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Jan 20, 7:22 AM

Dec 2021
Almost a month and we're back, and straight into a fight... Hajime versus Hajime... lol. Animation was just as... okay as it's ever been, but that OST banging as per usual. Seriously though, a banging OST like this one is wasted on a show like this.

But yeah, Hajime beats himself yadda yadda. No surprises there. God though... if we're gonna do this whole facing yourself thing for EVERY body, then this'll get really repetitive, really fast. And what would you know... Hajime saved Shizuku. :shocked face:

Jan 20, 9:59 AM

Jul 2013
As much as the anime cuts and skips alot of content from this series, there's one good thing I can say and they actually made Mirror Shizuku an actual counterpart. Overall, I like this episode tbh. I say that the 3 weeks was well worth it. Animation seems pretty solid at least by it's calibur.

I also like Hajime's fight, Not much to say right? But I will have to say if I have to say I prefer the Mirror version of both Hajime and Shizuku.
GalacticMagnaJan 20, 10:06 AM

Jan 20, 10:04 AM

Feb 2019
Let’s gooo we are back finally. Hopefully the time off helps the staff with the production values which def started looking a lil questionable there. Today’s actions scenes were serviceable, I didn’t notice a big improvement per se, but definitely better than that tree fight from a couple months ago now.

That awkward moment when regular Hajime is edgier than Hajime alter lmao. Buddy actually had the “darkness” in his heart scared from how crazy he was talking. His scene was cool, but the big highlight was Shizuku confronting the darkness in her heart! Finally we got confirmation of what we already knew, she’s in love with Hajime and kinda hates herself for it. As well as being jealous with Shea entering the harem. Hearing that she never even wanted to get into swordsmanship and wanted to be a girly girl was really sad. Poor thing has had to live a lie her whole life and finally she found someone in Hajime who could treat her like a princess and protect her.. only natural she’d fall for him.

I just hate that he comes to bail her out at the end. Would’ve been really cool and frankly better writing for her to overcome her own darkness rather than getting saved by a guy. I guess that’s part of the damsel in distress role that she wants to play though. I wonder if she’ll confess next week.
Marinate1016Jan 20, 2:29 PM
Jan 20, 10:09 AM

Jul 2024
Hajime: 'Yeah, I am a callous murdering asshole, sometimes, and edgelord. So what? Oh, and thank for showing me my style from another perspective. Good oppotunity to polish it up.'

Shizuku beaten down by her suppressing her feelings too long.

Next episode: Thank God She's Still a Pervert
Damn, I can hardly wait.
LordCrueltyVJan 20, 11:41 AM
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Jan 20, 10:34 AM

Jul 2022
Fighting games when the same character is chosen:

Hajime overcame his confrontation with his dark double easily, not by overcoming his weakness through the maze test, but with brute force. On the other hand, Shizuku had a hard time against her doppelganger, but that was to be expected. On the outside, she could appear tough and self-assured, but she always held back and could never say or do what she really wanted. Hajime's arrival was indeed timely. But Shiziku's asking for help is the first step towards her change.
Jan 20, 10:35 AM

Jun 2017
Wow, expected Nagumo to just shit on himself but I didn't see Shizuku losing that hard coming.

But I'll guess she'll learn from this and maybe even confess on the spot next ep. lol
Jan 20, 10:46 AM

Dec 2015
that was a giant stinking pile of crap... ughhh soooo lame! anybody with a miniscule amount of introspection would have stood there and yawned in that labyrinth trial. Nagumo is insane. he's bug fuggin nuts. coocoo bananas. also, that disgustingly pathetic moronic bullsh!t about killing? seriously? did the author just yoink some psychobabble pop-culture shrink self-help pablum off the shelf and copy-paste it into his novel? like myself, actual combat vets that have truly killed people have more screwed up whackafreakindoodledoo goin on in their brainpans than that whole scene with Nagumo. he's lost an arm, an eye, had to make replacements for both himself, almost died so many times i lost count in JUST the first 5? episodes of the 1st season?

