Top 10 MUST Play Board Games for Two Players!

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025

Комментарии • 76

  • @WhereMyMeepsAt
    @WhereMyMeepsAt 15 дней назад +2

    Let’s Get It!!! Love your style. Keep it up. Love this list specifically cause I play mostly with my wife. So just two!

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  14 дней назад +2

      Awesome! Thank you, I'm the same although my 9 year old plays with us loads more recently and is starting to understand more complex games so its really fun playing with him now too! Glad you liked the episode :D

    • @WhereMyMeepsAt
      @WhereMyMeepsAt 14 дней назад

      @ Love that. My oldest is 5 so I’ve got a few years for that!!

  • @jasonsmen5533
    @jasonsmen5533 26 дней назад +3

    I stumbled on your channel and really enjoyed the video. Subscribed and look forward to more of your content. Big fan of the two player experience and while I have many on the list, there were a couple I need to investigate further

  • @adityarajivratnam6863
    @adityarajivratnam6863 27 дней назад +3

    Hadn't heard for No. 2 - Chu Han. Great list. Love Sail - 2p coop tricktaking. Subscribed.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  27 дней назад +1

      Glad you found something! i've never tried sail it does look fun!! Thankyou for the sub

  • @ingvarrunar90
    @ingvarrunar90 28 дней назад +3

    love the little easter egg on min 13:08 got yourself a subscriber

  • @ThunderCanyon
    @ThunderCanyon 29 дней назад +6

    Chu Han looks awesome. Thanks for the rec.

  • @maevecostello2629
    @maevecostello2629 27 дней назад +2

    Ooh thank you! My husband and I are huge gamers and have game nights with our friends every other week as well, and we just had a baby 3 weeks ago so we’re looking forward to game nights as a family in the future too. Cool channel!

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  27 дней назад +1

      We have a 1 year old and an 8 year old so know the pain of having time to ourselves gaming is one of the few outlets thats our time! my channel will resonate with you as we lead similar lives!

  • @RomanPapush
    @RomanPapush Месяц назад +5

    I've watched a ton of these videos, but your Top-10 is the closest one to my tastes. I am afraid to look at my wishlist now...
    Although I haven't played much on your list, I'd like to add a couple of my favorites at the moment. I love (and I believe you do too) minimalism in design, the deceptively simple games which manage to do a lot with little.
    First one is the popular "Jaipur", a great quick and easy game with vibrant art and pieces.
    Then, in my opinion, the severely underappreciated "Codex Naturalis" - such a big "game" packed into such a small box, beautiful art, easy to teach, but offers a lot in terms of decision-making.
    And the last one is "Radlands", which while still coming in a tiny box, packs a huge game. This one is a bit weightier than the previous ones, but offers tons of replayability, and like the others, has amazing art and feel to the game.
    You've got a new sub, cheers!

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  Месяц назад +2

      Oh I'm lookingat Codex Natualis right now, it looks like a great game! thanks for the recommendation
      I absolutley adore Jaipur and would easily be my number 11th or 12th! Such a great game,

  • @brucebush5744
    @brucebush5744 28 дней назад +2

    I do love a good 2 player game - and now have more to track down, thanks.
    A couple of my favourites are
    - Paris, La Citie de la Lumiere - polyominos on a shared board, so sort of like aggressive Patchwork.
    - Marabunta - a genius little combination of roll & write, area control, and I split you choose.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  28 дней назад +1

      Both of these sound awesome and will be looking them up!

  • @Ruth-cn5xd
    @Ruth-cn5xd 26 дней назад +2

    Great video, thank you! I left a subscription! 😊

  • @michaelbudden4799
    @michaelbudden4799 28 дней назад +3

    Great selection! Personally, I would put original Splendor ahead of the duel version but I realise I’m probably in the minority there. Loved the praise for Patchwork, Fields of Arle and Uwe in general. He is also my favourite designer and those two games are in my all time top ten (along with two or three other of Rosenberg’s designs!). Have you played Oranienberger Kanal? It had a very small print run (Spielworxx) but is being reprinted as Kanal by a French company for (hopefully) wider distribution. Anyway, it’s awesome.
    P.S. You’re spot on about Chu Han too. Why the lack of buzz? It’s excellent.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  28 дней назад +1

      Sounds like we'd have a good time gaming together! I really want to try Kanal but was unable to get a copy I would buy it right away if it does get a reprint. I was unware it might be getting one so thanks for sharing the info!

