We Broke a $1 Million Off Road Camper

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Thanks to onX Offroad for sponsoring today’s video! Download the app today bit.ly/onXoffro... and use the code donut20 for 20% off!
    We spent 48 hours inside a $1,000,000 Offroad Truck Camper to see if it’s worth the money. It didn’t go well.
    Special thanks to everyone who made this episode possible!
    27North, for lending us their Ascender -- / the27north
    Zach Diehl, for bringing the truck out -- / zachary_diehl
    and last, but not least
    Matt's Off Road Recovery, for saving us from ourselves -- ‪@MattsOffRoadRecovery‬
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Комментарии • 9 тыс.

  • @MattsOffRoadRecovery
    @MattsOffRoadRecovery Год назад +15932

    It’s nice to see the backstory on how this got there. Lol

    • @adamgurth2275
      @adamgurth2275 Год назад +212

      Lmao, also excellent job with the trailer repair!!

    • @MakeItWithCalvin
      @MakeItWithCalvin Год назад +149

      I gotta love the "Hey we can just fix this here NBD" attitude. That is awesome!

    • @ShinmaWa1
      @ShinmaWa1 Год назад +58

      To echo the others, excellent job with the field repairs! I was impressed.

    • @LaGrandeBayou
      @LaGrandeBayou Год назад +6


    • @crisCR0SSaplsos
      @crisCR0SSaplsos Год назад +38

      Matt, yall nailed the recovery and trail repair. love your channel!

  • @DemoEvolvedGaming
    @DemoEvolvedGaming Год назад +3714

    This is the @Donut experience we all came to watch. Taking a 1.2 million dollar vehicle, and not just breaking it, but destroying the design reputation of the company to smithereens as well. Bravo.

    • @xArkanianx
      @xArkanianx Год назад +263

      First they taught us about Subaru's, now they're teaching us about this thing. Bless the boys.

    • @trillhippie6378
      @trillhippie6378 Год назад +2


    • @MrMega200
      @MrMega200 Год назад +154

      @@xArkanianx No. Subarus have known issues that they didn't research at the start of their show and abused rebuilt engines that were not properly broken in. This truck camper is an actual fail of engineering. There is a reason why actual campers usually do not have stone countertops and are simple to use. This truck thing wasn't those things

    • @franchico_o
      @franchico_o Год назад +109

      @@MrMega200 If you're talking about oil pressure / baffled pans, they did research and tackled does issues before the start of the show, though.

    • @Goopa-Troopa
      @Goopa-Troopa Год назад +151

      ​@@MrMega200even then a car shouldn't fail THAT consistently across different engines. They were badly designed

  • @GrueTurtle
    @GrueTurtle Год назад +6960

    So the lesson here is that this camper is not worth a dime but Matt's off-road recovery is worth every cent

    • @GuardedDragon
      @GuardedDragon Год назад +237

      Yeah like wtf if it doesn’t even off-road properly just get an RV at this point.

    • @Thezuule1
      @Thezuule1 Год назад +360

      @@GuardedDragon you could get an RV, a house, a proper offroad vehicle, and still have money left for a pound of weed.

    • @noisydroidgaming1417
      @noisydroidgaming1417 Год назад +55

      @@Thezuule1 haha leftovers for the pound of trees is the most important if imma be broke af and stuck in a puddle with a 1.2 mill camper might as well roll me one or two up and kick it lol

    • @1slotmech
      @1slotmech Год назад +3

      Pretty much.

    • @smoothestbassist7086
      @smoothestbassist7086 Год назад +44

      the only value this camper has is to pull up on campgrounds and have other rich kids know how rich your parents are

  • @exzirongerth3255
    @exzirongerth3255 10 месяцев назад +164

    "For 1.2m it comes with a stock fridge" 😂 the cooktop dont work, the shower door latch, and the driveshaft couldnt handle it. The makeshift one Matt made was probably an upgrade 😂

  • @bradd5112
    @bradd5112 Год назад +1544

    Judging by the insane body roll and the flex of that thing I'd say they did zero frame stiffening and zero off road suspension tuning.

    • @Floreypottery
      @Floreypottery Год назад +108

      Right bad engineering for sure way to tall heavy unstable maybe if it were on a 6x6

    • @supra1jzed
      @supra1jzed Год назад +68

      Yeah, that's what got me. Over just little bumps and even on asphalt, that camper was wobbling non-stop. Like almost looking like it was just flat out not bolted down. And of course, when the truck was exposed to a slight twist from terrain (let's face it, that was hardly a large flex with that shallow of a wash) it ate it's own camper.

    • @ericocypriani2308
      @ericocypriani2308 Год назад +31

      who had the idea of making that monster so tall? even with the right tuning, the center of mass is to high.

    • @mugglepower
      @mugglepower Год назад +14

      its terrifying! its almost like how loaded semis flex. without the adult man girth frame.

    • @Eric-e2b3f
      @Eric-e2b3f Год назад +8

      That thing is junk

  • @Bubby-Johnson
    @Bubby-Johnson Год назад +2630

    Justin did nothing wrong! He showed everyone how incapable the truck is and I appreciate that!

    • @danjohnson8455
      @danjohnson8455 Год назад +135

      That was a really tough off roading obstacle! for a honda civic....

    • @clauderodrigue6461
      @clauderodrigue6461 Год назад +176

      He drive the truck like it was intended and it broke! I agree, not his fault.

    • @J4TiDotCom
      @J4TiDotCom Год назад +2

      Totally his fault for the steep grade.

    • @tannick2779
      @tannick2779 Год назад +107

      ​​@@J4TiDotCombut the truck was supposed to go anywhere...

    • @tannick2779
      @tannick2779 Год назад +32

      @@sadpessimist this company would become the next oceangate

  • @stelp7617
    @stelp7617 Год назад +9470

    Has a real "uncertified submersible" feel to it.

    • @oliviersavard8676
      @oliviersavard8676 Год назад +507

      well it's clearly a scam, i had found one for sale for 625k and i already thought it was way overpriced, but 1.2 million? it didn't cost them over 250k to build, so that price is insane for what it is. i'm pretty sure i could get an unimog with a luxury cabin at the rear for less money than that thing.

    • @dutch9357
      @dutch9357 Год назад +230

      Titanic still stacking bodies 111 years later.

    • @repairdrive
      @repairdrive Год назад +34

      Why is this not the top comment?!!?? 😆😄

    • @JS-yj7ow
      @JS-yj7ow Год назад +32

      Too soon? lol

    • @demoths
      @demoths Год назад +95

      Another W for "carbon composite" 😂

  • @CrizOxy
    @CrizOxy Год назад +134

    1 million dollars for a fancy ford with a large campershell is insane, you could buy a tour bus for a fraction of that.

    • @ryshow9118
      @ryshow9118 4 месяца назад +1

      My first thought

    • @asimhussain8716
      @asimhussain8716 3 месяца назад +1

      A blatant rip off without a doubt.

  • @jravila4609
    @jravila4609 Год назад +2277

    Making a new driveshaft on the spot is crazy, Matt & his team are insanely good at their job

    • @MustangsCanTurnToo
      @MustangsCanTurnToo Год назад +24

      I had a grand Cherokee that needed a front drive shaft for years and I thought I felt dumb before….

    • @milesmccollough5507
      @milesmccollough5507 Год назад

      @repentandbelieveinJesusChrist1 bro uour username is so long i can’t even reply to uour stupif comment. you’re so lost it’s hilarious, wuit preaxhingn at us like christ is anytbing but dead, rotting, and gone

    • @tomo1168
      @tomo1168 Год назад +20

      nothing is crazy about that. that is just a steel tube.

    • @GregHassler
      @GregHassler Год назад +67

      ​@@tomo1168welding a steel tube on the trail with tools off the back of a truck to be perfectly straight, exactly the right length, and clocked correctly is extremely difficult.

    • @Choaf82
      @Choaf82 Год назад +25

      @@GregHassler who says it was perfect they just said it worked to get the thing off the trail they might have limped back home at 10 miles.

  • @darth342
    @darth342 Год назад +2548

    The company: “This vehicle can go anywhere!”
    Also the company: “Well not that easy trail!”

    • @slowcarshop
      @slowcarshop Год назад +28

      L company

    • @drywater3559
      @drywater3559 Год назад +25

      Donut is almost the pinnacle of testing grounds now. If the Subarus didn't make it and this $1mil truck can't make it, then nothing is going to make it lol.

    • @xToddmcx
      @xToddmcx Год назад +51

      It's so overweight it couldn't handle pavement, much less dirt. And it's on an F550. They practically had the world to work with and still went massively overweight.
      Also, when they say it costs 1.2 million. Does that mean they're asking 1.2m for it or someone has paid 1.2m. There's a big difference.

    • @bklynp718
      @bklynp718 Год назад +19

      It can go anywhere, it just can't return.

    • @Dantesister
      @Dantesister Год назад +2

      1 thousandth like!