nothing mentioned about... hell if anybody knows what twisted DNA whatthafukk he has introduced into himself by eating those monsters. maybe he'll explode into a red mist when he gets home because the physics of our reality seriously can NOT interact at all with materials from the blablabla reality inside his body. maybe Yue and Shea and Tio will melt into puddles of gooey slime? the dude has more than a passing acquaintance with physics or he never would have been able to design ALL THOSE COOL TOYS of his. nothing mentioned about that... just that weakazz bullcrap.

then the Shizuku stuff? ughhh makes me wanna puuuuuke! tween angst blablabla get this part of the storyline over. tomboy bullcrap. martial artist bullcrap. lil frilly girly stuff bullcrap. liking some other girl's guy... laaaaame yet again. i'm no girl so i've barely a clue how they deal with stuff like this. but i am a human being an i know one thing that is pretty universal between the sexes. we get the fukk up, dust ourselves off, and go onwards. because that's the gdamn number one evolutionary survival trait that any species has. or they go fukking extinct. lay down and die and be eaten or rot into plant food... or get up and try again? easy choice, try again.

i realize this is YA fiction blablabla. but sheeesh... when i was a tween, i got over this kind of 'emotional relationship damage' crapola within days or a week... and moved on with my life. i had more looming problems with my parents and my screwed-up home life to deal with than... girls. i know folks are different, deal with stuff different, but ughhh... this group has more important things on the line than relationship jealousy and whatnot.
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Jan 20, 10:52 AM

Mar 2021
Hajime vs Hajime was intense as expected but saved by that epic soundtrack lol

Shizuku facing her own fears was rough to watch guess it's a pivotal moment for her character development

The next episode preview got me curious though looks like things ain't slowing down anytime soon

Oh and that new season poster looks vibrant hope they maintain the quality throughout
Jan 20, 10:58 AM

Jun 2012
Nagumo faced himself and overcame it through sheer strength, and Shizuku is stuck in this dilemma and almost got killed, man.
Jan 20, 11:39 AM
Oct 2021
Getting boring as fuck.
Jan 20, 11:58 AM

Dec 2022
And we're back. Nagumo and Shizuku are here to confront their inner demons and satisfy the labyrinth's gimmick. Luckily for our heroes, Shadow Nagumo can't shoot for shit and our favorite Gary Stu was somehow able to show up and save the waifu from herself. The fights looked decent, which is amazing for this series. I can also appreciate how Nagumo's made peace with what he's become.

Next episode's title suggests that Tio is up next, but for once I'm actually curious about Trash Party. If their only competent member is faring this badly in the mirror match, then Kouki and Suzu are fucked.
MALoween 2024 Candy: ///
Jan 20, 12:03 PM
Apr 2021
not even 3 minute to watch, just a boring conflict and if this continue with the hero and others, god damn, can we skip?
Jan 20, 12:20 PM
Mar 2020
What the heck I've watched... this series makes no sense... started well and now we are here.....
Jan 20, 12:54 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to AvalonRendy
not even 3 minute to watch, just a boring conflict and if this continue with the hero and others, god damn, can we skip?
@AvalonRendy at least we need one more season before this series will end since after the ice cave the final arc will start
Jan 20, 12:56 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to KiliianSleipnir
that was a giant stinking pile of crap... ughhh soooo lame! anybody with a miniscule amount of introspection would have stood there and yawned in that labyrinth trial. Nagumo is insane. he's bug fuggin nuts. coocoo bananas. also, that disgustingly pathetic moronic bullsh!t about killing? seriously? did the author just yoink some psychobabble pop-culture shrink self-help pablum off the shelf and copy-paste it into his novel? like myself, actual combat vets that have truly killed people have more screwed up whackafreakindoodledoo goin on in their brainpans than that whole scene with Nagumo. he's lost an arm, an eye, had to make replacements for both himself, almost died so many times i lost count in JUST the first 5? episodes of the 1st season?

nothing mentioned about... hell if anybody knows what twisted DNA whatthafukk he has introduced into himself by eating those monsters. maybe he'll explode into a red mist when he gets home because the physics of our reality seriously can NOT interact at all with materials from the blablabla reality inside his body. maybe Yue and Shea and Tio will melt into puddles of gooey slime? the dude has more than a passing acquaintance with physics or he never would have been able to design ALL THOSE COOL TOYS of his. nothing mentioned about that... just that weakazz bullcrap.

