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MAL Secret Santa 2015: Image Edition - Sign Up!

Dec 6, 2015 4:14 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007

If you haven't seen the announcement thread, please read this first.

Sign-Up Deadline
Sunday, Dec 13th, 23:59 PST

You must post in this thread before this date!

Santas Receive Their User
Monday, Dec 14th

Once you receive your user, you need to start preparing your gift!
Please note that you'll only have 48 hours to reply to this PM and say you're still in.
So be sure to log in on this date!

Gift Deadline
Sunday, Dec 20th, 23:59 PST

You must send your gift to our elves (the elf that sent you the username) before this date!
You will not give the gift directly to the user yourself.

How to Sign-Up?!
Please post in this thread, with the following format: [/b]
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me):
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.):
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.):
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced):
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me):
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No):
Link(s) to some previous images you've used:
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?:

Posts which do not follow this format will be removed.

If you have any QUESTIONS, please post them in the announcement thread.

Happy Secret Santa-ing~
KinetaDec 6, 2015 5:05 AM
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Dec 6, 2015 4:31 AM

Jun 2014
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me!
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Taichi Mashima, Dawn/Hikari, Toshinou Kyouko, Sayaka Miki (any madoka character)
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): none in particular.
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): Beginner at Photoshop
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me!
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No. Preferably not.
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: #1 #2 #3
Link to your profile: ~
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope.
Dec 6, 2015 4:34 AM

Jan 2015
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): as Anton Ego says, Sorpresaje me
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Adolf Hitler, Any Medieval or Renaissance artists, and muh top 5 japanese cartoon characters
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Anything that is Modern Art, either Cubism, Fauvism, etc.
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): MS Paint
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): sorpresaje me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): yes
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: none
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: none
DiginarcissaDec 20, 2015 4:17 AM
Twitter and it's consequences had been a disaster for the human race
Dec 6, 2015 4:34 AM

Oct 2010
Type of image: I would be alright with anything for the most part, but I think that I would have a slight preference for profile pictures.
Likes: You can find my favorite anime characters here and the full list of anime characters that I like here
I would also really like Tiki/Chiki from Fire Emblem stuff.
Dislikes: You can find the full list of anime characters I don't like here.
Your image editing skill level: I have been using photoshop for about six years, so I would say that I am experienced.
Would you like to receive an image of the same level?: That would be nice, yes.
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image?: No.
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: I'm not too sure what this means. Am I supposed to post my edits that I have used here, or the stocks that I have used to make edits with? I'll edit this after clarifying.
EDIT: I'll just put both.
Completed edits that I have used and made myself: Signature 1 | Signature 2
| Profile Picture 1 | Profile Picture 2 | Banner | Layout (I only have club layouts in my folder right now)
I'm having a tough time remembering which stocks in my folder I have used and which ones I feel would be good examples, so I'll just post which stock I am currently editing for my January forum set: Here
Link to your profile: Follow the yellow brick road~
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope.[/center]
UsagiDec 6, 2015 6:21 AM
Dec 6, 2015 4:42 AM

Nov 2012
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): Profile pic
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): my favorite anime/manga/characters
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): ecchi/fanservicey pictures.
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): Photoshop/Advanced
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Yes
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
Link(s) to some previous images you've used:
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No
silverwallsDec 7, 2015 11:30 PM
Dec 6, 2015 4:47 AM

Apr 2015
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): Suprise me.
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Anything Danganronpa, Baka to Test or Steins;gate related.
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi stuff or things that are too flashy.
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): Photoshop (Intermediate?).
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Preferably anything above MS Paint level.
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Provided at least a little bit of effort has gone into it, sure.
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: I'm not sure what this means but here are a bunch of images I heavily modified #1 #2 #3 #4
Link to your profile: Cookies
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No.
CookiesDec 6, 2015 4:55 AM
Last FM
Anime List
Manga List
Clue no. 2: Somewhere in one of the pictures in my forum signature.
Dec 6, 2015 6:32 AM

Oct 2015
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): forum set
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): trafalgar law<3 or any from my fave chatacter list
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): akainu and doffy and ecchi
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): intermediate(GIMP)
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): surprise me
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): yas, but not too troll-ish
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used:
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No
hiroshiDec 13, 2015 6:16 AM
Dec 6, 2015 7:27 AM