  • @Ronracer
    @Ronracer Год назад +11265

    The fact that the CEO TRIED blaming @Dount for taking on a trail "more inline with 4runner capabilities" after claiming "it is capable of going anywhere off road" is wild😂

    • @MakeItWithCalvin
      @MakeItWithCalvin Год назад +1329

      For 1.2 Mill I would have expected something on say an OshKosh or MAN truck chassis. Not an F550 with (presumably) stock drivetrain components and this HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGEEEEEEE shell stuck on. I would love to see the Donut dudes go out there with a Atacama 6300 and put that bad boy to the test.

    • @mattd1188
      @mattd1188 Год назад +911

      Bro, if someone tried to sell me that piece of shit for 1.2 mil I would absolutely laugh at them. It's a sucker truck for sure, purchased by people with too much money and not enough sense or experience to know that the intentions are good but the execution is at best, mid.
      I'd also like to point out that for 1.2 mil you can also buy a palatial estate in any state in the country. You could also buy a top of the line diesel pusher RV or a HUGE off road vehicle and an off-road trailer for easily less than 25% of the purchase price of 1.2 mil. Alternatively, you too could buy a 550 and the baddest ass camper bed you've ever seen for around 80k total.

    • @wout4yt
      @wout4yt Год назад +624

      For 1.2 mil, just buy a 70k unimog and spend 1 mil on making it into a camper.

    • @Blobb2013
      @Blobb2013 Год назад +449

      @@wout4yt You'll probably end up with 170k spent, not knowing what to do with the rest of the money.
      1,2 million is just insane. It's funny how they advertise the wheels and tires, but it seems like they did little to none to the rest of the suspension. I wonder if they even upgraded the shocks.

    • @rc_fist8352
      @rc_fist8352 Год назад +92

      @@Blobb2013they say in the video they’re wirelessly adjustable shocks. Doesn’t mean anything if they’re just replacements for stock height though

  • @Tree-House69
    @Tree-House69 11 месяцев назад +119

    The stovetop being "unavailable" is the absolutely most hilarious and dystopic thing Ive ever seen.

    • @AW-po7jr
      @AW-po7jr 8 месяцев назад +6

      That’s why we don’t want fancy electronics in a camper that is supposed to work reliably long term.

    • @tinwas_taken
      @tinwas_taken 6 месяцев назад

      Why is it unavailable? Because you need to pay 500 grand more.

    • @kinkinkijkin
      @kinkinkijkin 3 месяца назад +1

      small correction, it was saying the AC supply needed for the stovetop was unavailable. What I'm guessing they did to fix it was hook it up to an AC generator (prolly doesn't have an inverter for AC)

  • @OldManJimmy1
    @OldManJimmy1 Год назад +1330

    When someone tells you it's an off road vehicle you take their word for it. Don't think that was Justin's fault myself. Enjoyed seeing you guys and Matt's Off Road Recovery working together in yet another video!!! Happy July 4th weekend everyone!!!

    • @johnthegiant320
      @johnthegiant320 Год назад +64

      Yeah they should have specified " graded dirt road " not off road. Lol

    • @TheyCallMeMrMaybe
      @TheyCallMeMrMaybe Год назад +78

      A driveshaft shouldn't bend like that. It was definitely because there's too much weight on the rear.

    • @k-aw-teksleepysageuni8181
      @k-aw-teksleepysageuni8181 Год назад +35

      @@TheyCallMeMrMaybe Exacttttly. Torque can only pull so much, and if it can't pull 20K lbs up a 30%, then you'll be pulling parts out of your "offroader".

    • @JamesMiller-lb3sk
      @JamesMiller-lb3sk Год назад +1

      You to

    • @g00gleisgayerthanaids56
      @g00gleisgayerthanaids56 Год назад

      Eh, maybe dont take their word for it and use your brain. So many things are completely misrepresented by marketing, youre better off taking a good hard look and then deciding for yourself. Most vehicles marketed for offroad purposes can barely handle dirt roads or fire roads, much less actual off road trails, they generally still need quite a bit of modification in order to be viable.

  • @Bikes_N_Adventure
    @Bikes_N_Adventure Год назад +569

    The thing I love about Donut is that the boys test things in a manner that any of us would if we were handed the keys. There is ZERO reason that hill should have mangled the driveshaft if it was built properly. You boys did nothing wrong here! Keep up the great work 🤌🏼

    • @sambeaumont395
      @sambeaumont395 Год назад +24

      It probably was built properly for the original Super Duty.
      And while those trucks can probably handle the weight that this became, I doubt they are expected to have the centre of gravity lifted so much, or the shift in weight balance.

    • @jessebrook1688
      @jessebrook1688 Год назад +8

      @@sambeaumont395 That seems eminently reasonable. This camper is hopefully an alpha or beta prototype, and maybe in the gamma or delta prototypes they'll beef up the frame or the camper's suspension, add more baffles to the liquid containers, and get the driveshaft checked for purpose. This is a soft-roader as it is built, and the weight distribution is noticeably rear-heavy.

    • @sambeaumont395
      @sambeaumont395 Год назад +17

      @@jessebrook1688 - they can beef it up all they want but if they want to sell it as the most capable off-roading camper available they need to shed some weight and drop the centre of gravity and balance it better.

    • @xeicv
      @xeicv Год назад +2

      @@jessebrook1688 Sure thing, bro 😂

    • @Choaf82
      @Choaf82 Год назад

      @@jessebrook1688 and fix that shower door

  • @goku4561
    @goku4561 Год назад +2938

    Company: "Our $1M off road camper can go anywhere"
    Also the company: "We were surprised to see the truck on this trail"

    • @k-aw-teksleepysageuni8181
      @k-aw-teksleepysageuni8181 Год назад +1

      ""Head-to-head with a toyota 4Runner." "Trails were more in-line with a 4runners capabilities." Oh so a complete mediocre over lander that's better suited for inner city and country driving and light-duty work at at construction site or ranch.... So your "Off-road camper" is a camping lot and graded dirt road princess. Good to know....

      @WEEBLE_FORCE Год назад +81

      😭 fr tho

    • @mjhoover
      @mjhoover Год назад +198

      By anywhere pretty sure they mean like when I took my old Prius down some semi bumpy dirt road cutting between wineries.

    • @kyle1758
      @kyle1758 Год назад +160

      "Take our 1 million dollar camper anywhere!!! .... So long as a gravel forest road can get you there."

    • @HanabiiiUwU
      @HanabiiiUwU Год назад +78

      Well.... anywhere that a stock ford focus can get to

  • @day1avsfan907
    @day1avsfan907 Год назад +35

    $1.2 million is hilariously overpriced

  • @MKUltraXOXO-c3r
    @MKUltraXOXO-c3r Год назад +3302

    This is the worst possible advertisement for this company possible, and for that, we thank you 😁 Honesty will always be king in this ever changing world ❤️

    • @handsondeckGH
      @handsondeckGH Год назад +245

      It's rather a brilliant advertisment for the towing company

    • @drywater3559
      @drywater3559 Год назад +45

      at least James' father was able to come to the rescue!! lol

    • @briandstephmoore4910
      @briandstephmoore4910 Год назад +17

      Not really though it's pretty obvious it was more about where they took it then the truck. I understand there testing off road capabilities but that's basically like lifting a city bus and taking it off road lol

    • @KipMplaylists
      @KipMplaylists Год назад +44

      1 million for that is pretty crazy, knowing it has significant flaws and paying top dollar

    • @alejandrochavez6023
      @alejandrochavez6023 Год назад +73

      @@briandstephmoore4910it’s the claims they have I mean if you just wanted the most confortable way to camp then 1.2 million dollars can get you a rather nice camper, they tried to play it off as this can off-road and reach places your regular camper can’t, but it is clear that this is just an advertisement flop and it would be a miracle if this honk of shit makes any sales

  • @misterj2875
    @misterj2875 Год назад +8550

    That truck is the deep sea submersible of off road camping trucks.

    • @cdgarcia5969
      @cdgarcia5969 Год назад +163

      Was thinking the same thing 🤧😂

    • @superman9772
      @superman9772 Год назад +43

      sick (but aren't we all).... but yep you're totally correct

    • @jeanackle
      @jeanackle Год назад +65

      Too soon IMO, but yes.

    • @Hermes8A8A
      @Hermes8A8A Год назад +28

      Ahh capitalizing likes from a comment that's relating to the Titan Submersible tragedy. 🙃

    • @macbook802
      @macbook802 Год назад +154

      ​@@Hermes8A8Aand it's working, look at all of those likes

  • @sivildisobedience
    @sivildisobedience Год назад +2909

    A camper truck that costs over a million dollars should have a drivetrain strengthened to handle the extra weight, which I hope the production models have

    • @_BAD_MERC_
      @_BAD_MERC_ Год назад +380

      For that kind of money and intention, this should be built on an OshKosh chassis with portal axles and top load diffs.

    • @ChaotiX1
      @ChaotiX1 Год назад +21

      ​@@_BAD_MERC_and make it weight 10 tons more? Are you crazy??

    • @24Magics
      @24Magics Год назад +43

      Remember kids. With enough stupidity, you can break anything

    • @JK-gm6kk
      @JK-gm6kk Год назад +13

      ​@_BAD_MERC_ oh man, I got to drive that osh kosh matv and mrap in the Nevada desert. Lots of fun

    • @Esablaka
      @Esablaka Год назад +22

      ​@@_BAD_MERC_or built it out of a Rheinmetall Survivor R chassis. That would probably off-road a whole lot better than this monstrosity AND would have similar space inside while not having the weirdest centre of gravity possible.