then the Shizuku stuff? ughhh makes me wanna puuuuuke! tween angst blablabla get this part of the storyline over. tomboy bullcrap. martial artist bullcrap. lil frilly girly stuff bullcrap. liking some other girl's guy... laaaaame yet again. i'm no girl so i've barely a clue how they deal with stuff like this. but i am a human being an i know one thing that is pretty universal between the sexes. we get the fukk up, dust ourselves off, and go onwards. because that's the gdamn number one evolutionary survival trait that any species has. or they go fukking extinct. lay down and die and be eaten or rot into plant food... or get up and try again? easy choice, try again.

i realize this is YA fiction blablabla. but sheeesh... when i was a tween, i got over this kind of 'emotional relationship damage' crapola within days or a week... and moved on with my life. i had more looming problems with my parents and my screwed-up home life to deal with than... girls. i know folks are different, deal with stuff different, but ughhh... this group has more important things on the line than relationship jealousy and whatnot.
@KiliianSleipnir we only need one more season before this series end and the crap will finished
Jan 20, 1:11 PM

Sep 2023
Cool episode. I wonder how the fight will go for the remaining team members.
Jan 20, 2:02 PM
Jul 2024
Nagumo fighting himself was actually better than I thought. The 2nd fight between Shizuka & her dark side was kind of surprising in that she basically got her ass whooped.
Jan 20, 4:06 PM

Feb 2017
Where did the hole that Nagumo came out of come from? Shizuku had just been laying against the wall she got kicked into just a second ago, you telling me Nagumo is bypassing the labyrinth by breaking the walls in total silence?

Really hope what's left of the season isn't this over and over again.
Jan 20, 5:34 PM

Jun 2016
I was hoping Shizuku would end up with Kouki. I know it's a harem, but it's frustrating when a annoying guy like Nagumo gets all the girls and the rest of the male characters are left alone.

Sorry, but this is all for me, drop
Jan 20, 6:12 PM
Aug 2021
At first I forgot all about it 🤣. Then watching it I had to remember where the hell the story was. Finally, it was just OK.
Jan 20, 6:16 PM
Feb 2021
By far the worst episode of the season. Utterly boring. Two separate fights in one episode? What’s next? Are we gonna have to put up with every character in the dungeon to fight themselves? Even by the relatively low standards of Arifureta, this episode was garbage.
Jan 20, 7:02 PM

Jun 2024
I forgot this was still going lol, it's been a while.
Plenty of action here, Shizuku got her ass beat only to be saved by Nagumo again.
I guess next week our dragon lady features after seeing the title for the episode.
I have ADD, ADHD & AUTISM, but this won't stop me. Let's keep having fun together.
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Jan 20, 7:03 PM
Jan 2009
Getting really sick and tired of constant dungeons. I'm sure someone will complain that it's taken from the LN so it can't be filler, but no...this is essentially filler. No meaningful plot development, no interaction with any important enemy characters, just bullshit tests I don't give a crap about that don't seem to matter and that give powers which also don't seem to matter. Half of this season has been the equivalent of grinding levels, except he doesn't seem to get stronger, so even grinding levels would be better than this. You could essentially skip half this season and miss nothing.
Jan 20, 8:32 PM
Oct 2022
Is this cave in Celeste mountain?
Jan 20, 10:04 PM
Nov 2018
Rurihime said:
I was hoping Shizuku would end up with Kouki. I know it's a harem, but it's frustrating when a annoying guy like Nagumo gets all the girls and the rest of the male characters are left alone.

Sorry, but this is all for me, drop

Harem details don't click on spoiler if you don't want to know.
Jan 20, 11:19 PM

Jul 2013
Their others selves sure love fucking talking don't they? Who the fuck cares what they fucking say? Not only it's just the dungeon fucking with them, what they say are all bullshit. So what if Nagumo has killed? bunch of killers and thieves here on earth some of them are even politicians. So what if Yaegashi loves Nagumo too? he's got a fucking harem ffs. And the most bullshit of all is Nagumo arriving right at that exact moment to save bitches again. What a fucking trash episode.
Jan 20, 11:33 PM
Apr 2013
EP 12

Its ep 12
A few weeeks laater
Last time uhh some cliffhang separated etc

Wait thats literally the end of the ep
A lot of talking this time
Like the entire ep and then this cliffhang
Like i dunno what they are planning with the remaining eps
If im being very honest like even compared to the other eps hurr
Jan 21, 3:19 AM

Jan 2024
I expected Hajime W v Hajime B to be better. It started off well with black questioning his actual feeling for Yue love or dependencies. But then it's simple I became too strong for myself crap and overPOWERED a psychological test. Maybe that quality of writing is too much to expect from here. Atleast Black lasted more than many other foes.

