Jan 7, 2008 12:56 PM
I don't know why there isn't one (hence, the reason I put up an Introductions page here), but I felt that there should be a place to meet and greet one another. Introduce yourself here (if that didn't seem obvious by now) and convene with your fellow Tales fans ^_^. Since I'm new here, and in order to prevent a double post, I would just like to quickly say that I'm glad to be a part of the only Tales club on MAL. I joined this club because I love Tales of Symphonia(O rly?) and other Tales games (but mostly just Symphonia <3 ^^), and since I don't know anyone who shares my interests, I hope to meet some people who do. |
veneaminJan 17, 2008 10:14 AM
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Jan 7, 2008 11:16 PM
Hi! I'm YuenSan! My favorite is also ToS. I also have Tales of Phantasia. I have made AMVs of some of the Tales of- games b4 on youtube on my Sasuke13 username. I can't wait for the 2nd part of the Symphonia OVAs! xP |
Jan 8, 2008 10:32 AM
Nice tomeet you Yuensan! ^_^ I am really excited for the second half as well. Symphonia: End Tethe'alla: Begin *faint* I think the OVA's follow the story considerably close, owing to the fact that it's going to be only 8 episodes long ^^. The animation really blows me away too (remember Kvar's eyes! I was shocked O_O) P.S - Wow, great job on the AMV's ^^! |
veneaminJan 8, 2008 4:53 PM
Jan 11, 2008 9:28 PM
I'm Feder! I've only recently become a Tales fan and haven't experienced many of the Tales games yet, but I'm working toward playing more of them. So far I've played Tales of Symphonia (beat) Tales of the Abyss (beat) Tales of Legendia Tales of the Tempest Tales of Phantasia (GBA) Also, my friend has Destiny and Destiny 2/Eternia, so I've experienced those games a little too. Right now I'm really looking forward to Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatoskr and hoping that Tales of Innocence gets a US release. |
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Jan 15, 2008 2:36 PM
MistaCloudStrife here. I've played Tales of Destiny and Tales of Eternia. I plan on playing some other ones later but I've got my hands full with other games right now. Alot of games I own but have never played. >.O I really want to play Tales of Destiny 2 though. Eternia was renamed ToD2 but there's an actual Tales of Destiny sequel that's only out in Japan. I'm hoping it comes out in the US. They've already made ToD and the real ToD2 for the PSP in Japan, so my hopes are on the PSP. |
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Jan 16, 2008 3:46 PM
Jan 17, 2008 10:26 AM
@ Suiseiseki 85 Actually, there are 3 new character now ^_^: ![]() - Emil Castagnier, ![]() - Marta Lualdi, ![]() - and Richter Abend. (Kratos Aurion+Luke fon Fabre?!) Also, there will definitely be a second part to the OVA series: "In the audio commentary of the third OVA, a member of the cast stated that four more episodes for Tethe'alla are currently in production. This claim is supported by the ending of Episode 4, where the words 'End Sylvarant' and 'Begin Tethe'alla' are present." |
veneaminJan 19, 2008 1:11 AM
Jan 18, 2008 11:31 PM
Jan 18, 2008 11:47 PM
Hmm. Crystal here. I played Tales of Eternia like years and years ago but I never finished it. I played a bit of Phantasia, although Tales of Legendia and Tales of the Abyss are the only ones I actually completed to the very end. |
Jan 19, 2008 1:50 AM
It's a pleasure to meet you all ^_^. Kagami86 - Wow, 650 hours! Now that is true dedication ^^ (pshhh, he's barely scratching the surface) jk :P. I've got to ask.. is 650 h during one playthrough, or several times beaten? MistaCloudStrife said: MistaCloudStrife here. I've played Tales of Destiny and Tales of Eternia. I plan on playing some other ones later but I've got my hands full with other games right now. Alot of games I own but have never played. >.O I really want to play Tales of Destiny 2 though. Eternia was renamed ToD2 but there's an actual Tales of Destiny sequel that's only out in Japan. I'm hoping it comes out in the US. They've already made ToD and the real ToD2 for the PSP in Japan, so my hopes are on the PSP. MistaCloudStrife - You should start playing some of those other abandoned Tales games of yours before you lose them under all of the collected dust :P. I'm hoping for an American release of Tales of Destiny 2 as well. I think it was so unnecessary to rename Tales of Eternia, Tales of Destiny II. It just made things more complicated ><. Oh well! No use crying over spilt milk. Let's just hope Namco won't rename Tales of Symphonia:KoR, to Tales of Vesperia 1/2 ^^. That is, if Knights of Ratatosk even gets an American release... O.O Oh no! Did i jinx it!? *runs off and prays* |
Jan 23, 2008 7:19 AM
veneamin said: @ Suiseiseki 85 Actually, there are 3 new character now ^_^: ![]() - Emil Castagnier, ![]() - Marta Lualdi, ![]() - and Richter Abend. (Kratos Aurion+Luke fon Fabre?!) Also, there will definitely be a second part to the OVA series: "In the audio commentary of the third OVA, a member of the cast stated that four more episodes for Tethe'alla are currently in production. This claim is supported by the ending of Episode 4, where the words 'End Sylvarant' and 'Begin Tethe'alla' are present." Yay,happy to hear that ^_^ 3rd character looks nice too.I must say,that Tales of Symphonia is the only game i liked ALL the characters. |
Jan 23, 2008 3:30 PM