  • @marionpaul01
    @marionpaul01 27 дней назад +2

    I am French so I apologise for my English ! Is this your first video ? Great selection et dynamic 👌 can’t wait to see more of your videos ! I already subscribe !

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  27 дней назад +2

      you have nothing to apologise for, thankyou so much for the sub! If it helps my english is also awful!

  • @Kramek63
    @Kramek63 27 дней назад +1

    Nice list, my wife and I play and love several of these games such as Sky team, Patchwork, Beer and Bread, etc. Chu Han, I've heard of but not very familiar with it. I love Uwe Rosenberg games, I still haven't gotten Fields of Arle but its on my list to get. At the gates of Loyang is a great game from him at 2 players.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  26 дней назад

      Gates of loyang is amazing! on this list I was only looking at 2 player only games, to be honest it would of been easy to do a top 10 2 player Uwe games I love him so much!!!!

  • @The_Darzo
    @The_Darzo Месяц назад +4

    A few on here are on my shopping list now, thanks. Warchest will always be my favorite 2 player game though, with Onitama being a close second.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  Месяц назад +1

      I really enjoy playing Onitama but my wife (isn't the biggest fan) It means I don't get to play it much, if I did I have a feeling it would be pretty high on the list!

  • @clvrswine
    @clvrswine Месяц назад +5

    Nice to see Beer and Bread. Do consider Babel (2000 or 2013 version). War Chest is also fantastic.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  Месяц назад +2

      War chest is bloomin' brilliant. I absolutely love David Thompson

  • @SoS88T
    @SoS88T Месяц назад +4

    Loved this video! Chu Han sounds like a great find- need to check it out.
    Keep up the fresh content!

  • @glennwilson3045
    @glennwilson3045 29 дней назад +1

    This is an excellent first video! The shots of the games were really well done and a great selection to boot. Looking forward to the next one. Cheers

  • @ChitsandCardboard
    @ChitsandCardboard 29 дней назад +2

    What a great first video :) excited to see what you do! Subbed.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  29 дней назад +1

      Much appreciated! I just checked out your channel aswell! Great stuff

    • @ChitsandCardboard
      @ChitsandCardboard 28 дней назад

      @@RollWithItBG too kind!

  • @TheOloorlik
    @TheOloorlik 29 дней назад +1

    Great video! I would also recommend Targi as a tight game. Crown of Emara is also worth checking out, and I think The White Castle is fantastic for two players despite recent news about a Duel version of it coming in the future.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  29 дней назад

      Thanks for the tips!, with this video I was only focusing on 2 player only games! Some of my favourite 2 player games of all time play more than two! For example I absolutely adore five tribes!

  • @Geeky_Anja
    @Geeky_Anja 29 дней назад +1

    Great list! And love your energy!

  • @saraschraeder3447
    @saraschraeder3447 Месяц назад +2

    I love this! Gives me a reference for buying gifts for my grown children and my grandchildren. But, what I love to do is give my son gifts of puzzles and games for his local Brewery! They do game nights and puzzle games. My grown daughters love the puzzles that have mysteries in them, if you know of any of those, that would be helpful for me. Loved cruising with you and now I get to watch you on You Tube!!!!

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  Месяц назад

      Aww that’s awesome!!
      You should look at The Exit game series as well as Unlock for a good mystery game!

    • @jonathanpickles2946
      @jonathanpickles2946 29 дней назад +1

      Mysterium maybe - it's definitely a mystery & has sort of cryptic crossword vibes. It's cooperative too.

  • @dylancoyle
    @dylancoyle 29 дней назад +1

    RUclips alerted me to your video and I forgot I subbed and rang the bell to it, but then I realized I didn't yet, RUclips is just promoting you straight into my feed! Happy they did! Hope to see more videos soon!!

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  29 дней назад +1

      I’ll upload a video around every 10 days!

    • @dylancoyle
      @dylancoyle 29 дней назад +2

      @@RollWithItBG Awesome! You could also cut up your top tens into ten shorts to 10x your content without much extra work. ;)

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  29 дней назад

      @@dylancoyle Appreciate the tip, what a great idea!!!

  • @rossiboy3000
    @rossiboy3000 29 дней назад +2

    Nice vid mate good choices

  • @TheMohawkMatt
    @TheMohawkMatt Месяц назад +2

    nice list! for me I’d have to add Radlands, RUN, Santorini and maybe Lost Cities.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  Месяц назад +1

      Good choices! I've never heard of run before will check it out!