The misogyny in Shizuku past is really bothering part. But thats that. Yeah everyone even with their eyes close knew she was in love. What a shocker. Yes she deserves to get kicked around for her jealousy against Shea.
Beaten to a pulp and here comes knight in shining armour to save her again. Enough girly yet?

After so long it comes back with kinda underwhelming episode. Atleast I see next episode title and can expect some good Tio action.
Jan 21, 4:32 AM

Feb 2018
This labyrinth feels like a long "arc" lol. We gon' have everyone fight their evil twin for the next few episodes maybe.

Never ending plan to watch list...

Jan 21, 8:38 AM
Aug 2016
Amazing episode!
Jan 21, 7:53 PM

Feb 2015

What is that next episode title lol
Censorship is vandalism.
Jan 21, 7:59 PM

Dec 2015
Reply to Elior21
@KiliianSleipnir we only need one more season before this series end and the crap will finished
@Elior21 i've been enjoying the show since day 1 episode 1 came out. but sometimes? ughhhh... things just get my goat and i don't like it. sorry to vent all over the place like that but... steam.. pressure... vent... and the whistle blows.
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Jan 21, 8:04 PM

Dec 2015
Reply to Luxeraph
Where did the hole that Nagumo came out of come from? Shizuku had just been laying against the wall she got kicked into just a second ago, you telling me Nagumo is bypassing the labyrinth by breaking the walls in total silence?

Really hope what's left of the season isn't this over and over again.
@Luxeraph i THINK at the end when Nagumo finished his room that doorway appeared and led into Shizu's room. also, if his Alchemy is good enough... mhm things dissolve silently... we're not sitting here with a Giger counter listening to the clicks or some other form of instrument as he dissolves molecular bonds etc. if he doesn't remove too much material from a load-bearing 'wall' nothing should technically collapse... maybe...
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Jan 22, 1:00 AM
Jun 2020
I would've wanted Nagumo to really face it's fears. Moreover, the fact that Shizuku's trial was basically "just give up and die" doesn't sit well with me. They could've went for the "you don't have to repress every emotion to be stong route. But for this anime this episode is pretty good
Jan 22, 5:34 AM
Jun 2007
Nagumo really overcame his own "double" eh. He is really mentally strong!
Meanwhile Shizuku...
Jan 22, 6:36 AM

Mar 2013
Shizuku, next girl for the harem!!! 🤤
MC is a lady killer..

I probably prefer Shizuku IRL.
CrazyButNot4UJan 22, 6:45 AM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Jan 22, 8:11 AM
Oct 2024
Marinate1016 said:
Let’s gooo we are back finally. Hopefully the time off helps the staff with the production values which def started looking a lil questionable there. Today’s actions scenes were serviceable, I didn’t notice a big improvement per se, but definitely better than that tree fight from a couple months ago now.

That awkward moment when regular Hajime is edgier than Hajime alter lmao. Buddy actually had the “darkness” in his heart scared from how crazy he was talking. His scene was cool, but the big highlight was Shizuku confronting the darkness in her heart! Finally we got confirmation of what we already knew, she’s in love with Hajime and kinda hates herself for it. As well as being jealous with Shea entering the harem. Hearing that she never even wanted to get into swordsmanship and wanted to be a girly girl was really sad. Poor thing has had to live a lie her whole life and finally she found someone in Hajime who could treat her like a princess and protect her.. only natural she’d fall for him.

I just hate that he comes to bail her out at the end. Would’ve been really cool and frankly better writing for her to overcome her own darkness rather than getting saved by a guy. I guess that’s part of the damsel in distress role that she wants to play though. I wonder if she’ll confess next week.

