'Gravitation' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Gravitation'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
The Physics Classroom serves students, teachers and classrooms with easy-to-understand and ready-to-use lessons, interactive activities, and engaging curriculum.
The Physics Classroom serves students, teachers and classrooms by providing classroom-ready resources that utilize an easy-to-understand language that makes learning interactive and multi-dimensional. Written by teachers for teachers and students, The Physics Classroom provides a wealth of resources that meets the varied needs of both students and teachers.
70.09 1.88 10:37
TOKYOPOP has published thousands of books in both print and digital formats since 1997, highlighted the role of diverse creators, partnered with many of the world's most famous brands, produced and distributed anime and live-action content, and pioneered the use of technology in visual storytelling.
73.03 3.02 06:48
Motion Mountain - The Adventure of Physics : The Free Physics Textbook
This is the English welcome page of the Motion Mountain Physics Text, a free and entertaining physics textbook - with more than 1500 pages - for undergraduates and anybody interested in physics. The text, guaranteed to be surprising and challenging on every page, is a guide through the adventure of finding the answers to the following questions: How do things move? Why do things move? What is motion? Why does it exist?
n/a 1.50 n/a
Yaoi-Sei - Ai wo Hiromeru!
Yaoi Doujinshi Downloads and more
n/a 1.90 n/a
Calphysics Institute
The Calphysics Institute focuses on research in electrodynamics, relativity, gravitation, inertia and the quantum vacuum zero point field.
12.78 3.27 00:38
D.G. Leahy - The New Universal Consciousness
n/a 3.00 n/a
Cosmology ... The creation of MASS.
The Big Tube and the String Theory
n/a 3.00 n/a
MONA NYGREN Somatic Experiencing & Rytmisk Rörelseträning
Mona Nygren om höftböjarna, psoas. Utforskande i hur kroppen kan läka psykiska skador. Rytmen mot trygghet. Reglering genom alla sinnen. Nyfikenhet på inre och yttre signaler. Metoder: Somatic Experiencing. Rytmisk Rörelseträning. SOMA embodiment. Ayurveda.
82.67 0.43 n/a
100% Free - Anime, , Hgame, Doujinshi, Manga, Movies, etc...
100 Free On Net , the ultimate free source for , games, videos, *** anime characters, manga & dojin from Japan!
n/a 3.00 n/a
Lost Fantasy - 3 Years, 50 Layouts!
A place for your videogames and anime needs. Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, online games, Action Games of Capcom, some Fighting, and more.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Aetherometry, the Science of the Metrics of the Aether
Foundations for a biophysics of m free energy. Experimental and theoretical research into its nature, types. metrics, and relation to m bound energy
n/a 3.00 n/a
Johann Bessler claimed in 1712 that he had discovered the secret of perpetual motion. Startling new evidence supports his claims. Did he, like the Wright Brothers, employ a physical principle unknown to orthodox science to achieve the 'impossible?'
n/a 3.00 n/a
Achmed Khammas - Das Buch der Synergie
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden alle Systeme der Erneuerbaren Energie aus Praxis und Forschung vorgestellt, ebenso ihre Geschichte und ihre Entwicklungen, der Grad ihrer tatsächlichen Anwendungen und ihre Grenzen. Außerdem wird eine Datenbank veröffentlicht, eine Übersicht über mehrere Hundert Erfindungen auf dem Energies***r bietet, bislang noch keinen Zugang in öffentliche Diskussion um Alternativen auf dem Energies***r gefunden haben. Das 'Synergetische Modell' wird ausführlich dargestellt.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Mangá, anime, cosplay e live-action - Henshin!
Henshin! O seu portal sobre mangá, anime, cinema, tokusatsu e j-pop.
n/a 3.00 n/a
::: Anime Tengoku ::: Não basta só falar, é preciso agir
Anime Tengoku
n/a 3.00 n/a
Anime Virtual jest miedzynarodowa firma zajmujaca sie wydawaniem i dystrybucja film�w anime na DVD. Firma dziala w Polsce, Niemczech, Austrii, Szwajcarii, w krajach skandynawskich. Asortyment oferowanych film�w anime jest bardzo bogaty � od serii �G-Taste�, przez thriller psychologiczny �Paranoia Agent�, do ambitnego kina japonskiego prezentowanego w filmie Boso przez Hiroszime. Oferta firmy jest stale rozszerzana.
n/a 3.00 n/a
Anime Virtual ist der größte Verleger und Vertrieb von Anime-Manga-DVDs in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Anime Virtual hat über 300 verschiedene Titel im Angebot und vertreibt zusätzlich Fremdprodukte von ADV Films, Universum, Carlsen und Anime House, wie Neon Genesis Evangelion, Full Metal Panic, Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland und Elfenlied. Anime Virtual Webseite Website verfügt über ein eigenes Internetforum und einen Webshop.
n/a 3.00 n/a
D.G. Leahy - The New Universal Consciousness
The relation of the new trinary logic to ordinary mathematics, in the context of a new form of thought transcending the distinctions between philosophy and theology, and science and life
n/a 3.00 n/a
Download animes anime naruto onepiece naruto shippuden tokusatsu,episodio episodios
n/a 3.00 n/a
Worldscinet gives you the chance to read, search, browse journals online from news and chaos to physics journals and more.
n/a 3.00 n/a
¥Õ¥Ã¥È¥µ¥ëÍÑÉÊ¡¡¥µ¥Ã¥«¡¼ÍÑÉÊ ÄÌÈΡ¡¡Úquebra¡Û
¥Õ¥Ã¥È¥µ¥ëÍÑÉÊ ¥µ¥Ã¥«¡¼ÍÑÉÊ ÄÌÈÎ quebra
n/a 3.00 n/a
Mahag Verlag
Das Prinzip des Seins präsentiert eine sensationell neue und einfache Methode des Weltverständnisses. Bislang ungelöste Rätsel der Wissenschaft, wie Gravitation, Planetenabstände, Magnetismus oder das Leben selbst werden plötzlich erklärbar!
n/a 3.00 n/a
n/a 0.00 n/a
Hundreds of introductory and general physics problems are solved with a full explanation. All of them collected from previous US final physics exams.
n/a 0.00 n/a
Astro Corner - astrocorner.de
Astro Corner - Aktuelle Informationen, News und Wissen aus Astronomie und Raumfahrt
n/a 0.00 n/a
AMOR YAOI, fanfics en español
Yaoi y shonen-ai en español; pagina web en españo, sobre el genero manga yaoi. Con imagenes, scans, doujinshis, fanfics,...
n/a 3.00 n/a
Creative Agency | Gravitation | United States
Gravitation is a creative agency in Fort Collins that is a coalescing of graphic design, animation, video, branding, and content development.
n/a 0.00 n/a