  • @crazedmonk8u
    @crazedmonk8u Год назад +43

    "shower door made out of glass" for a vehicle that was designed to "go offroad" that already told me everything i needed to know about this scam truck.

  • @Sir_Chops_O_Lot
    @Sir_Chops_O_Lot Год назад +875

    5 years from now we can look back and say “remember that time that off-road company went out of business by having someone honestly and fairly test their product?”

    • @bklynp718
      @bklynp718 Год назад +19

      Next year.

      @KNAPPAID Год назад +19

      ​@@bklynp718next month probably

    • @slowlanegamer
      @slowlanegamer Год назад +41

      Yea I might be wrong but it doesn’t look like they really made the truck properly off-road ready right? Like leaving out locking diffs, and possibly not upgrading the driveshaft properly and other parts. Like bead-locking wheels and off-road tires are not enough to make something like this ready for off-road.
      Idk if your saying “This thing can go anywhere that’s why it’s so expensive” then it needs to be fully upgraded like a real off-road vehicle and work with companies or people who really know how to make things like that safe and work

    • @derpyduck5088
      @derpyduck5088 Год назад +15

      Donut made Subaru itself lose income after their WRX HiLow season. Wouldn't be surprised if this Alibaba camper goes out of business

    • @mudman6156
      @mudman6156 Год назад +17

      In this case, they deserve to go out of business. Their product isn’t worth but about 15-20% of what they’re trying to sell it for.

  • @spelledfunny
    @spelledfunny Год назад +372

    That $1M off-road camper needs some giant stickers on the side that say "Not for Off-Road Use."

    • @TheHolan
      @TheHolan Год назад +6

      you even can skip the "Off-Road"

    • @hexrag5901
      @hexrag5901 Год назад +16

      "for display purposes only"

    • @Oo-IIII-oO
      @Oo-IIII-oO Год назад

      That's in the small print

    • @StormDogg
      @StormDogg Месяц назад

      Needs some Mopar stickers that say "Trail Rated." Granted, that trail rating is a D+, but it would technically have a rating.

  • @csavage14
    @csavage14 Год назад +707

    “We gave it to them to test its extreme off-road capabilities”
    “We were surprised to see that they took it off road 🤷🏽‍♂️”

    • @psykology9299
      @psykology9299 Год назад +45

      Mall Crawler syndrome

    • @--panda--5588
      @--panda--5588 Год назад +5

      the article stated that the people who found the truck were surprised, not the CEO

    • @gothnate
      @gothnate Год назад +26

      @@psykology9299 Pavement Princess.

    • @pavelbosovik
      @pavelbosovik Год назад +16

      27North Inc., a leading innovator in expedition vehicles, is thrilled to announce the triumphant journey of our 27North prototype truck, which became the first official Class C expedition truck to conquer the formidable 30-degree slopes of California. We take immense pride in this accomplishment as it signifies a significant milestone in our mission to engineer robust and versatile vehicles for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers.
      During this groundbreaking expedition, our team gained invaluable insights that will shape the future development of the 27North model. As a result, we have committed to enhancing the vehicle's performance and efficiency. This includes reducing the weight from the current 18,000lbs loaded to 15,000lbs, ensuring improved agility and maneuverability on rugged terrains. Additionally, we will be upgrading the driveshaft to expedition version and partnering with a leading industry suspension company to double the rear axle's capabilities. Furthermore, we are excited to announce our collaboration with Liquid Spring, as we transition from an air suspension to a liquid spring suspension system, providing unparalleled stability and ride comfort.
      In our relentless pursuit of excellence, we are already gearing up for the next round of testing. The upgraded prototype will undergo rigorous evaluation in the fall of 2023, where we expect it to surpass expectations and further cement its status as the epitome of class-leading expedition vehicles. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the world of outdoor exploration.

    • @dawsongranger4940
      @dawsongranger4940 Год назад +12

      @@psykology9299 even as a mall crawler that “off road” truck looks like garbage

  • @captainevenslower4400
    @captainevenslower4400 11 месяцев назад +24

    The perspective we all seem to forget, this thing costs as much as a Veyron. The most over engineered and most capable car in the world. Literally breaking records and long thought of beeing the holy grail of the automotive world.
    This abomination is some fiberglass and plywood stuck to a Ford.

    • @centripetal25
      @centripetal25 11 месяцев назад +4

      absolutely just a overpriced work truck... looking for chumps for buyers

    • @HavokBWR
      @HavokBWR 11 месяцев назад +3

      mhmm, just because the housing market has gone insane that doest mean if you slap a tiny home onto some wheels that itll be worth anything.

    • @Deminese2
      @Deminese2 8 месяцев назад +3

      It just seems like an oversized topper camper badly engineered.

    • @SrSweeter
      @SrSweeter Месяц назад +1

      @@HavokBWR relatively to a house, a house will last over 100 years and probably way longer if maintained/built well.
      This would last less than 2 months considering its quite literally a accident waiting to happen on slick conditions even on the road(literally wobbled when it went straight)
      and comparatively to a house for the price, I dont even want to think about how much you'd be able to get for 1.2m

    • @Original_Syn
      @Original_Syn 7 дней назад

      The Ironic part is that the Veyron could probably handle that slope better than the $1m camper.

  • @lucasdemong5818
    @lucasdemong5818 Год назад +2530

    I find it funny when "the CEO implied that the truck was taken on trails it wasn't designed for" when they claim that is designed to "go anywhere" and "conquer any terrain." 😂

    • @TheSlapadabass
      @TheSlapadabass Год назад +292

      Right, you could get a stock RAV4 up that thing with a fucking camper trailer.

    • @AwDudeIDontKnow
      @AwDudeIDontKnow Год назад +9

      ​@TheSlapadabass could probably use some KO2's, but do doubt that a rav4 could make it up that 😅

    • @BimmerFanPhil96
      @BimmerFanPhil96 Год назад +78

      You could low key sue them for false advertisement lol

    • @nasonguy
      @nasonguy Год назад +112

      Their website only shows pictures of it on the most mundane dirt roads I've ever seen. Like, the dirt road to my house is worse than those product shots and I daily an '09 Corolla lmao.

    • @hmisay4976
      @hmisay4976 Год назад +65

      I feel anyone who has 1.2m to spend on a truck like this would never be caught dead on a proper trail. This feels like a something that only ever be taken to a lake or a beach.

  • @rustler08
    @rustler08 Год назад +420

    I love how you can actually see the entire thing flexing. On the road.

    • @MaverickBlue42
      @MaverickBlue42 Год назад +27

      I wonder what kind of interface they have between the front cab and the camper because even from the inside you can see the back half twisting around so much it looks like it's going to rip right off the body mounts. I imagine it won't take long for rain to start leaking through that. Thing is flimsy as hell. Loads of non-structural weight and no actual structural pieces to stiffen it and hold it together. They had a 5 inch diameter drive shaft that twisted itself to an inch wide pretzel at the smallest point, there's no material there, might as well have been made out of cardboard.

    • @Dennis-1367
      @Dennis-1367 Год назад +9

      @@MaverickBlue42 dont forget the frame isnt supposed to flex THAT much. Some washboard gravel tracks and this thing either snaps off the mounts, or the whole frame will snap.

    • @kregadeth5562
      @kregadeth5562 Год назад +1

      For real you see all that movement between the roof and the camper box? Insane. Inches of movement

    • @blahorgaslisk7763
      @blahorgaslisk7763 Год назад +2

      Look at a F150 with a moderate load and you will see similar flex. The bed just seems to live it's own life. If the camper was attached the same way as the normal bed then it will flex just the same way. And with the added height of the camper it will be a lot easier to see as the movement is exaggerated at the top of the cab compared to down low where the bed usually ends.
      Is it too much flex? Will it break the camper or the frame? I don't know, but it sure doesn't look safe.

    • @Dennis-1367
      @Dennis-1367 Год назад +4

      @@blahorgaslisk7763 sure, I always look right behind the cabin to see the flex, not at the top. And this seems much for THAT surface. It is just absolutely overloaded with way too much weight on the top. This is a mall crawler with extra steps. The equivalent of Mr Bean in a chair on his mini but for 1 mil.

  • @fihndus
    @fihndus Год назад +477

    Don't you just love it when a company says go ahead, try it out. Only for them to directly start to throw shade when their product turns out to not be as perfect as they said it was.

    • @veeeeerrrrraaaaaaaa5624
      @veeeeerrrrraaaaaaaa5624 Год назад +18

      this kinda off-roading is for rich folks who use 4 Low on 2 inch dips

    • @Thiccness_Is_Delicious
      @Thiccness_Is_Delicious Год назад +11

      ​@@veeeeerrrrraaaaaaaa5624you mean the people who never set food off road but rv parks

    • @marcd7332
      @marcd7332 Год назад +8

      And I still don't understand where that million dollar price tag comes from, looks like something a couple of friends put together in a garage over the summer.