Yeah, this thing of Hajime coming to the rescue of the rest of his classmates is getting old. They're so weak they can't even beat their reflections. That’s just sad.
Jan 22, 11:10 AM

Apr 2013
Of course Nagumo is too strong for his doppelganger, of course black-hair is in love with him and of course he saves her sorry ass again. This show has gotten so boring and predictable...
Jan 22, 1:17 PM

Nov 2023
Hajime saving Shizuku is just... not fun.

The ost tho for Hajime's fight was actually kinda banging.

Even with the garbo ending I'd still put it at

Jan 23, 2:39 AM

Apr 2016
The original is better the copy!!!
Jan 23, 8:43 AM
Sep 2020
Interesting concept for this dungeon, just turning everyone a different race.
Jan 23, 10:11 AM
Mar 2015
Our boi gets stronger every day and shows up in the nick of time to save the gril
Jan 24, 7:57 AM
Isekai Trucker

Oct 2015
These damn small breaks makes me forget whatever happened the previous episode but who cares. It's arifureta. The looser with a harem and a loli waifu.
Why do these "side characters" have to be so weak compared to Nagumo?
"You only realize the real value of something you discarded when you get the chance to pick it up again." - Rudeus Greyrat

Jan 24, 6:42 PM
Oct 2022
LordCrueltyV said:
Hajime: 'Yeah, I am a callous murdering asshole, sometimes, and edgelord. So what? Oh, and thank for showing me my style from another perspective. Good oppotunity to polish it up.'

Shizuku beaten down by her suppressing her feelings too long.

Next episode: Thank God She's Still a Pervert
Damn, I can hardly wait.

Hmm… I wonder who next episode will be about…
Jan 24, 11:22 PM
Nov 2016
Wow, 3 weeks for an episode that may as well be filler, a recap or a flashback. Absolutely garbage episode.
I hate fighting inner demons or subconscious crap. Or ''muh they were once human can i really kill them?''.
Jan 25, 11:54 AM
Apr 2023
Rurihime said:
I was hoping Shizuku would end up with Kouki. I know it's a harem, but it's frustrating when a annoying guy like Nagumo gets all the girls and the rest of the male characters are left alone.

Sorry, but this is all for me, drop

I'm sorry but there is no more irritating guy than the "hero". Once you understand the background of Shizuka, Nagumo makes perfect sense. She just wants to be spoiled and who the hell can do that if not Nagumo?
Jan 25, 12:01 PM
Apr 2023
WaterMage said:
I expected Hajime W v Hajime B to be better. It started off well with black questioning his actual feeling for Yue love or dependencies. But then it's simple I became too strong for myself crap and overPOWERED a psychological test. Maybe that quality of writing is too much to expect from here. Atleast Black lasted more than many other foes.

The misogyny in Shizuku past is really bothering part. But thats that. Yeah everyone even with their eyes close knew she was in love. What a shocker. Yes she deserves to get kicked around for her jealousy against Shea.
Beaten to a pulp and here comes knight in shining armour to save her again. Enough girly yet?

After so long it comes back with kinda underwhelming episode. Atleast I see next episode title and can expect some good Tio action.

If a girl wants to be girlie it is misogyny. if a she wants to be a badass tomboy it is the most natural thing in the world. Where the f*** do these idiots come from?
Jan 25, 1:00 PM

Jun 2016
Reply to ZoltanChivai
Rurihime said:
I was hoping Shizuku would end up with Kouki. I know it's a harem, but it's frustrating when a annoying guy like Nagumo gets all the girls and the rest of the male characters are left alone.

Sorry, but this is all for me, drop

I'm sorry but there is no more irritating guy than the "hero". Once you understand the background of Shizuka, Nagumo makes perfect sense. She just wants to be spoiled and who the hell can do that if not Nagumo?
@ZoltanChivai sorry but Nagumo is probably one of the most unbearable characters of all animes, he's a complete idiot
Jan 25, 1:50 PM

Apr 2018
Hajime is too strong that he's even stronger than himself ahaha sadly it's not the same for Shizuku as she's mentally struggling with against her clone... at least Hajime is here to save her.
Jan 25, 8:45 PM
Apr 2023
Rurihime said:
@ZoltanChivai sorry but Nagumo is probably one of the most unbearable characters of all animes, he's a complete idiot

agree to disagree about Nagumo but how anyone can like the "hero" is beyond me...
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