'Cost-effective' trends

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Law firm with more than 550 lawyers and twelve offices located throughout the mid-Atlantic corridor and the western United States.
401 (k), 403 (b), 409A, 501 (c) (3) Bonds, 501 (c) (3) charities, ABCs of arbitrage, accessibility, accountants, Accounting and Professional Liability, accounting firms, accounting industry, accounting liability, Achievement, Acquisitions, ADA, Added Value, administrative search warrants, advance refundings, Affinity Groups, Affirmative action, Affordable, Affordable Health Choices Act, Agreements and Transactions, AHCA, air quality permits, Alerts & Publications, Alternative Dispute Resolution, alternative dispute resolution programs, alternative energy, Alumni, American Bankruptcy Institute, American Bar Association, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, amicus briefs, Angel and Venture Capital Investments, Anti kickback, anti-discrimination, Antitrust, Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, antitrust implications, appeals, Appellate, appellate courts, appellate lawyers, appellate practice, Arbitration clause, arbitration programs, Arms Export Control Act, ARRA, Articles, Asset Management, Asset-Backed Securitization, Associate, Atlanta, Attorneys, audit, audit committee, avoid litigation, bad faith, Bad Faith Defense, Ballard Spahr, Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, Ballard Spahr is a national firm with more than 650 lawyers in 15 offices in the United States. The firm combines a national scope of practice with strong regional market knowledge in litigation, business and finance, real estate, intellectual property, and public finance. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, financial institutions, life sciences and technology companies, health systems, investors and developers, government agencies and sponsored enterprises, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations., Ballard Spahr Stillman & Friedman LLP, Ballard Women, Baltimore, Bank Regulation, banking law, Bankruptcy, Reorganization and Capital Recovery, Beneficiaries, benefit plans, Bethesda, bio energy, Bioinformatics, biomass energy, biotechnology, bond counsel, bond lawyers, Bonds, borrower's counsel, brand strategies, Branding Services, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, breach response, Broadband, Broadcast, Brochures, brownfield redevelopment, Brownfield Redevelopment, build america bonds, Business and Finance, business dispute, Business Intelligence, business torts, carbon dioxide emissions, Careers, CCRC Financings and workouts, CFPB, change of control, Chapter 11, charitable solicitation registration requirements, charitable solicitations, Children's Health Insurance Program, civil antitrust cases, civil false claims, Civil False Claims Act, civil fraud, civil lawsuits, class action, class action defense, class action litigation, Clean Air Act, clean energy, Clerkship, Client Needs, Client Value, Client Value Program, climate change, Climate Change and Alternative Energy, Climate Change and Sustainability, CMBS Loan Origination, collections, collective bargaining, commercial, commercial litigation, commercial litigators, Commerical Leasing, Commerical Loan Servicing, common law fraud, Communication and Feedback, Communications, communications law, communications technology, Community, company acquisitions, Company and Institutional Investments, Compensation and Benefits, Compensation committee, Complex Commercial Litigation, compliance programs, Construction, Construction Dispute Resolution, construction litigation, construction processes, Consumer, consumer arbitration programs, consumer class action, Consumer Class Action Litigation, consumer credit, Consumer Financial Services, consumer protection, Contamination and Superfund, contract interference, contract recoveries, contract recovery, contractual disputes, copyright infringement, Copyright Portfolios, copyrights, Corporate Compliance and Investigations, Corporate Counseling, corporate governance, Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation, corporate governance issues, corporate law, corporate restructuring, corporate risk, cost recoveries, Cost-Effective, Counsel, Credit Rating Agencies, credit reporting, criminal antitrust, criminal antitrust cases, criminal cases, criminal defense, criminal proceedings, criminal tax matters, Crowdfunding, Current Opportunities, Customs Border Protection, cybersecurity, cybersquatting, data breach, Data Management, data privacy, data security, Daubert, deals, debarment, debt collection, debt management, deep bench, defeating class certification, Delaware, Denver, Department of Commerce, derivative lawsuits, Derivatives, discrimination, Discrimination and Unlawful Discharge, dismissal, dispute resolution, distressed debt acquisition, Distressed Real Estate, distribution arrangements, Diversity, Diversity Committee, Dodd Frank, Dodd-Frank Act, DOJ, E-verify, EB-5, e-commerce, Economic Stabilization and Recovery, E-Discovery, EEOC, EFCA, Electric Natural Gas Trading and Contracting, Electric Regulation, Emerging Growth and Venture Capital, Eminent Domain, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation, Employee Free Choice Act, EMTALA, energy, energy and gas, Energy and Project Finance, energy conservation, energy efficiency, Energy Industry Finance, Energy Performance Contracting, Energy Projects, energy speakers, energy tax credit, Energy Tax Incentive, Enforcement and Corporate Governance Litigation, Entertainment and Media, Environment and Natural Resources, Environmental, environmental crimes, environmental energy, environmental remediation, Equity, ERISA, Evaluation and Advancement, Events, Events & News, excess benefit transactions, exclusion proceedings, Executive Compensation, executive compensation tax, Exempt Organizations, Experience, Export regulations, export violations, Facility Development and