    • @alt0v14
      @alt0v14 Год назад

      @@marcd7332 for sure, I bet you can find cheaper and more capable solution on the market.

  • @jenniferstewarts4851
    @jenniferstewarts4851 Год назад +5

    for a camper that price, it doesn't even have half the features i'd like to see. like reverse osmosis filtration system and pumps, allowing me to drop a pump in rivers or lakes and get fresh drinking water.

  • @georgemitchel23
    @georgemitchel23 Год назад +624

    This was THE BEST COMMERCIAL EVER for Matt's Off-Road Recovery...!!

    • @Potateornottotate
      @Potateornottotate 11 месяцев назад +10

      YES!, I know nothing about cars, or who that person is, and I was like... this is a man living his best life.... and he owns it...

  • @tedpop
    @tedpop Год назад +760

    This is one of the best, most honest tests and presentations of any car test I've seen. The guys weren't even as pissed about this million-dollar pavement princess as they should have been

    • @crisnmaryfam7344
      @crisnmaryfam7344 Год назад +80

      I think they knew damn well what it was before they took it out there. BUT with that said, the company DID tell them it can go "anywhere off road" so they had it coming. Dont make bold baseless claims about your product if you havent even tested it the slightest bit. The fact that the camper bit into the cab of the truck (or vice verse) tells me that they didnt test it offroad AT ALL before making those claims.

    • @wallaceluna6241
      @wallaceluna6241 Год назад +32

      @@crisnmaryfam7344 Just the swaying of the camper during off road "Crawling" told me all I needed to know about how tested it was. lol

    • @napoleontheclown
      @napoleontheclown Год назад +30

      "Pavement princess" is giving it too much credit. Look at how much the back sways and the front end tries to wander just driving down the road. Puttering around in a parking lot seemed to be okay, though!

    • @wallaceluna6241
      @wallaceluna6241 Год назад +11

      @@napoleontheclown for real. That’s not even a pavement princess. Atleast they can tow something as long as no dirt or mud involved lmfao. This can’t even drive on the road.

    • @gui577b
      @gui577b Год назад +7

      They probably knew from the get-go that it was a creampuff brodozer. Even if you know nothing about offroad campers it's a really silly-looking rig. Plus the way it would sway going down a perfectly smooth road set their expectations pretty low.

  • @alexshaykevich509
    @alexshaykevich509 Год назад +3

    These things are always made for people who are never going to take them offroad. Nice to see videos like this prove it.

  • @ec6933
    @ec6933 Год назад +350

    This is the most expensive and best ad for Matt's off road recovery I've ever seen

  • @peterdupuis9238
    @peterdupuis9238 Год назад +659

    I love how this RV company added a bunch of weight onto the rear wheels and didn’t correlate the thickness of the driveshaft to the added weight so the shaft totally failed in torsion.

    • @fishtacoma
      @fishtacoma Год назад +69

      Exactly what I was thinking . . . especially for $1.2 million lmao

    • @339blackdiamond
      @339blackdiamond Год назад +49

      nowadays, if something hella expensive feels like it shouldn't be that expensive, it's raggedy as fuck.

    • @nickspaulding1511
      @nickspaulding1511 Год назад +1

      Bro f550 has 40k towing. You couldn’t possibly put something in the “bed” that could break the driveshaft. You can town 2 bobcats with this thing. For example a ford f150 would be terrible to tow 1 bobcat and a ford ranger would break. My f250 isn’t really even enough for a bobcat.

    • @smashbother5684
      @smashbother5684 Год назад +57

      @@nickspaulding1511 did you seriously just say "You couldn't possibly put something in the 'bed' that could break the driveshaft" after the driveshaft already broke?

    • @travisbryant444
      @travisbryant444 Год назад +17

      @@nickspaulding1511 I have seen f350 s twist the shafts out just trying to pass on the highway pulling a empty car trailer. I have photos to back this up. truck is a 2016

  • @errsta
    @errsta Год назад +1116

    Matt's Off-Road Recovery easily the most impressive thing in this video. Hats off to them.

    • @Majinbuukakke80976
      @Majinbuukakke80976 Год назад +1

      Legit thought he was in jail for all that insurance fraud.

    • @mr.joshuah1412
      @mr.joshuah1412 Год назад +4

      @@Majinbuukakke80976 Now Now.... That's not true. That's what the insurance company thought, but it wasn't the case and things were cleared up.

    • @Mooshimoca
      @Mooshimoca Год назад +1

      @@Majinbuukakke80976 ?

    • @herranton
      @herranton Год назад +3

      ​@@MooshimocaMatt had some issues in his past. It's all google-able. _Basically,_ he was billing AAA for claims they don't cover and plead no contest to insurance fraud. (Notice i said basically, I don't feel like looking up the exact thing, but that is _basically_ it).

    • @laundmo
      @laundmo Год назад +1

      ​​@@Majinbuukakke80976irc it was mostly that he billed the claims on different dates than he did the job. which is clearly not for monetary gain, but technically still fraud. the court acknowledged it as that, technically true but not for gain. iirc it cost him about 20K in fines and some probation time.

  • @mugglepower
    @mugglepower Год назад +9

    and that is incredible field work. something you'd typically expect to only happen in a shop.

  • @stonedsasqwatch
    @stonedsasqwatch Год назад +531

    It's really nice of James's dad to take the time to help him get the truck unstuck.

    • @devilsadvocate1441
      @devilsadvocate1441 Год назад +2


    • @Mohsrz
      @Mohsrz Год назад +1


    • @arc4055
      @arc4055 Год назад +4

      I think they made it clear in the collab video that the DNA test come out negative. And James is still in search of his father.

    • @Jackman8594
      @Jackman8594 Год назад +1

      Its one butt ugly rig!! They spent way to much on this build!!

  • @GelAbat3
    @GelAbat3 Год назад +255

    Low truck is really living its uses 😊 I hope they do another season of "Hi Low" like creating a Rally Car or Everyday Use Family Van

    • @SlimTony
      @SlimTony Год назад +13

      Ah yes, eco-hatchback to rally car would be sweet

    • @HirokaAkita
      @HirokaAkita Год назад +1

      * MoneyPit E36 happiness noises *

    • @silmarian
      @silmarian Год назад +4

      Why not both? Rally minivan.

    • @TrailCaleb
      @TrailCaleb Год назад +2

      Would love to see a minivan build series!

    • @pavelbosovik
      @pavelbosovik Год назад

      27North Inc., a leading innovator in expedition vehicles, is thrilled to announce the triumphant journey of our 27North prototype truck, which became the first official Class C expedition truck to conquer the formidable 30-degree slopes of California. We take immense pride in this accomplishment as it signifies a significant milestone in our mission to engineer robust and versatile vehicles for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers.
      During this groundbreaking expedition, our team gained invaluable insights that will shape the future development of the 27North model. As a result, we have committed to enhancing the vehicle's performance and efficiency. This includes reducing the weight from the current 18,000lbs loaded to 15,000lbs, ensuring improved agility and maneuverability on rugged terrains. Additionally, we will be upgrading the driveshaft to expedition version and partnering with a leading industry suspension company to double the rear axle's capabilities. Furthermore, we are excited to announce our collaboration with Liquid Spring, as we transition from an air suspension to a liquid spring suspension system, providing unparalleled stability and ride comfort.
      In our relentless pursuit of excellence, we are already gearing up for the next round of testing. The upgraded prototype will undergo rigorous evaluation in the fall of 2023, where we expect it to surpass expectations and further cement its status as the epitome of class-leading expedition vehicles. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the world of outdoor exploration.

  • @antoniohagopian213
    @antoniohagopian213 Год назад +5627

    Having such a high center of gravity has got to be the dumbest idea in the world.

    • @nebnollock5198
      @nebnollock5198 Год назад +607

      The flexy construction and under damped suspension doesn't help either

    • @Hermes8A8A
      @Hermes8A8A Год назад +177

      🤣 you should see Jeremy Clarkson's camper car xD

    • @macbook802
      @macbook802 Год назад +42

      It looks like b is for built builded it

    • @Jomari_Idioma
      @Jomari_Idioma Год назад +38

      Not as much as a carbon epoxy shell for a sub

    • @98erics
      @98erics Год назад +215

      Not only that, marble countertops are nice and all but they are 1 1/4in slabs of stone you're hauling on an already heavy OFF ROAD MILLION DOLLAR CAMPER! Talk about screwing up the priorities. The 6.7 is strong and all but the reason the both driveshafts broke was the weight.

  • @RaymondLee-p9l
    @RaymondLee-p9l 4 месяца назад

    Very worth watching.... Going off road is fun when everything goes right...

  • @wisconsineaglesfan7925
    @wisconsineaglesfan7925 Год назад +290

    Wasn't expecting to get a Matt's Offroad Recovery colab again so soon. Well done Donut.

  • @VQJay_Detailer
    @VQJay_Detailer Год назад +1897

    Not Justin’s fault at all, truck was made for sitting 😂

    • @Baronnax
      @Baronnax Год назад +169

      Most pick-up trucks in America are just used for hauling air anyway. This would be a great purchase for a middle-aged millionaire with an identity crisis.