    • @TheMohawkMatt
      @TheMohawkMatt 28 дней назад +1

      ​@@RollWithItBG it’s very fun if you like hidden movement. quick game, easy rules, always feels tense like the bad guy is only one step ahead of the cop and could get caught at any moment. comes with quite a few different maps too, which each have their own rules. plus secret envelopes that you upgrade as you get better at each role, so tonnes of replayability! almost always gotta play two games in a row cos it’s fun being both sides :)

  • @Taunt61
    @Taunt61 Месяц назад +3

    Nice video. Can't believe you own that hideous americana edition, though. Both the classic and the nordic designs look just beautiful and look like quilts first of all.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  Месяц назад +2

      Totally agree, Its really ugly but it was on sale for like $8 dollars!

    • @Taunt61
      @Taunt61 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@RollWithItBG i wonder why :D again great video brother, might try out the plane flying game and fields of arle seems up my alley, too (agricola top 3 for me).

    • @Milkysragdolls
      @Milkysragdolls Месяц назад

      @@Taunt61haha thanks pal!
      They are both great games. I absolutely love Agricola. Amazing game.

  • @Toadbabe
    @Toadbabe 29 дней назад +1

    Nice video!!! Someone mentioned Radlands (a great game) and I would add Compile as well - both are 2 player games.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  29 дней назад

      I have compile on the way!
      I reall like Radlands its a great game and would sit in the top 15 easily!

  • @kadircanyilmaz1361
    @kadircanyilmaz1361 Месяц назад +2

    really good recommendations.great mix of classic popular games and not well known games,i never heard lone wolves yinsh and fields of arle.we enjoy to play games like white castle, fields of arle looks definitely more complex than that but engine building style is satisfying if you manage to adopt.subscribed👍

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  Месяц назад

      Thanks so much :D White Castle looks really good, I've not managed to get a copy of it yet!

  • @AinSoph
    @AinSoph 29 дней назад +1

    Patchwork never interested me. Puzzley tile laying games aren’t my jam, but there are some interesting choices on your list. Chu Han and Lone Wolves look very interesting. And I’d love to try Yinsh.
    Canopy, Onitama, Watergate, and Match of the Century are some favorites of mine. And then you have the big boys: War of the Ring, Dune War for Arrakis, and Star Wars Rebellion.

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  29 дней назад

      Absolute fantastic list there! great choices, I adore Dune War for Arrakis, it is so so good but i've not played it enough yet to justify its spot. Honestly it could end up being top 3 for me. I really really want to try match of the century it looks brill!
      Thanks so much for watching

  • @DavidNorth59
    @DavidNorth59 Месяц назад +1


  • @joaoluis396
    @joaoluis396 25 дней назад +1

  • @tommiel6740
    @tommiel6740 День назад

    Did you check Hive?

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  День назад

      I’ve never played Hive, honestly nearly brought it several times but for some reason just never have!

    • @tommiel6740
      @tommiel6740 19 часов назад

      My wife and I really like it. So do my two daughters aged 13 and 14. It does not look like much, but it’s easy to learn and hard to master. Every game is different, some with breakneck escapes. It’s easily taken anywhere and plays on any more or less flat surface (e.g. holiday). Setup is non-existent. Highly recommended to check out !

  • @lukeprior5646
    @lukeprior5646 Месяц назад +1


  • @tornadre
    @tornadre Месяц назад +4

    You should add chapters/timestamps

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  Месяц назад +2

      I need to learn how to do it!
      I will do for the next videos though!

    • @tornadre
      @tornadre Месяц назад

      @@RollWithItBG​​⁠ it’s pretty easy. There’s a menu when you upload or you could just add the timestamps in the description if you do it the less optimal way (but still way better). Literally just type the time into the description and it becomes a link. Works in comments too.
      Number 10: 0:15
      Number 9: 1:19

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  Месяц назад

      oh wow thanks for the help!

  • @MK99112
    @MK99112 Месяц назад +3

    If you don’t know how to pronounce Arle none of us do!

    • @RollWithItBG
      @RollWithItBG  Месяц назад

      Haha Glad i'm not alone!!!

    • @rjs69
      @rjs69 29 дней назад +1

      It's german with a northern Dutch accent, it's pronounced Arl-uh