Nov 2013
Type of image: profile pic or forum set
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): faves on profile + extended, Yamio, Tamarashi
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): mecha, yaoi and yuri
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): intermediate/advanced PS
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): yes pls~
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): preferably not >_<
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: x and x
Link to your profile: x
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: nope~
Thanks for all the effort you guys are putting into this♥

Dec 6, 2015 8:05 AM
Anime Moderator
᠎ Master Öqvily᠎

Aug 2014
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): Forum Set
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): My manga favorites and tattoos~
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Mecha
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Yes please
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: 1 l 2 l 3 or check my profile.
Link to your profile: Here~
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope
JicetusDec 6, 2015 10:28 AM

Forum set made by my
secret santa, Nate!
Dec 6, 2015 8:14 AM

Jun 2014
♫Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): forum set
♫Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.):Riika (Chuunibyou), Astrea (Heavens Lost Property), Saeko (Highschool of the Dead)
♫Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): yaoi
♫Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate/advanced PS
♫Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): yes
♫Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): no
♫Link(s) to some previous images you've used: don't really remember them
♫Link to your profile:
♫Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: nope
rawr97Dec 6, 2015 10:04 AM
Dec 6, 2015 8:19 AM

Oct 2015
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Luis Royo, Gintama, JJBA
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): SnK
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
Link(s) to some previous images you've used:
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No
Dec 6, 2015 8:37 AM
Manga Moderator

Sep 2012
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): My favorites are on my profile but I'm cool with anything, even if it's from something I haven't read or seen. If that's the case let me know which series it's from, I'm always looking for new stuff to get into. c:
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): No dislikes really, I guess I'd prefer no repeat characters
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No thanks
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: x
Link to your profile: Dancho
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope
DanchoDec 6, 2015 8:41 AM

thanks to my lovely Secret Elf Santa
for the forum set~
Dec 6, 2015 8:38 AM

Nov 2014
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): My favorite characters or any adult anime character
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Lolicon, Ecchi and Hentai
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Yes
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: Don't have anything except my profile pic and my forum set now. Sorry.
Link to your profile: omeg4
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No
omeg4Dec 10, 2015 5:09 AM
Dec 6, 2015 8:39 AM
Jul 2018
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Boku no Hero Academia, Special A, Diamond no Ace
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi/yaoi/yuri
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate-Advanced
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
Link(s) to some previous images you've used:
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No
Dec 6, 2015 9:10 AM

Mar 2013
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): About me or Surprise me
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens (series), Haikyuu!! (series), Ponkan 8 (artist) - Any of these, not all
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Yaoi, I guess
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): I'd prefer something nice, so no :)
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: Uh, there's tons of them, though I'd have to upload them to Imgur and such to share; I'm afraid my profile picture will have to do :|
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope
Dec 6, 2015 9:21 AM
May 2015
♫Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me
♫Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.):
♫Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.):Echhi and harem
♫Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Beginner
♫Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
♫Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
♫Link(s) to some previous images you've used:Well I just edited an image now so you could see my level:
♫Link to your profile:
♫Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: no
-______m-Dec 6, 2015 9:37 AM
Dec 6, 2015 9:47 AM

Dec 2013
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me if you can ;)
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Clare, Brago, Eri Ninamori, Gash Bell, Haruko Haruhara , Helen, R. Dorothy Wayneright
I like detail and a good combination of colors. Here's a collection of images that caught my eyes, I can't fully explain why, but perhaps it'll give you an idea of what to use.
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi, Yuri, Yaoi
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Gimp beginner
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No.
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: Sets: (Avy1, Sig1) (Avy2, Sig2), (Avy3, Sig3) Profile: Profile1, Profile2
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No.
AstrosDec 6, 2015 9:51 AM
Dec 6, 2015 10:17 AM

May 2014
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me please
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): My anime favorites, male characters, weapons, mysterious
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): loli's, love hearts, fluffy stuff, etc
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): I suppose I'm fairly experienced in Gimp but no Expert, I've never tried anything much more complicated than my current sig.
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Yeah but be creative ;D
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: Check my profile and forum, that's pretty much it.
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: None so far
I've been here way too long...
Dec 6, 2015 10:50 AM

Aug 2014
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Magic Girls, Idols, characters playing instruments
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Fanservicy stuffs
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise Me
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Not this time
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: I recently wiped my drive, so the only one I still have was the one I was gifted last year, and the forum pair I'm using right now.
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Fire away! (No)
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Dec 6, 2015 11:11 AM