    • @donaldliverance2597
      @donaldliverance2597 Год назад +42

      Ya it's made for driving over grass not offloading with lol way to big and not in the right places

    • @shadowsicksix
      @shadowsicksix Год назад +20

      He was clearly going to fast.

    • @rpgspyware9560
      @rpgspyware9560 Год назад +79

      Yeah, those driveshafts were clearly not good enough for a truck with that much weight and power. Those are fit just for a light van or light pickup truck.

    • @Baronnax
      @Baronnax Год назад +80

      @@shadowsicksix Idk if going too fast up a hill should warrant a twist in the driveshaft tho.

  • @jbot9k325
    @jbot9k325 Год назад +606

    James is looking super healthy. Im proud of him for following this dream and taking care of himself.

    • @DHarbajan
      @DHarbajan Год назад +6

      He breaks everything he touches

    • @TheRealMarsEnjoyer
      @TheRealMarsEnjoyer Год назад +1

      I was thinking the same thing

    • @handsondeckGH
      @handsondeckGH Год назад +1

      Thought I was the only one that noticed

    • @andyg7769
      @andyg7769 Год назад


    • @inherentlyflawed
      @inherentlyflawed Год назад +4

      @@DHarbajanif it requires a phd in Subarus or a masters in off-roading to not break a vehicle when using it as it was intended to be using, then I don’t want any part of it. That’s not James’ fault.

  • @israelmeraz4925
    @israelmeraz4925 Год назад +1

    Love the fact yall was honest and the collab was awesomeeee

  • @samsaverino8159
    @samsaverino8159 Год назад +336

    I'm so impressed that the off road recovery dudes where able to repair the drive shaft out in the middle of nowhere. Most places would just tow it to a garage for repairs.

    • @tonygrim8921
      @tonygrim8921 Год назад +42

      anything that can tow that thing is not making it where they were lol

    • @LotharTheFellhanded
      @LotharTheFellhanded Год назад +30

      Even Matt's Mad Max fleet of vehicles can't haul that fat ass glamping machine off the mountain.

    • @ramadjones
      @ramadjones Год назад +12

      It's TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS. Ain't nothing going to be able to tow that off-road, bro.

    • @BlakeOwen-fl1qe
      @BlakeOwen-fl1qe Год назад

      The offroad wrecker was built to be able to handle offroad repairs like that.

    • @radugrigoras
      @radugrigoras Год назад +4

      I bet you it’s well over 20,000lbs. Like really well over. They just say that because that’s what it’s rated for. Truck is about 7500lbs, that hump sure looks like more than 12,500lbs judging by how it was bending the frame and the front tires barely touch the road.

  • @davidreddington4381
    @davidreddington4381 Год назад +191

    MattsOffRoadRecovery were the real stars of this episode...kudos to them.

  • @trev777
    @trev777 Год назад +819

    Matt is a Million Dollar Technician. To have the skills to build a drive shaft in the middle of nowhere....incredible! He's worth his weight in Gold.

    • @ohgeazy
      @ohgeazy Год назад +27

      they had a drive shift delivered courtesy of Los Santos Customs…. you must not be a member of this channel..

    • @baraki808
      @baraki808 Год назад +9

      I love that he used straps to measure the shaft length🤣

    • @PBRatLord
      @PBRatLord Год назад

      @@baraki808 Redneck Trail Science dude!
      'If it looks stupid, but it works, it ain't stupid' XD

    • @timothinking9855
      @timothinking9855 Год назад

      Theyve been looking for ess mine so theyre in it..

    • @the_undead
      @the_undead Год назад +1

      ​@@ohgeazythey had a steal pipe that is capable of being turned into a drive shaft, they had to take the ends off of the existing drive shaft and connect it to the pipe that they got, That is no easy feet because if you make one mistake will your measuring you're f***** and you got to go get a new pipe and he did it first try without issue

  • @whenmountainsmove
    @whenmountainsmove Год назад +61

    Id love to see the cost breakdown to how they got that price tag.

    • @TheMr5x
      @TheMr5x Год назад +30

      100k for materials 100k for labor, one million for the CEOs pocket.

    • @markwangontario7573
      @markwangontario7573 11 месяцев назад +6

      It’s called low volume production fee. Except this thing will not make it to production. They have to hire a team to design & build it. Imagine ford f150 cost 2 million to design, another 2 million for assembly line, the more they sell, the more ppl share that cost. If they can only sell one, that’s going to be a 4 million dollar f150. So for companies like this to survive, they have to come up with something super cool, patented designs etc. and people willing to pay. This company… my god😂

  • @aregaminghd
    @aregaminghd Год назад +796

    this is exactly the type of thing that gets created when some guy has a terrible idea & won't listen to anyone with any sort of expertise.

    • @brianstraight9308
      @brianstraight9308 Год назад +57

      But to test it on an open trail than 2 miles under the ocean.

    • @Mister_Mag00
      @Mister_Mag00 Год назад +34

      the elon musk effect

    • @sferg9582
      @sferg9582 Год назад +19

      Kinda like building a submarine?

    • @JCintheBCC
      @JCintheBCC Год назад +3

      @@nunyabizniss4087 That seems the easy competition: What does this do better than an Earthroamer? Top-of-the-line Earthroamer SX comes in between 1.0M and 1.2M, same as this. What does it do better than an Earthroamer SX? I can see a number of things worse. (My credentials, I live in Utah and have seen Earthroamers on the highway, on trails in Moab, and at campsites at which I saw the interior.)

    • @xArkanianx
      @xArkanianx Год назад +3

      Well, at least they didn't try to build a submarine.....
      (too soon?)

  • @NemuiJin
    @NemuiJin Год назад +461

    Between Jeramiah ripping on a 100mph pit bike and Justin breaking a 1.2 mil truck, Donut's insurance rep must be sweating bullets. Somebody's premiums are about to skyrocket in 2024 lmao

    • @smashbother5684
      @smashbother5684 Год назад +8

      I wonder how long this will delay the next HiLow.

    • @DennisWHJr
      @DennisWHJr Год назад +5

      That’s just one of a few things that’s pushing them to get out of Cali too 😭

    • @AnnGEkelt
      @AnnGEkelt Год назад +16

      I dont think they had to pay for this.

    • @dharkann
      @dharkann Год назад +5

      @@AnnGEkelt oh they definitely did. There's zero chance this is helping the sales of that thing. :D

    • @Z38_US
      @Z38_US Год назад +15

      @@dharkann Yeah pretty much nobody who watched this video is in any way impressed by this truck. Noone likes it if anything this'll hurt the sales of it, altough that would require sales to begin with.

  • @repairdrive
    @repairdrive Год назад +251

    That truck was designed to separate rich people from their money. Bravo to them!!

    • @obeseperson
      @obeseperson Год назад +3

      Anything to make rich people less rich tbh

  • @AmericanMan_05
    @AmericanMan_05 9 месяцев назад +9

    For a million dollars that truck is the definition of a scam. It looks like they just put a giant weight on the back of a stock F-550, and added coilovers and a winch.

    • @louisbarningham
      @louisbarningham 7 месяцев назад +2

      They could of used an f-750 aswell for extra stability

    • @exoticdropemoff8210
      @exoticdropemoff8210 5 месяцев назад

      @@louisbarninghamthey definitely didn’t think the design through enough

  • @gabrieltavares774
    @gabrieltavares774 Год назад +387

    Holy hell this thing looks like it's going to snap in half

    • @WotanTheScourge
      @WotanTheScourge Год назад +24

      Hell at 1:43 you can see the whole thing flexing from the camper shell bouncing on the back. That sketched me out and I'm sitting firmly at a desk.

    • @ChristopherTrimble
      @ChristopherTrimble Год назад +7

      @@WotanTheScourge I just noticed that. Holy crap that truck has way to much flex in it. Someone could get sea sick if they were riding in the back with all that bouncing around. lol

    • @CaptainBill22
      @CaptainBill22 Год назад +5

      Because they put all the money into the camper, interior, and tech rather than the structure and mechanics of the truck. Looking at Ford's site, this truck should have dualies in the back too.

    • @motoweenies4431
      @motoweenies4431 Год назад +2

      @@WotanTheScourge My bet is the rear cab is mounted superrrrrrrr soft on the chassis with bushings or air ride. I doubt a 550 chassis would flex like that with even 8000 lbs in the back

  • @bennettfriesen33
    @bennettfriesen33 Год назад +707

    Can't imagine how you could spend $1.2 million in a worse way😂

  • @jamessizemore7103
    @jamessizemore7103 Год назад +418

    Don’t beat yourself up Justin, that camper was not built as advertised.

