EXCEPTIONALS Chocolate Bars. Visit today to feed your imagination.
n/a 1.62 n/a
NEUE ELITE | Nachrichten, Musik, Internet, Stars, Mode, Games, Filme & Serien, Technik, Kultur, Reisen, Leben und Erotik
Nachrichten, Musik, Internet, Stars, Mode, Games, Filme & Serien, Technik, Kultur, Reisen, Leben, Erotik
n/a 2.16 n/a
The Last Nerds on Earth | A buddy-comedy zombie apocalypse webcomic
The Last Nerds on Earth - A webcomic about two nerdy/geeky best friends, Oliver and Adam, trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.
n/a 2.70 n/a
Official Minecraft Store – Powered by J!NX : Minecraft Official Store
J!NX is a clothing brand heavily influenced by gaming and geeky interests. You are required to visit if you are into gadgets, gaming, computers, robots (really big ones), ninjas, eskimos, stuff with blinking lights, and/or pretty much anything technical. We ingest a healthy dose of all these things on a daily basis.
n/a 3.50 n/a
nerds, , free s @ Sunshine Nerds
nerds showing their ual fantasies
n/a 1.42 n/a
For the nerds, geeks, and the wacky in all of us
n/a 1.40 n/a
J!NX | Get Rekt with Video Gaming and Geek Culture Merch
Clothing brand dedicated to people that are passionate about what they do. Offers apparel aimed at: Gamers Geeks Coders Tech Gurus
J!NX is a clothing brand heavily influenced by gaming and geeky interests. You are required to visit if you are into gadgets, gaming, computers, robots (really big ones), ninjas, eskimos, stuff with blinking lights, and/or pretty much anything technical. We ingest a healthy dose of all these things on a daily basis.
54.69 1.90 04:34
Just a moment...
o site mais completo de curiosidades da internet. fatos desconhecidos, curiosidade e oportunidades de explorar o mundo sem sair do sofá.
73.31 1.38 00:51
Pipoca e Nanquim
Cinema e Quadrinhos
n/a 1.90 n/a
n/a 1.30 n/a
Teken nu voor een referendum over de Donorwet!
Grote verzameling humoristische en erotische filmpjes. Dagelijks geupdate met nieuwe clips en streaming video!
46.59 4.50 09:09
Geek Culture and The Joy of Tech: pretty much everything you've ever wanted.
A celebration of all that s geeky, including geek love, the
For those who love computers, technology, and cool stuff like cartoons, downloads, and a fun look at geek culture.
98.36 1.04 00:06
Atmospheric Gaming Monitor Reviews and Epic Videos
Find your perfect gaming monitor. In-depth reviews, latest news, a constantly updated monitor list, and detailed user ratings. Game projects, cinematics, and epic videos.
50.00 2.00 01:24
Loja Quarto Geek - A loja nerd mais legal da internet! | Loja Quarto Geek
Produtos de seus filmes, séries, quadrinhos e animes favoritos, a pronta entrega! Leve vários itens legais para seu quarto! Pague em até 3x sem juros.
n/a 5.50 n/a
*** with Androids
Have an Android phone? Are you a guy? Send a picture to us and be on our site.
n/a 2.70 n/a
Halo - Official Store | Powered by J!NX : Video Game Apparel and Collectibles
J!NX crafts unique clothing for gamers and geeks. We offer the largest collection of video game and geek t-shirts and hoodies on the whole intrawebz!
n/a 2.80 n/a
Awesome must-get items for the Geeks, Nerds, Movie and Sci-Fi fans
47.44 1.90 01:02
Geek10 - Loja de Produtos Geeks, Nerds, Criativos e Divertidos
A melhor loja geek do Brasil! Nossa loja possui os mel***s produtos e presentes geeks, nerds, criativos e divertidos. Temos camisetas, objetos de decoração, action figures, canecas, e muito mais. A melhor nerd store e geek store do Brasil.
n/a 3.00 n/a
pautalivrenews.com | 521: Web server is down
Pauta Livre News, o site com podcast de humor que se destina a informar sobre resenhas, filmes, jogos eletrônicos, assuntos nerds e qualquer assunto que possa
n/a 1.10 n/a
Spiele & Merchandise für Gamer | Game Legends
Als Fanartikel werden Statuen, Replikate, Modellbausätze und Miniaturfiguren diverser Video- und Computerspiele zum Kauf offeriert.
Spiele & Merchandise ▷ Große Auswahl hochwertiger Fanartikel ▷ Schneller Versand & sichere Bezahlung ➨ Jetzt bestellen
65.83 2.87 19:59
Candy in box - O melhor clube de assinatura de doce importado e loja de doces da internet
Candy in box é um clube de assinatura de doce importado e uma loja de doces on-line. Assine agora e receba os doces mais diferentes do mundo.
11.11 5.60 05:00
Behnford's Oy
We offer you a wide selection of foods from the English speaking world.
n/a 4.00 n/a
Geek Culture and The Joy of Tech: pretty much everything you've ever wanted.
For those who love computers, technology, and cool stuff like cartoons, downloads, and a fun look at geek culture.
n/a 1.60 n/a
Name Nerds
Information about Irish and Scottish names, as well as both English and ethnic spelling.
n/a 1.00 n/a
NerdsHD - Fueling Nerds
NerdsHD is a place for nerds, where you will find ton's of freelancing guides, blogging guides as well as general computer/internet related How To's. NerdsHD contains written articles & large number of HD Videos to help out visitors. NerdsHD also curates latest Graphic designing trends.
NerdsHD is a place where you will find latest Articles, How To’s and Videos about Tech, Graphic Designing , WordPress, SEO & Sometimes Interesting News related to Tech.
n/a 1.40 n/a
Musik, Design, Film, Kunst und Leben - WENKEWHO besorgt dir die Dosis.
n/a 1.30 n/a
NERDBOT brings you all things Nerdy with a focus on bringing you original content ranging from Movies, Television, Comics, Gaming, Cosplay and Events. Welcome the The Nerd Side Of Life!
53.35 1.43 00:28
South Florida's Computer Service,Support,Repair - Miami
Florida Pc Nerds provides service,support,maintenance,repairs for small business and individual customers. Virus Repair,Virus Removal,Training, Technical Forums
n/a 2.00 n/a