'Adolescent girls' trends

Domains containing the tag 'Adolescent girls'

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Department of Women and Child Development,Karnataka
Includes details of programmes, statistics and budgets.
Department of women and child development Karnataka
17.86 2.50 02:49
Rosh Hodesh: A Program for Jewish Girls
Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl Thing! is a values-based, experiential and transdenominational Jewish program for pre-teen and teenage girls. The monthly program aims to strengthen the self-esteem and Jewish identity of girls in grades 6-12 through fun and engaging activities. It's a Girl Thing! institutional partners – JCCs, synagogues and day schools of all denominations – operate groups for girls across North America. It's a Girl Thing! will grow to include a program for girls preparing for their Bat Mitzvah, as well as a leadership track for high school girls.
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Papá en apuros. Papà incasinati - Ser papá hoy. De la neuropediatría al niño real (un blog italoespañol). Essere padre oggi. Dalle neuroscienze alla realtà (un blog italospagnolo)
Crianza y desarrollo del niño desde la perspectiva de un papá neuropediatra
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