    • @pavelbosovik
      @pavelbosovik Год назад +2

      27North Inc., a leading innovator in expedition vehicles, is thrilled to announce the triumphant journey of our 27North prototype truck, which became the first official Class C expedition truck to conquer the formidable 30-degree slopes of California. We take immense pride in this accomplishment as it signifies a significant milestone in our mission to engineer robust and versatile vehicles for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers.
      During this groundbreaking expedition, our team gained invaluable insights that will shape the future development of the 27North model. As a result, we have committed to enhancing the vehicle's performance and efficiency. This includes reducing the weight from the current 18,000lbs loaded to 15,000lbs, ensuring improved agility and maneuverability on rugged terrains. Additionally, we will be upgrading the driveshaft to expedition version and partnering with a leading industry suspension company to double the rear axle's capabilities. Furthermore, we are excited to announce our collaboration with Liquid Spring, as we transition from an air suspension to a liquid spring suspension system, providing unparalleled stability and ride comfort.
      In our relentless pursuit of excellence, we are already gearing up for the next round of testing. The upgraded prototype will undergo rigorous evaluation in the fall of 2023, where we expect it to surpass expectations and further cement its status as the epitome of class-leading expedition vehicles. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the world of outdoor exploration.

  • @gooniest
    @gooniest Год назад +2

    people making luxurious camping stuff dont camp, ever, thats why the shit breaks and doesnt work on site.
    Its been tested in controlled conditions and the person making budget decisions likely hasnt slept, cooked or even driven the thing

  • @mattmayo3539
    @mattmayo3539 Год назад +436

    The flex between the camper and the truck is wild. Looks like they’re going to crash into one another.

    • @jspntr
      @jspntr Год назад +24

      you would think for that price they would have developed a good way to fasten the camper down. and decrease the weight of that thing.

    • @nukepuke932
      @nukepuke932 Год назад +11

      I imagine WhistlinDiesel wouldn't let a little over-flex and twisty driveshaft stop him from continuing to test the limits of this monstrosity.

    • @kameljoe21
      @kameljoe21 Год назад +3

      @@jspntr Keep in mind people do not have real world experiance. They want luxury and that cost weight.
      I would happily pay for a truck camper that looks like a topper yet expands out to cover a large amount of the truck. Think a army drash tent that expands out and is insulated. Electric heat, cooling and cooking can be provided by a nice battery and the power can be light weight panels that you can either lay out or hang off the tent.

    • @dangerrangerlstc
      @dangerrangerlstc Год назад +4

      They did run into each other. Piece of foam coming from behind the cab after the drive shafts broke.

  • @TriStarFamily
    @TriStarFamily Год назад +189

    00:36 Top-heavy body roll turning out of the parking lot doesn't promote Off-Road confidence😳

    • @thesquirrel082190
      @thesquirrel082190 Год назад +2

      its clear it needs much heavier damping in compression and rebound

    • @gothnate
      @gothnate Год назад +9

      @@thesquirrel082190 They built it as a status symbol. Nothing more. I don't care what they say it's capable of. If they wanted to be taken seriously as a company, they'd ditch the heavy bullshit inside like the marble counter tops, the tempered glass bathroom door, etc. This thing will never be more than a Pavement Princess.

    • @PTMG
      @PTMG Год назад +9

      @@gothnate yeah this is a 100k camper (90% of that price is the truck itself, mind you) with a "million dollars" "worth" of cabinetry in it.
      Looks kinda fancy inside I guess, but not 1 million dollars worth of fancy, and 1 million dollars aint worth an overweight camper. literal actual RV's hardly ever weigh more than 15k, and this POS glorified pickup truck somehow weighs 20k. Destined for failure.

  • @JamesOversteer
    @JamesOversteer Год назад +297

    I was literally thinking you guys need Matt’s off road recovery. This is gold.

    • @felixmatthew6155
      @felixmatthew6155 Год назад +9

      Me too, my thought was “if only they had the world’s largest off-road wrecker “

  • @mauraece
    @mauraece Год назад +2

    “The Ascender” is manufactured by 27 North. It’s basically a Earthroamer knockoff with zero upgrades to the suspension. Spectacularl Failure. 😂

  • @nomad_3373
    @nomad_3373 Год назад +327

    Donut guys literally put this company to pasture in a very hilarious way

    • @brickson98m
      @brickson98m Год назад +29

      They weren’t even trying to but it happened. I think they put themselves to pasture, Donut just covered the events 😂

    • @thndr_5468
      @thndr_5468 Год назад +1

      they seem to be doing just fine regardless

  • @cole2917
    @cole2917 Год назад +367

    This looks like something they'd build on old top gear for one of their specials

  • @matthewbrown7044
    @matthewbrown7044 Год назад +281

    You guys are giving off old Top Gear vibes, keep doing these challenge/adventure videos

    • @billbill7894
      @billbill7894 Год назад +4

      Absolutely am loving it

    • @someblokeidk8565
      @someblokeidk8565 Год назад +1

      Absolutely haha
      You see the trio's fingerprints all over this channel

    • @pellemalm2158
      @pellemalm2158 Год назад +8

      I'd love to see these guys do a "donut special"
      A 1,5h long adventure episode with all the guys involved!

    • @CanadaBud23
      @CanadaBud23 Год назад +2

      The blueprint for it is definitely there, they got their own DNA. It's relatable no matter who it is as long as they are themselves and it works.

    • @Shiggiesmalls02
      @Shiggiesmalls02 Год назад


  • @sugarpolecat4781
    @sugarpolecat4781 Год назад +1

    You are kinda giving me the old Top Gear vibes but with an American twist with this episode. Thank you. I will sub for more vids

  • @timwerth5106
    @timwerth5106 Год назад +218

    I love the part where the CEO of 27 NORTH says that he gave the truck to a media outlet to do extreme tests with, yet doesn't trust the capabilities of his vehicle. 😂

  • @shane250
    @shane250 Год назад +539

    Well, for $1.2M, I'll just buy like 5 nice cabins around the country and call it a day.

    • @etherealicer
      @etherealicer Год назад +21

      Or get a nice truck and stay in hotels on your trip.

    • @Owenbegowen
      @Owenbegowen Год назад +17

      More like 1 or 2 at this rate

    • @CaptainBill22
      @CaptainBill22 Год назад +6

      Or an RV, trailer, and you'd probably still have money to build an awesome rock crawler.

    • @c0rvu5albu55
      @c0rvu5albu55 Год назад +6

      or build yourself a far better off-road rig! you're doing something wrong if you need a house on your off-road trip! Why buy one if you can just stay at home and visit some tracks on off days!
      Gonna be honest here i can understand why ppl might want a better bed or maybe a full on kitchen. But both of that you can get cheaper with a off-road trailer and rig.
      + i did like to think that we do it more to get outside of our houses and get to really feel nature on those trips! Why go offroad if you're gonna bring something that gives you 40% FUN but 60% Grievences as something else broke again or a wash is to narrow to take your rig up there.

    • @omarlopez8616
      @omarlopez8616 Год назад +3

      5 cabins and a old tacoma and you are good to go 😂

  • @NickTheSheep1379
    @NickTheSheep1379 Год назад +562

    The actual definition of polishing a turd. Rip off artists come in all income levels, shapes and sizes. Kudos boys on telling it like it is🎉

    • @smoothestbassist7086
      @smoothestbassist7086 Год назад +7

      I am never sad with rich kids only rip off other kids whose parents are rich

  • @xavi5898
    @xavi5898 Год назад +1

    the best part of this video is the dog coming out of the back like a stuffed animal haha

  • @neoskull13
    @neoskull13 Год назад +287

    It’s okay Justin don’t feel bad!You’re a wonderful and talented host! Also I’m pretty sure everyone at Donut has broken something expensive by now 😂

    • @nbayoungboy9172
      @nbayoungboy9172 Год назад

      It wasn’t Justin’s fault at all the truck is a piece of shit

    • @karstenmesenholer3063
      @karstenmesenholer3063 Год назад +1

      but what did he do wrong?

    • @karstenmesenholer3063
      @karstenmesenholer3063 Год назад +17

      that can't be his fault bro, they said it can go everywhere, it was just to heavy or that driveshaft

    • @cipley
      @cipley Год назад +22

      @@karstenmesenholer3063 driveshaft just gave out; Justin felt bad because he kinda pushed it pretty hard, but that's what the company advertised anyway. That was literally design fault on the vehicle.

    • @karstenmesenholer3063
      @karstenmesenholer3063 Год назад +1

      @@cipley yup

  • @kristijonaskertenis2208
    @kristijonaskertenis2208 Год назад +210

    Justin has entered his Richard Hammond arc of totalling million dollar cars in pursuit of automotive journalism

    • @CaptainBill22
      @CaptainBill22 Год назад +23

      It's not Justin's fault though. The builder cheaped out where it mattered.

    • @thejay8963
      @thejay8963 Год назад +3

      Yes, but joke?

  • @ReXeKH8tRZz
    @ReXeKH8tRZz Год назад +124

    I was shaking my head back and forth for 15 minutes; I can’t believe someone would spend 1.1 million dollars for something that can blow over in the wind

    • @boldpredictionssports
      @boldpredictionssports Год назад

      Don't semi trucks blow over sometimes?

    • @nate8930
      @nate8930 Год назад +4

      200k max is what its probably worth.

    • @chaseteter
      @chaseteter Год назад +4

      What is crazier, that or the fact that the makers lent it to Donut to thrash and negatively critique? This is so brave of them. I wonder if they regret it.

    • @angelpesinaa4354
      @angelpesinaa4354 Год назад +2

      ​@@boldpredictionssportssemis don't cost $1,100,000, and since the trailer is heavy, it's not easy for the wind to knock it down

  • @shaun5047
    @shaun5047 Год назад +2

    “Military Grade Tires”. Just know every veteran laughs at these labels.