Operations, failing to design, Fair Housing Act, Fair Lending, False Claims Act, False Claims Act litigation, false securities filings, Family and Medical Leave Act, Family Wealth Management, Fannie Mae, FAQs, Fashion, fashion financing, FCC, FCPA - foreign corrupt practices act, FCRA, FDIC, federal and state appellate courts, federal and state nonprofit tax, federal banking, Federal Bankruptcy Court, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Court of Appeals, Federal District Court, federal fair housing, Federal Trade Commission, FERPA, FHA, fidelity, fiduciary duty, Fiduciary Litigation, Financial, financial fraud, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Financial Institutions Reform, Financial Reform, FINRA, Fintech, Firm Facts, first impression, FLSA, FMLA, Focus on Clients, Foreign Corrupt Practices, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Foreign Investment, Foreign joint ventures, Foreign technology and data transfers, Form 990 and IRS compliance, formal tax opinions, foundation administration, Franchise and Distribution, franchise frees, fraud, Freddie Mac, Frye, FTC, fund formation, gas energy, Gas Regulation, geothermal energy, gift and estate taxes, GLBA, GNMA, government investigations, government procurement fraud, government relations, Government Relations, Regulatory Affairs and Contracting, Governmental Bonds, governmental investigation, Government-Assisted Housing, Graduate student organizing, Green, green building, green energy, grievance arbitrations, handicapped accessibility laws, harassment, Hart-Scott-Rodino Act, health and welfare, Health Care, Health Care Finance, health care fraud, Health Care Reform, Hedge Fund, high-stakes appeals, high-stakes matters, Higher Education, High-Rise Office Development and Leasing, HIPPA, Historic Tax Credit Practice, HMO, HOPE VI, Housing, housing bonds, HUD, Hydro Regulation, I-9, Immigration, Import regulations, import violations, Independent and Parochial and Charter School Financings, Industrial and Warehouse Development, Industry, Industry Focus and Business A***en, Information Security, Information Technology, infrastructure, infringement opinions, Initiative, INS, insider trading, Insurance, Insurance Brokerage, Insurance Company and Institutional Investments, Insurance coverage, Insurer Insolvencies, Intellectual Property, intellectual property due diligence, intellectual property litiga
n/a 4.70 n/a
Property Management Software & Asset Management Solutions | Yardi Systems
Property management software for multifamily, affordable, senior housing and commercial real estate industries. The leading provider of real estate investment management software.
n/a 2.50 n/a
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP is a full-service law firm known for trying bet-the-company cases and negotiating deals that shape our corporate landscape. Our 175 lawyers represent clients in a broad range of complex and high-profile matters in the areas of corporate, litigation, employment, real estate, tax and bankruptcy.
n/a 2.70 n/a
Welcome. Echo Media is your one-stop, full service print media agency. Our knowledge and experience coupled with 13,870 print media vehicles enable us to provide our clients with the most efficient, cost-effective marketing opportunities that build brands and grow business. Whether targeting niche market segments or saturating markets on a broad scale level, we help Direct Response, Retail, Consumer Packaged Goods and Brand marketers successfully reach their targets, increase response rates and maximize return on investment. Echo Media V3 Print Media Experts
n/a 1.40 n/a
EasyQuote.ie Online Value Car, Health, Home, Business, Commercial and Professional Insurance Ireland
n/a 3.40 n/a
Patterson Pump Company
Patterson’s energy-efficient, Fire pumps, HVAC pumps, Muni***l pumps, Plumbing, and accessories provide sustainable, highly-engineered & flexible HVAC solutions for commercial, residential and industrial installations worldwide with fast delivery.
n/a 2.90 n/a
Scott+Scott, LLP represents institutional investors, public and private companies, as well as individuals, in complex litigation. We have a significant national practice in antitrust, corporate governance, securities, civil rights and employment litigation.
n/a 3.90 n/a
Nyloplast Engineered Drainage Structures | Nyloplast offers the smartest, toughest, most cost-effective drainage structures available.
Our highly durable and flexible solutions PVC drainage structures are custom built to any application: smart, tough, and cost-effective.
n/a 3.80 n/a
Sonork EIM - Secure Enterprise Instant Messaging for Business and Organizations
Enterprise Instant Messaging
Sonork is a secure enterprise instant messaging suite for businesses and organizations based on the advanced localization, presence detection, and data transfer features of the Sonork server engine, and is also ideal for educational use and for companies needing to comply with HIPAA and SEC regulations.
n/a 1.90 n/a
We-Test: Crowd/Functional/Usability/Performance/Software Testing
Test your website or app, from anywhere, using our On-Demand crowd testing platform. The most efficient and cost-effective test platform for functional, usability and performance testing.
n/a 3.90 n/a
Learning at Home
Learning at Home at your own pace, independently or with the help of your tutor, is a flexible, cost-effective, way to improve your prospects, your career, and your income. Choosing and enrolling on your home study - distance learning course with Learning at Home gives a great choice of the best courses available on one easy to navigate website, and a simple and trouble free enrolment at highly competitive course fees.
n/a 6.00 n/a
Easyfairs Group - A journey into the future of events
La société organise dans le monde entier, à travers un réseau de filiales implantées à l’international, des salons professionnels. Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Bruxelles-Capitale.
