'Dhl history' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Dhl history'

Bounce ratePages / VisitVisit duration
Global Logistics | International Shipping | DHL | United States of America
DHL is the global leader in the logistics industry. Specializing in international shipping, courier services and transportation.
50.78 2.20 39:21
Global Logistics | International Shipping | DHL | Australia
DHL is the global market leader in international express, overland transport and air freight. It is also the world's number 1 in ocean freight and contract logistics. DHL offers a full range of customised solutions - from express do***ent shipping to supply chain management. more ... Useful facts and figures for the global DHL Network. ... The latest press releases, press contacts and media materials. ... Accepting our responsibilities for people, the planet and for future generations. ...
DHL is the global leader in the logistics industry. Specializing in international shipping, courier services and transportation.
n/a 2.00 n/a
DHL | Italia | Italiano
Effettua consegne e trasporti in tutto il mondo; informazioni sulla società, prodotti e servizi, controllo dello stato delle spedizioni online e Faq.
DHL è il leader mondiale nel settore della logistica. DHL è specializzata nella gestione di spedizioni espresso, nella movimentazione di merci via aerea e via mare, nel trasporto terrestre (su gomma, ferrovia e intermodale), nella contract logistics e nei servizi postali inter***onali.
n/a 2.67 n/a
DHL | 日本 | 日本語
n/a 2.50 n/a
DHL | Hong Kong | English
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers.
n/a 2.60 n/a
DHL | United Kingdom | English
DHL is the world’s leading logistics company. Our 380,000 people in over 220 countries and territories work every day to help you cross borders, reach new markets and grow your business.
55.98 2.79 09:54
DHL | India | English
Number One in express and logistics ?DHL is the global market leader in international express, overland transport and air freight. It is also the world's number 1 in ocean freight and contract logistics. DHL offers a full range of customised solutions - from express do***ent shipping to supply chain management.? ... Useful facts and figures for the global DHL Network. ... The latest press releases, press contacts and media materials. ...
n/a 1.30 n/a
DHL | Singapore | English
DHL is the global market leader in international express, overland transport and air freight. It is also the world's number 1 in ocean freight and contract logistics. DHL offers a full range of customised solutions - from express do***ent shipping to supply chain management. ... The latest press releases, press contacts and media materials. ... Useful facts and figures for the global DHL Network. ... Accepting our responsibilities for people, the planet and for future generations. ...
n/a 1.90 n/a
DHL | България | Български
DHL е световен лидер в логистичната индустрия. DHL предоставя на своите клиенти опита си в транспортирането на международни експресни пратки и колети, въздушното и морско карго, договорната логистика и международните пощенски услуги.
n/a 2.70 n/a
DHL | Türkiye | Türkçe
Havayolu,denizyolu kara ve demiryolu kargo taşımacılığı hizmeti veren firma.
DHL lojistik sektöründe dünya lideridir. DHL müşterilerine, uluslararası paket, ekspres, hava ve deniz taşımacılığı, karayolu ve demiryolu taşımacılığı, kontrat lojistiği ve uluslararası posta hizmetleri alanlarında uzmanlığını sunmayı taahhüt eder.
n/a 3.92 n/a
DHL | Canada | English
Canadian division of multi-national courier, freight, logistics and shipping service. Includes shipment tracking, supply ordering, package pickup, delivery rescheduling, and pricing.
39.35 1.50 04:46
DHL | Saudi Arabia | English
DHL is the global market leader in international express, air and ocean freight, overland transport and logistics. With annual revenues of nearly EUR 24.5 billion in 2004, DHL offers innovative and customised solutions from a single source. ... The latest press releases, press contacts and media materials. ... Useful facts and figures for the global DHL Network. ... Working for the good of the communities in which we live and operate. ...
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers.
n/a 2.20 n/a
DHL | 한국 | 한국어
n/a 2.20 n/a
DHL | Suomi | Suomeksi
DHL on maailman johtava logistiikka-alan yritys. DHL:n asiantuntemus on käytössäsi kansainvälisissä pakettikuljetuksissa, pikakuljetuksissa, lento- ja merirahdissa, maakuljetuksissa, sopimuslogistiikan ratkaisuissa sekä kansainvälisissä postipalveluissa.
n/a 2.30 n/a
DHL | South Africa | English
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers.
n/a 2.30 n/a
DHL | Indonesia | Bahasa Indonesia
DHL adalah pemimpin pasar global dalam industri logistik. DHL melakukan keahliannya dalam bidang paket internasional, cepat/ekspres, angkutan udara dan laut, jalan dan transportasi kereta api, logistik kontrak serta layanan surat internasional kepada para pelanggannya.
n/a 2.50 n/a
DHL | United Arab Emirates | English
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers.
n/a 2.20 n/a
DHL | ישראל | עברית
DHL היא החברה המובילה בתחום הלוגיסטיקה בשוק הגלובלי. DHL מומחית במשלוחים בינלאומיים באקספרס, הובלה אווירית, ימית וקרקעית (כבישים ורכבות), כמו גם בשירותי דואר ומחויבת ללקוחותיה במתן שירות בסטנדרטים בינלאומיים.
n/a 2.50 n/a
DHL | Vietnam | Tiếng Việt
DHL là công ty hàng đầu thế giới trong ngành giao nhận vận tải. DHL cam kết tính chuyên nghiệp trong gửi hàng quốc tế, chuyển phát bằng đường không, đường thuỷ, đường bộ và đường sắt, các giải pháp vận chuyển hàng hóa theo hợp đồng và dịch vụ bưu chính quốc tế đến với khách hàng.
33.14 3.30 03:55
DHL | ประเทศไทย | ภาษาไทย
Arranges overseas shipments, freights, and supply chain. [Thai, English]
35.67 2.30 02:25
DHL | Iran | English
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers.
n/a 2.40 n/a
DHL | Eesti | Eesti
DHL on ülemaailmne turuliider logistika valdkonnas. DHL jagab oma teadmisi klientidega rahvusvaheliste ekspress saadetiste, õhu- ja mereveonduse, maantee- ja raudteetranspordi, lepingulise logistika ja rahvusvahelise postiteenuse valdkonnas.
n/a 3.20 n/a
DHL | Oman | English
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers.
n/a 2.10 n/a
DHL | Slovensko | Slovenčina
DHL je globálnym lídrom na trhu logistiky. Za značkou DHL stoja skúsenosti v medzinárodnej preprave balíkov, expresnej leteckej a námornej, cestnej a železničnej doprave.Svojim zákazníkom poskytuje expertnú zmluvnú logistiku a medzinárodné poštové služby.
n/a 3.60 n/a
DHL | Bahrain | English
For further inquiries, call the DHL customer service hotlines in Umm AI Hassam 1772 3636 and Seef 17 328 328 or visit the website at www.dhl.com ©2008
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers.
8.57 2.50 03:48
DHL | Ireland | English
DHL offer international express deliveries and global freight forwarding by air, sea, road and rail.
n/a 1.00 n/a
DHL | Ghana | English
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers.
21.68 1.70 08:02
DHL | Ethiopia | English
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers.
n/a 2.90 n/a
DHL | Luxembourg | English
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry. DHL commits its expertise in international parcel, express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers.
n/a 1.70 n/a
DHL | Ísland | Íslenska
DHL er leiðandi afl í flutningum á heimsvísu. Viðskiptavinir DHL njóta sérþekkingar okkar á alþjóðlegum hraðsendingum, flug- og sjófrakt, landflutningum, alhliða fraktlausnum og póstþjónustu.
n/a 2.60 n/a