  • @DiabloProcentoPersonal.
    @DiabloProcentoPersonal. Год назад +635

    You know, for 1.2mil. i expected everything to be heavy duty and not break in middle of driving up the hill

    • @xxmeanyheadxx
      @xxmeanyheadxx Год назад +20

      i'm not even sure why they needed matt to make a driveshaft on the spot if it took a week to get there, just go to ford and get a new driveshaft and install it

    • @chrismcgowan5180
      @chrismcgowan5180 Год назад +25

      come on man give them a break, off roaders arent meant to go up hills

    • @dylantellez2496
      @dylantellez2496 Год назад +24

      You can buy a nice RV, A fully kitted taco/jeep/whatever and still have money to buy house

    • @ravinderbassi3532
      @ravinderbassi3532 Год назад +4

      @@chrismcgowan5180 your joking right?

    • @aiex9338
      @aiex9338 Год назад +2

      @@chrismcgowan5180 so... where are they supposed to go? on some nicely paved tarmac?

  • @48Boxer
    @48Boxer Год назад +480

    If anyone pays $1million for that, they get exactly what they deserve

    • @pavelbosovik
      @pavelbosovik Год назад +3

      27North Inc., a leading innovator in expedition vehicles, is thrilled to announce the triumphant journey of our 27North prototype truck, which became the first official Class C expedition truck to conquer the formidable 30-degree slopes of California. We take immense pride in this accomplishment as it signifies a significant milestone in our mission to engineer robust and versatile vehicles for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers.
      During this groundbreaking expedition, our team gained invaluable insights that will shape the future development of the 27North model. As a result, we have committed to enhancing the vehicle's performance and efficiency. This includes reducing the weight from the current 18,000lbs loaded to 15,000lbs, ensuring improved agility and maneuverability on rugged terrains. Additionally, we will be upgrading the driveshaft to expedition version and partnering with a leading industry suspension company to double the rear axle's capabilities. Furthermore, we are excited to announce our collaboration with Liquid Spring, as we transition from an air suspension to a liquid spring suspension system, providing unparalleled stability and ride comfort.
      In our relentless pursuit of excellence, we are already gearing up for the next round of testing. The upgraded prototype will undergo rigorous evaluation in the fall of 2023, where we expect it to surpass expectations and further cement its status as the epitome of class-leading expedition vehicles. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the world of outdoor exploration.

    • @RNG2266-d8b
      @RNG2266-d8b Год назад +37

      @@pavelbosovik L

    • @russetwolf13
      @russetwolf13 Год назад

      @@pavelbosovik this bot is spamming every comment with this BS, report it.

    • @russetwolf13
      @russetwolf13 Год назад

      @@RNG2266-d8b it's a bot, just report it.

    • @Bussdownbandit
      @Bussdownbandit Год назад

      @@pavelbosovikshur ur goofy azz up

  • @SoCalGuitarist
    @SoCalGuitarist Год назад +64

    James' dad to the rescue again! ❤ Off-road Rescue, its magic anytime you guys come together! Maybe next time not break a million dollar RV on a trail and risk your lives doing it next time tho 😂

  • @jordanwilliams2557
    @jordanwilliams2557 Год назад +1

    Ford lovers: my truck is bigger than your Toyota
    2 miles later, Toyota guy: need a tow?

  • @wolfinthesno
    @wolfinthesno Год назад +318

    The funniest part of this to me was the guy from the company sitting in the back as they're offroading, just staring into the back of the camper as if he's watching for what's going to break. 😅 This thing is the biggest waste of 1.2 million dollars I have ever seen, it legitimately failed at everything. Driving down the road even you can see the entire truck flexing in a very unhealthy way, it's no wonder that driveshaft imploded.

    • @Yeeyee0176
      @Yeeyee0176 11 месяцев назад +9

      I was cracking up. The way Justin looked back and asked, “we good?” 😂

    • @jirikurto3859
      @jirikurto3859 11 месяцев назад

      1.2 million dollars could buy you 100 condoms.

    • @thatguy6214
      @thatguy6214 9 месяцев назад +5

      Yeah they got to much weight on that thing and not enough modifications to undercarriage.

  • @gladesucks7907
    @gladesucks7907 Год назад +36

    The thing I love most about overlanding trucks, is how every individual has it built out to suit exactly what they need from it. It leads to a lot of really cool, innovative designs and layouts that are one of a kind.
    Duck taping an RV to the back of a truck just seems like an easy way out and is pretty depressing. Low Car is sick though, love Low Car

    • @LotharTheFellhanded
      @LotharTheFellhanded Год назад +2

      I'm really into van life and skoolies, and this thing is ludicrously built for an overlanding vehicle. This is an absurdly high class van life build glued to a diesel truck and called an overlander.

  • @CrypidLore
    @CrypidLore Год назад +141

    Remember to camp somewhere Matt's Offroad Recovery can come to save you lol.

    • @haywood12
      @haywood12 Год назад +1

      Matt already put out the rescue video on this

    • @pavelbosovik
      @pavelbosovik Год назад

      27North Inc., a leading innovator in expedition vehicles, is thrilled to announce the triumphant journey of our 27North prototype truck, which became the first official Class C expedition truck to conquer the formidable 30-degree slopes of California. We take immense pride in this accomplishment as it signifies a significant milestone in our mission to engineer robust and versatile vehicles for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers.
      During this groundbreaking expedition, our team gained invaluable insights that will shape the future development of the 27North model. As a result, we have committed to enhancing the vehicle's performance and efficiency. This includes reducing the weight from the current 18,000lbs loaded to 15,000lbs, ensuring improved agility and maneuverability on rugged terrains. Additionally, we will be upgrading the driveshaft to expedition version and partnering with a leading industry suspension company to double the rear axle's capabilities. Furthermore, we are excited to announce our collaboration with Liquid Spring, as we transition from an air suspension to a liquid spring suspension system, providing unparalleled stability and ride comfort.
      In our relentless pursuit of excellence, we are already gearing up for the next round of testing. The upgraded prototype will undergo rigorous evaluation in the fall of 2023, where we expect it to surpass expectations and further cement its status as the epitome of class-leading expedition vehicles. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the world of outdoor exploration.

  • @eonk5703
    @eonk5703 11 месяцев назад +1

    1.2 mil? crazy!!! donut guys are drving that company out of business lol

  • @GhostDad420
    @GhostDad420 Год назад +319

    I've had my eye on this company for a little over a year now. It's amazing to see the price they can slap on these f550s and 450s

    • @DkpProductions
      @DkpProductions Год назад +39

      Pretty spooky. Just goes to show there's enough people with too much money on their hands out there! Lol

    • @PWCDN
      @PWCDN Год назад +24

      You're better off getting an offroad trailer than a single piece truck. Only reason people do vanlife is stealth camping so they can sleep in a parking lot or a residential street, else you're better off with a trailer for overlanding. When your truck breaks down, your home isn't stranded. This truck defeats the purpose. Them Aussies make some pretty crazy overlanding trailers at an already premium price of like 200-300k, with those you only need to buy a 100k truck with all the off-road mods. A million dollars for this is delusional. You can get a yacht for a million.

    • @GhostDad420
      @GhostDad420 Год назад

      @@PWCDN i have a e250 I'm going to turn into a camper work van once it's done

    • @dangerrangerlstc
      @dangerrangerlstc Год назад +2

      Hell the base truck is nearly $100k without the overbuilt camper on it.

  • @cyphre
    @cyphre Год назад +70

    Wow that thing looks rickety. Even the regular campers that you used to see back in the 80's and 90's looked so much sturdier and solid in their construction.
    I get they put a lot of effort into the construction and accoutrements, but it feels like it was made by some guy who didn't really know a lot about structural rigidity to look that overtaxed on the beefiest truck frame.

    • @GordonTurnerr
      @GordonTurnerr Год назад

      air suspension be like that

    • @budderbear
      @budderbear Год назад +7

      @@GordonTurnerr No, top heavy is like that. See hard hard that was?

  • @sebastianalpizar8145
    @sebastianalpizar8145 Год назад +91

    This video worth 1.2 million smiles. Absolute gold. You made my week.

  • @TCDShow
    @TCDShow 10 месяцев назад +1

    Laughing out loud I just ordered an Earthroamer SX for 1.1…. Great video…. U really need to try an Earthroamer

  • @jaredchampagne2752
    @jaredchampagne2752 Год назад +234

    How the hell does a $80,000 truck chassis, attached to a paper mache plywood shell with some comforts add up to $1.2m?!?! You’re telling me a camper shell add on costs $1.1m to add on? God damn...

    • @jacewhite8540
      @jacewhite8540 10 месяцев назад +14

      like those are some nice house prices, and there is no way that it close to a nice house

    • @patrickvangelder3349
      @patrickvangelder3349 9 месяцев назад +2

      because it's a Cybercamper!

