'Asfa' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Asfa'

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n/a 2.80 n/a
Senior Fitness: American Senior Fitness ociation, the leader in older fitness education and certification, senior exercise, aging and exercise
Provides senior specific fitness training, certification and resources for exercise professionals who serve older ***s as well as fitness information and tips for *** exercisers.
Senior exercise information, senior fitness education and advanced senior fitness qualification from the American Senior Fitness Association. Your source for exercise, aging and wellness resources for exercise instructors older ***s and the program developers who serve them. SFA is also a primary internet resource for elderly exercise parti***nts. SFA programs include senior personal trainer, senior fitness instructor and long term care fitness leader. Distance certification is available. The SFA also publishes *** Fitness magazine, a number of articles of which have been selected for this website. Subscription to *** Fitness magazine is available with or without membership in SFA.
n/a 1.30 n/a
n/a 1.80 n/a
Parallels H-Sphere Account has been suspended
Pro-family, Pro-justice, Pro-freedom, Parenting Information, Legal Self-Defense, Family Interest News
n/a 1.00 n/a
日本專利技術, 日本暢銷產品, 國際權威認證, 高效消毒殺菌, 能有效殺死99.999%病毒及細菌, 淨化空氣, 瞬間根源除味, 不含酒精、香料及添加劑, pH值為接近中性, 真正對人體高度親和無刺激。 主要成份為非電解次氯酸水, 高穩定度且保存期長。 使用簡單方便, 直接噴灑於空氣、雙手或物件表面,無需稀釋或過水。 日本革命性科研技術, 改變人類生活習慣, ASFA分子消毒噴霧在日本商業應用市場佔有率排第一位。
41.94 1.06 00:36
Parallels H-Sphere Account has been suspended
Pro-family, Pro-justice, Pro-freedom, Parenting Information, Legal Self-Defense, Family Interest News
n/a 3.00 n/a