Don't think there will be a physical fight. The DEV said "Under no circumstance, will Eric physically harm Max." I assume the opposite is also true. However, you can get rid of Eric in the next update.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo....... I'm keeping Eric.
NOOOooooooooooooooooooo...... (EVIL Scum) Eric, the Oatmeal Raisin Cookie lover NEEDS to feel the VIOLENCE of a swift kick to the.....
Ok, time to comment on the last update. Overall good progress HAS been made. The relationships with Lisa, Alice, and Kira are moving ahead nicely.
I STILL don't know what is REQUIRED for the 'long' route to remove the MONSTER known as Eric though. Yes, short route is WAR, and we have the 'Friendship' path, but we do NOT know if the longer removal will require WAR or PEACE. I would also like to know what I can avoid, as I do NOT want to watch the (EVIL Scum) MONSTER.
Currently one BIG issue is the lack of progress between Max and Ann/Mom. I do NOT mean that there needs to be any romance (or SEXY fun) yet, but there NEEDS to be progress in their relationship SOON. At this point there are very few interactions, and no REAL growth in relationship. Yes, She is seeing (EVIL Scum) Eric, but there should at least be SOME times where she and Max can talk a bit more. It is getting to the point that a reasonable change from watching a show together once a week, to SEXY fun will be difficult to believe/fit into the story. I have said (typed) it before, but helping with meal preparation and swimming scenes may be a way to help this relationship grow.
So, good update with some bits that need to be added. Relationships with all except Ann/Mom are improving (though we need to find NON-Alcoholic ways to get closer to Alice). For me, clearer indicators of the different paths and what is needed (and AVOIDABLE) would be good. The lack of Chocolate Chip Cookies is also becoming an issue (add them Darn it... PLEASE).
I'll do a HUGE wish-list later.

So far GOOD work
Aleksey90 .

Just a thought.