    • @amorphous_bones
      @amorphous_bones 9 месяцев назад +4

      Custom carbon fiber is monstrously expensive. I suspect they also included some of the tooling in the cost since it’s a prototype. If they made their own molds for the layup and oven cured the panels, it would add up fast. I suspect they used carbon rather than (cheaper) fiberglass or aluminum to deal with the ungodly weight of the thing (and still failed on that front). Whoever wrote the requirements, the engineers, or both did a bad job all round.

    • @austenpearson
      @austenpearson 9 месяцев назад +3

      I agree, you look at the base model Earthroamers and you have to think the builders of this "camper" are just completely out to lunch.

    • @Sig509
      @Sig509 9 месяцев назад +2

      yeah, with such price tag they could use a Mercedes G, or an UNIMOG (prefferebly the six wheel versions) as a base, but nah, lets take a random ford, why could go wrong

  • @chiefusb465
    @chiefusb465 Год назад +169

    I feel like the owner of that company has never been camping in his life but was able to hire a bunch of guys that are like "yeah whatever you want as long as the checks keep rolling in boss"

    • @barryross8382
      @barryross8382 Год назад +4

      Reminds me of oak island.

    • @RippedSocket
      @RippedSocket Год назад +6

      I can picture a parking lot full of sticker covered Subarus and a vegan staff all wearing the same hemp beanie.

    • @S0ulinth3machin3
      @S0ulinth3machin3 11 месяцев назад

      the problem with it is from the designer, not necessarily the grunts who built it. Maybe them too, but it all starts with the designer. If it was designed well, it could have shoddy workmanship and still function.

    • @lynch42o
      @lynch42o 11 месяцев назад

      @@S0ulinth3machin3 as soon as i looked at it i knew it was going to be shit. You must be young and have no experience with trucks. This thing is built for yuppies, no mans man would buy this POS.

  • @bosch_doc
    @bosch_doc Год назад +271

    I'm actually surprised it wasn't James who destroyed something in this video lmao

    • @Ruckus45
      @Ruckus45 Год назад +8

      I know right, the Richard Hammond of Donut

  • @18000rpm
    @18000rpm Год назад +2

    This thing is like if you let influencers build an off-road vehicle

  • @LiveAllegroDieAdagio
    @LiveAllegroDieAdagio Год назад +280

    You guys remind me of Top Gear a lot, the good days of Top Gear, but modernized and in a lot of ways better. You guys are fantastic

    • @chelaf
      @chelaf Год назад +11

      No offense but to call them better in anyway than Clarkson and the gang is just silly. They are good but we are talking legends vs RUclipsrs.

    • @LiveAllegroDieAdagio
      @LiveAllegroDieAdagio Год назад +13

      @@chelaf no offense taken, you are absolutely allowed you’re opinion. But to clarify I said in a lot of ways they are better, not that they are overall better. And also, the trio on top gear didn’t start off as legends either lol
      I think their modern take, their deeper dives into the cars themselves and explaining them and fixing them themselves are specifically two ways that they are better than Top Gear.
      Top Gear had their script, and it was funny for them to act like bafoons that didn’t know anything about how to fix cars but that contrasted with their segments explaining the specs of cars, which were more smoke and mirrors.
      That being said, Too Gear didn’t end up being a car show. Thats how I see it at least,
      Plus these RUclipsrs have blown up, have the production, and are funny in their own way.

    • @brickson98m
      @brickson98m Год назад

      Yeah, I find that they kept some of, but not all of, the top gear humor, and traded what they lost in humor for more expertise and specs/mechanical deep dive.
      I honestly think Donut is on its way to similar fame as Top Gear in its heyday. Most car people I talk to know about donut and enjoy their videos. Even some people only mildly into cars.
      I think Donut is one of the best car content outlets around right now. There’s other channels I like more for certain things, but Donut is very well rounded, and easily consumable by the masses, whereas a lot of other car content can get boring to those who aren’t deeply into cars or certain aspects of them.

  • @evictioncarpentry2628
    @evictioncarpentry2628 Год назад +55

    That frame will for sure twist eventually if it rocks like that offroad enough times.

    • @CaptainBill22
      @CaptainBill22 Год назад +1

      100% You really need to do a lot of structural work to get that thing stable.

    • @evictioncarpentry2628
      @evictioncarpentry2628 Год назад +2

      @@CaptainBill22 I don't even think you'd be able to. It would end up way too ridgid.
      Theres too much weight and it's waaaay too top heavy for that. It needs a F650 or 750 chassis.

  • @reeses40
    @reeses40 Год назад +63

    Glad they compared it to low truck.

    • @xxmeanyheadxx
      @xxmeanyheadxx Год назад

      there's not a single trail at rowher flats my volkswagen gets stuck on lol

  • @grantmynott
    @grantmynott 11 месяцев назад +1

    Anyone else seeing this and thinking B IS FOR BUILD? Maybe this was the inspo!

  • @annihilhater
    @annihilhater Год назад +41

    Gotta love that they said it was a course more in line with what the Toyota can do ......... It was a bumpy hill.

    • @xxmeanyheadxx
      @xxmeanyheadxx Год назад +7

      well they werent lying. something more in line with what that giant truck can do, maybe like a dirt road to a campground made for 40 foot toy haulers? lol

  • @dennisandrade7447
    @dennisandrade7447 Год назад +22

    Can we agree Donut’s videos are at their best when something unexpected happens? Like Justin massively-breaking the shafts of the camper and how it took a week to fix? 😁😁😆

  • @riflelord2
    @riflelord2 Год назад +49

    i noticed the back of the camper flexing differently to the rest of the truck on the highway and knew it wasn't gonna be a good time.

    • @aphextwin5712
      @aphextwin5712 Год назад

      The Mercedes Unimog also is built to allow flex between the cabin and whatever you have on the rear. There are plenty of Unimog-based campers that do fine off-road. You just need a base vehicle that is built to haul you load and your higher center of gravity and don’t go overboard with your weight.
      In short, some flex. is good. Too much flex means your chassis and suspension is overloaded.

    • @riflelord2
      @riflelord2 Год назад +2

      @@aphextwin5712 i understand flex is good but the flex of the camper to the cab was greater than it should be. Open flex on a unreinforced frame can cause problems. The drive shaft might of buckled due to that flexing causing the angle to be greater than specs would of allowed. That truck should be in a dual tire set up to allow for more absorption into the suspension to balance the loads, limiting the flex of the frame if the frame has not been it should be reinforced.

    • @aphextwin5712
      @aphextwin5712 Год назад +3

      @@riflelord2 I somehow skipped over an important part of your post, “on the highway”. Things shouldn’t already flex on the highway (unless you pothole or similar). Meaning I’m in full agreement with you.

  • @mominx2412
    @mominx2412 Год назад +2

    This camper felt like something Jeremy Clarkson would come up with.

  • @RiggsCo
    @RiggsCo Год назад +91

    How many years of coach/camper build outs and these guys thought “hey you know how these are really top heavy? What if we made it worse?”

    • @WickedPhase
      @WickedPhase Год назад

      That's exactly why I don't blame Justin tbhh

  • @dariusbaja21
    @dariusbaja21 Год назад +37

    Jus wanna say Bravo 👏👏 on Justin. Love his addition to the team n he basically now is a regular doin it all . He jus seems like the most laidback n genuine person.

    • @nasonguy
      @nasonguy Год назад

      Not laid back on that skinny pedal lol.

  • @Uni0nDirect0r
    @Uni0nDirect0r Год назад +530

    The most important question every American asks when buying a new car: does it fit McDonald's drive-thru?

    • @chrisincamera
      @chrisincamera Год назад +4

      They were not making that Drive Thru by a few feet.

    • @blahorgaslisk7763
      @blahorgaslisk7763 Год назад +10

      Sign says: "Clearance 9 feet"
      Clearance bar touches the front of the camper which rises something like two feet higher.
      "Not gona make it? Are you sure I'm not gona make it?"
      But yea, it really shows that this is one freakishly high vehicle.
      Fun memory from my military service. A friend crewed a self propelled Howitzer and after an exercise the crew chief took it though the Mc Donalds drive through. It fit, if just barely...
      Another friend serviced helicopters and they actually took a bird to Mc Donalds, but for obvious reasons they put it down on the parking lot and didn't try the drive through.
      And yet another friend drove an APC to town and parked it outside his girlfriends apartment. Don't remember if he ever dared try the McD drive through though.

    • @gm6892
      @gm6892 Год назад

      if it doesnt we know. We will get our mcfatass out of the truck and go inside.

    • @redditrecall439
      @redditrecall439 Год назад

      Just bc James wanted a Big Mac they had to stop over here and make a stint outta it
      9ft to drive thru. The thing clearly has 11ft 9' on the dash never gonna happen

  • @packexists
    @packexists Год назад +59

    I'm glad you guys did the smart thing by just leaving it on the trail like you did until you could get some proper help, really good stuff to see, seems like a no brainer but impatience and frustration can lead to some bad decisions.

    • @sparksmcgee6641
      @sparksmcgee6641 Год назад +8

      I came here from Matt's channel and knowing the end before hand I was stressing when Justin was sliding backwards down that hill.

  • @CONTRAband860
    @CONTRAband860 Год назад +31

    I'm glad James' dad was able to come and help them out!