Sep 2015
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Steins;Gate, Clannad, Piano stuff, Madoka Magica, Shigatsu wa kimi no Uso
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi, fanservice
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise Me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No, please ^^
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: I don't have them saved, sorry :(
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope :)
Dec 6, 2015 11:22 AM

Sep 2015
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Suprise me.
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Clannad / Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Suprise Me.
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Noo.
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: Check profile.
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No.
Dec 6, 2015 1:09 PM

Mar 2014
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me. Except sig,gonna try and get one made by someone in Creative Corner.
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Any of my Favorite Anime, characters, or anime I've rated 8 or above.
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Gore, horror, MLP:FIM (Not a bronie XP
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intrmediate-ish.
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise ME.
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Nyo please
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: Something cool looking like this is what I hope for. This or the first image I linked,

♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No
"Fuck this shit, fun things are fun!"
Dec 6, 2015 2:06 PM

Nov 2014
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): Avatar
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Minami, Kana; Chitanda, Eru; Comedy;
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi; Harem;
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): MS Paint/Gif Creator (Fyi: I like making gifs)
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me.
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Yes. If it is not offensive (MAL guidelines).
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: #1 #2 ; Look at things I made under Forum Sets & Sources:
Link to your profile: ~
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope.

Dec 6, 2015 2:25 PM

Jun 2015
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): profile picture
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): rin okumura, kosaki onodera, ecchi
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): old art, MC from School Days, MC from Accel World
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate Photoshop
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): surprise me
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): no
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: #1 #2
♫ Link to your profile: Jayden
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: no
JaydenDec 6, 2015 2:29 PM
Dec 6, 2015 3:46 PM

Apr 2013
♫ Type of image: Surprise me!
♫ Likes: Zelda, Fire Emblem Awakening and FE:Fates stuff, Fullmetal Alchemist are my favorite things, but there are also other anime I like a lot in my anime list(all with 8-10 score). Also, I love dark colors.
♫ Dislikes: Anything too flashy/bright or full with stuff and too many details.
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me!
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): If it's nice or funny, I don't mind.
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: None.
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope!
Dec 6, 2015 3:55 PM

Jan 2013
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Profile pic, or you can surprise me with an actual drawing ;)
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Mikorin from Gekkan Shoujo
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): ecchi hentai harems etc
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): advanced//also an artist if anyone wants a drawing (will not draw mecha, furries, ecchi)
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Yes
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: my deviantart & my blogs
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No problems
Dec 6, 2015 4:04 PM

Nov 2015
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): I'd love a profile set or just a profil picture.
Likes: (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Characters: Nymph, Sayuri (from Anime&VN though) and Minori. May it be cute and heartwarming for x-mas! Or scary.
I also like anything themed with Kanon(2006) or Higurashi.
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi a little. And this character.
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): Beginner at Paint. (Never required more but started with Gimb since joining MAL this november.)
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me! Show me how amazing pictures can be. ~
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No. (Well I am a scrub myself so I'm no one to talk, but I'd prefer a fitting one.)
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: I'm new here there aren't any beside my active one/s (and those are rather simple). Let's see, reference pictures I like a lot... City_Night_Sky and Sky, hope that still helps.
Link to your profile: Review_Reaper
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No, except at times I am not active for whole days thanks to my work or travel occupations.

I've seen this event is quite popular on MAL and for some reason. I hope I can be a part now and witness more of those awesome arts. Let's make it a huge success.^^
Review_ReaperDec 6, 2015 4:16 PM
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the results to change.
Dec 6, 2015 4:10 PM

May 2012
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): anything from my favourites on my profile is fine
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): -
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced):
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Yes (try to be funny if you're doing this at least)
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used:

my current sig also...
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: nope
MkayDec 6, 2015 4:16 PM
Dec 6, 2015 5:02 PM

May 2012
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Profile pic
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Romance anime pretty much, not that much into mainstream stuff but you can check my list rating. Would love a character from 2015 (:
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): SAO, KlK, OPM
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Probably Beginner/Intermediate in a good work. (Use gimp can use in a decent way c4d and clipping mask)
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me, would love an avatar like last year so i can use it for the next half year. (check link)
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No, please q.q
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used:
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nopp
MrParadiseDec 6, 2015 5:08 PM
Dec 6, 2015 5:41 PM

Mar 2014
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): profile pic

Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.):

Characters: Yui Yuigahama (Oregairu), Julis Alexia von Riessfeld (Gakusen Toshi Asterisk), Kougyoku Ren (Magi), Arashi Narukami (Ensemble Stars!), Tetora Nagumo (Ensemble Stars!), Yuzuru Fushimi (Ensemble Stars!)