Easyfairs gives communities a vision of their future, providing the tools & knowledge needed to face this future with confidence, offering a positive and potentially life-changing experience while fostering connections
n/a 1.00 n/a
Wi-Fi & Bluetooth MCUs and AIoT Solutions I Espressif Systems
Espressif Systems (688018.SH) is a public multinational, fabless semiconductor company established in 2008, with offices in China, the Czech Republic, India, Singapore and Brazil. We have a passionate team of engineers and scientists from all over the world, focused on developing cutting-edge Wi-Fi-and-Bluetooth, low-power, AIoT solutions.
45.16 3.74 05:06
Vending Machines | Manchester Vending Services | www.ManVend.com
Call 0161 945 2020 for ★ Vending Machines and Services ★ from a company that has championed innovation for over 40 years.
n/a 1.10 n/a
Managed Services and Cloud Solutions | Coretek
Managed cloud services and future-ready cloud solutions for businesses worldwide.
58.63 4.31 15:29
Eteach Blog | Be a part of the conversation
n/a 1.00 n/a
Factori.com: Factory for the World - Your Trusted B2B Sourcing Partner
Source high-quality products from India's top manufacturers with Factori.com. We are the B2B sourcing partner of choice for businesses across the globe, offering swift, reliable, and cost-effective procurement solutions.
44.98 3.82 02:54
| Optimizing Warehouse Performance
As consultants and systems integrators, we can provide: Design, Engineering, Software, Installation, Integration services, Materials handling consulting.
48.66 2.34 00:43
Donworth & Co - offer a complete range of office furniture and stationery. We provide a total turnkey service for offices fit-outs including space planning, Space auditing and layout design and installation.
n/a 2.00 n/a
I-riseup.com | Cost-effective Business solutions
When you choose Filipinos to work with you on projects that require the utmost creativity, you can sit tight and expect unparalleled results.
n/a 1.10 n/a
PDG Partners | Software Development
PDG Partners is provider of global software development startup partnering, outsourcing, headhunting and recruiting services.
n/a 1.00 n/a
Fetchh, Last mile, on-demand and reverse logistics – all in one unified and seamless platform
n/a 1.00 n/a
Innovative Telecom Solutions | Defne
Defne’s revenue generating VAS solutions enable mobile operators to monetize every potential connection beyond limits while enhancing subscriber experience.
n/a 1.80 n/a
Freitas, McCarthy, MacMahon & Keating, LLP - Providing Legal Services to the Greater Bay Area for over 85 years
For over 85 years, Freitas, McCarthy, MacMahon & Keating, LLP has been recognized for its unparalleled expertise and representation of its clients. Since 1925, Freitas, McCarthy, MacMahon & Keating, LLP has grown from a small, local practice to a strategically situated firm capable of serving our clients' needs in the greater Bay Area and beyond. We are known for the depth of our resources and experience in almost every area of law.
n/a 2.00 n/a
Dotworks. The Leaders in the Graphic Arts Industry.
100.00 1.00 n/a
Kuvio Interior Design Studio, Bangalore- Home, Office, Retail, House, Villa
Providing modern interiors, contemporary interiors, ethnic interiors, traditional interiors for RESIDENTIAL: house, flat, villa, bungalow; COMMERCIAL: office, restaurant, showroom, retail, leisure in Bangalore area.
n/a 1.30 n/a
Urban Spoon Catering
Edenvale Catering Company
100.00 1.00 n/a
Get Divorced Quickly and Affordably with Irish Divorce Services | Court-Approved Forms | Expert Support
Our divorce management service provides a fast and cost-effective solution to get divorced in Ireland. Our app prepares court forms according to the latest rules in various counties, sends reminders via SMS and email, and offers expert telephone support. With step-by-step guidance and interactive instructions, you can complete the procedure with ease. Avoid the high costs of a solicitor and the lengthy process of free legal aid. Choose our service and get divorced quickly and affordably.
46.89 1.39 03:14
Your Local Solar Experts - SunPeople Solar
Servicing the Illawarra, South Coast, and Southern Highlands. Our solar experts and solar installers are the right people for your next solar and battery.
47.02 1.03 n/a
Scaffolding Singapore - Company, Contractor, Supplier | Kim Sing Scaffolding Pte Ltd
Kim Sing Scaffold is a scaffolding in Singapore company that is a MOM-approved contractor for residential and commercial projects. Contact us now.
100.00 1.00 n/a