My fav artist

Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): nothing really

Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): advanced (if i really try). i can also draw ish

Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): surprise me

Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): not particularly

Link(s) to some previous images you've used: 1 2 3

Link to your profile:

Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: nope
Dec 6, 2015 7:00 PM

Nov 2012
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): My current character obsessions are Mari from Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai, Ellis from Senketsu no Elf & Aira from HatsuMira. But I'm not that picky so, if you have something else in mind, just go with that. I'll happy regardless of whether it's a character I like or not ^^
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): derpy art (bad anatomy and the like)
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Beginner at Photoshop
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Not really
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No
Dec 6, 2015 7:55 PM

May 2014
[size=90] Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise Me
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Diego Brando (JJBA), Jotaro Kujo X Kakyoin Noriaki (JJBA), Josuke Higashikata X Rohan Kishibe (JJBA), Anything related to JJBA in general
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi, Harem, Chibi, Moe, Lolicon
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate Photoshop
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise Me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Not interested
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: I haven't really saved my profile pictures but I did save some of my forum sets. I hope that's okay
Link to your profile: Banchi
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: None

𝗓 𝗈 𝗆 𝖻 𝗂 𝖾 𝗆 𝖺 𝗇 𝗆 𝗒 𝖻 𝖾 𝗅 𝗈 𝗏 𝖾 𝖽 𝖻 𝗒 𝘂 𝘀 𝗮 𝗴 𝗶
Dec 6, 2015 8:55 PM

Jun 2013
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise Me~
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Some LN I'm currently addicted to art... Isekai Maou, Mondaiji, or Only Sense Online -> I love the girls in these series~
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Males, Tragedy, Gore, Horror, Yaoi, and School/ Slice of Life.
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Beginner (Just started using PSE) [Examples]
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise Me~ (Let your creative juices flow!)
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Nope~
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: x | o | x | o
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope~
RanobeDec 13, 2015 8:11 PM
Dec 6, 2015 11:55 PM

Aug 2014
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me!! (I'll prob change my profile schedule depending on what I get ^^)
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Anything on my profile schedule (listed on my profile), Yato, Zen Wistalia, Yukine... I like action, maybe a little bit of love, and hot guys XD
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Horror, gore, yaoi, yuri, NSFW.
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Beginner
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise Me
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: X | O || (not sure if it's asking for images used FOR creations or actual creations... so I added both ^^)
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No

Dec 7, 2015 8:32 AM

Dec 2013
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): profile pic would be nice
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Hawks, Tohsaka Rin and gunbuster
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Nothing really
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): Paint
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): yes
Link(s) to some previous images you've used:
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: none
Dec 7, 2015 11:17 AM

Feb 2014
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me, senpai!
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Snow, ClariS, Perfume, Tomoko Kuroki
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): None
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): I love surprises so surprise me with your awesome edited image skill.
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No. Trolls are bullies and I dislike bullies.
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: None
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No. PM right away.
Cartoons and anime is my reality.
Dec 7, 2015 12:53 PM

May 2015
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Forum Set
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi angel, Profile name
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Male characters
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Photoshop beginner
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: Here
Link to your profile: LostBoy69
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope
Dec 7, 2015 1:08 PM

Dec 2012
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me.
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Fate/Zero, characters in my favorite list, bishounen.
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi, Harem.
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): PS Beginner/Intermediate
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me!
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No.
[b]Link(s) to some previous images you've used:

Link to your profile: Heddie
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No.[/quote]
HeddieDec 7, 2015 4:26 PM
Dec 7, 2015 1:34 PM
Jun 2012
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me!
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Lum from Urusei Yatsura and any other characters in my Favorite List!
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Generic Shoujo art, yaoi, generic Moe art
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Beginner
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me!
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: N/A
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No
Dec 7, 2015 2:34 PM

Feb 2014
Type of image: Profile pic // Forum set
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Favs on profile or extended favz, bishies, tattoos, eyepatches, hoodies, masks.. 8DD I prefer nice fanarts, something on this style
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): mecha, yuri, loli
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): intermediate/advanced PS
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): umm prob yess
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): nup
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: here and cards here
Link to your profile: Nellz
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: nop

Dec 7, 2015 4:07 PM

Mar 2013
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): surprise me
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): hiphop, ping-pong the animation, black&white
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): moe, cute anime girls, loli's etc etc
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): beginner
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): surprise me
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): if it's good yes, if not no
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: avatar profile (favorite)
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs? don't think I have
Dec 7, 2015 4:33 PM

Jul 2012
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Suprise me
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Favourite characters on my profile, Honeyworks, Utaite like Soraru/Mafumafu/Sou/Itou Kashitarou, Shoujo stuff, both dark af and bright af stuff.
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Extremely perverted stuff, extreme harem
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate perhaps (Photoshop)
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Yes
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used:
None (I did a no-effort on my pics OTL)
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: I don't think so
Dec 7, 2015 4:46 PM

Jul 2015
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Forum set
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Cats, Urami Koi, Guilty Crown
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Anything that is blatantly 18+ or 13-
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Photoshop beginner
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: Anime list, manga list, card, profile pic and about me, forum set
Link to your profile: Here
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No.
Dec 7, 2015 10:30 PM
Aug 2015
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): about me
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): JoJo, Vinland Saga, and some anime swordsman
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Anything that too moe.
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): MS Paint
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): yes
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: none
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: none
Dec 7, 2015 10:32 PM

Oct 2015
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): surprise me.
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): check out the anime I rated 9-10
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): not many
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): advanced
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): surprise me
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): kind of, depends
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used: none
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: none I think
Dec 7, 2015 10:34 PM

Apr 2014
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): About me.
[b]Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): My favorite Character, superpower action-comedy based series and some adult/matured sexy anime girls
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): loli and the likes.
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): Beginner at Photoshop
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me!
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No. Preferably not.
[b]Link(s) to some previous images you've used: none
[b]Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope.
Dec 8, 2015 12:23 AM

May 2013
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Bob Ross, Kiniro Mosaic, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Working!!, One Punch Man
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Penises. Please do not send me an image of male genitalia. Please. Or at least do a good job of hiding it.
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate? Saying you're advanced seems a bit cocky.
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): Yes
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: *
It's pretty much guaranteed that I'll use whatever pic you give me for a long period of time if you edit that image of Krista.
Link to your profile: You can't just click my name?
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Not unless MAL isn't working.
LassyPlzDec 8, 2015 12:51 AM
Dec 8, 2015 1:44 AM

Apr 2015
♫ Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): Profile Picture
♫ Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Saber, Illya, Sakura Matou Fate series,
♫ Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Harems...
♫ Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Beginner
♫ Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Suprise Me
♫ Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
♫ Link(s) to some previous images you've used:
♫ Link to your profile:
♫ Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: No
JkayWDec 11, 2015 11:00 PM
Dec 8, 2015 2:23 AM

May 2015
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi/sig, profile/forum set, or surprise me): Surprise me :3
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Vofan, Ponkan8 #1, #2, Sui Ishida, Shigenori Soejima, John Devlin, original art, about me, favorites (anime, manga, characters), high rated anime/manga on my list
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Ecchi/Fanservice (over the top)
Your image editing skill level (MS Paint/beginner or Photoshop/advanced): Intermediate (Paint, GIMP, Photoshop)
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): Surprise me :3
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: Profile Pictures
Link to your profile: Alveron
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: Nope
AlveronDec 13, 2015 2:36 AM
Dec 8, 2015 4:03 AM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010
Type of image (profile pic, about me, forum avi, sig, profile set, forum set, or surprise me): surprise me!
Likes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Any of my favourites, original art, anything that's 8+ on my list goes really
Dislikes (artists, characters, tags, etc.): Anything ecchi, extremely popular series
Your image editing skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced): Intermediate/Advanced
Would you like to receive an image of the same level? (Yes or Surprise Me): surprise me
Would you be okay with a troll/surprise image? (Yes or No): No
Link(s) to some previous images you've used: here
Link to your profile:
Do you have problems sending/receiving PMs?: nope
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