veneamin said: MistaCloudStrife - You should start playing some of those other abandoned Tales games of yours before you lose them under all of the collected dust :P. I'm hoping for an American release of Tales of Destiny 2 as well. I think it was so unnecessary to rename Tales of Eternia, Tales of Destiny II. It just made things more complicated ><. Oh well! No use crying over spilt milk. Let's just hope Namco won't rename Tales of Symphonia:KoR, to Tales of Vesperia 1/2 ^^. That is, if Knights of Ratatosk even gets an American release... O.O Oh no! Did i jinx it!? *runs off and prays* Yeah, I know, but I have too many RPGs atm and can't make time. >_> And yeah... when games are released in the US, it happens. Take Final Fantasy for example. FFIV was renamed FFII and FFVI was renamed FFIII. -_-;; |
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Jan 23, 2008 3:36 PM
MistaCloudStrife said: And yeah... when games are released in the US, it happens. Take Final Fantasy for example. FFIV was renamed FFII and FFVI was renamed FFIII. -_-;; When will the insanity end ><!!! |
Jan 25, 2008 9:57 AM
The tales games I've played and beaten are: Tales of Symphonia Tales of Legendia Tales of the Abyss I love all of them and it's so hard to decide which is my favourite, I think maybe Symphonia because that was my first one that I played. I started replaying it and I'm gunna continue with it soon again. :D Best story, best characters, best battle system, best music, best graphics, best game ever made. :D I also have Phantasia but haven't played it yet. |
Jan 25, 2008 10:22 AM
Hi! tennisgirl24 here. I've been part of the Tales fandom for about three years now. I've played Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Legendia, Tales of Phantasia (GBA version), and Tales of the Abyss. My favorite of the four is currently Tales of the Abyss, with Tales of Symphonia in a close second. :) |
Jan 27, 2008 9:26 AM
Hello there, have been playing Tales of-games for a long time. The thing that started my love for the Tales of-series was DeJap's translation of Tales of Phantasia. don't know how many years it been, but too many. :P I've played Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Destiny, Tales of of Eternia, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Legendia and Tales of the Abyss. I've also played some of the Tales of the World-games. Don't know if I've named every game I have played but whatever. ;) Well, nice to meet you. |
Jan 29, 2008 2:31 PM
Jan 29, 2008 2:59 PM
Tenks here. I've played ToP, ToD, ToE, ToD2, ToS, ToR, ToL, TotA, TotT, ToI, ToWND3, and ToWRM. I've only beaten ToE, ToD2, ToS, ToL,and TotA, though. But my favorite is Legendia, because I absolutely love it. >_> Yeah, I'm part of the minority. My least favorite is Symphonia, also. Either way, I plan on getting ToS2 and ToV. I can't wait for them, actually. I hope you get to beat on Lloyd with Emil since they showed them fighting in one of the trailers. I hate that bastard, so I can't wait. o_o |
Jan 29, 2008 8:23 PM
*waves* I'm Senna. I guess you could say I've been a Tales fan for a while ... I purchased Tales of Destiny II (Eternia) from a used video store some years back. It's one of my favorite games for the PS1, while Tales of the Abyss is my favorite game for PS2. I also have Tales of Destiny, but I'm not very far in it yet. I would definitely like to check out more Tales games when I get a chance ^^ (Next up will probably be Tempest because I'm in Japan right now and it's really cheap here.) |
Feb 2, 2008 6:53 PM
Hello all ^^! Senna said: *waves* I'm Senna. I guess you could say I've been a Tales fan for a while ... I purchased Tales of Destiny II (Eternia) from a used video store some years back. It's one of my favorite games for the PS1, while Tales of the Abyss is my favorite game for PS2. I also have Tales of Destiny, but I'm not very far in it yet. I would definitely like to check out more Tales games when I get a chance ^^ (Next up will probably be Tempest because I'm in Japan right now and it's really cheap here.) *waves back* You are very lucky to live in Japan ^^. I plan on moving there to teach English. May I recommend Tales of Symphonia? I'm sure you would enjoy it, since you like ToE (which is also a favourite of mine). kazerfozl said: Hi! I've only recently become a Tales of fan although I did play ToP on my ZSNES emulator about 10 years ago. I own ToP (GBA version), ToS (only 10 hrs in), and ToA. My favorite so far is ToA it is the only RPG besides FF6 and CT that I have replayed multiple times. Did they even have the ZSNES emulator 10 years ago? Also, I like your kitty on it's quest to conque the world :P. death919 said: The tales games I've played and beaten are: Tales of Symphonia Tales of Legendia Tales of the Abyss I love all of them and it's so hard to decide which is my favourite, I think maybe Symphonia because that was my first one that I played. I started replaying it and I'm gunna continue with it soon again. :D Best story, best characters, best battle system, best music, best graphics, best game ever made. :D I also have Phantasia but haven't played it yet. <3 Hooray for Symphonia!!! Er.. welcome to the other guys who weren't included in my post (tennisgirl24, Cless, and Tenks) ^__^ |
Feb 2, 2008 7:24 PM
lol, yeah. i dont do much with the club, but meh, i needed to create one for my tales of love. <3 it's sad that i've beaten symphonia twice, yet i hate it. D: also, the tod director's cut came out recently. you can play as LION. :O nice change, though he's not exactly my favorite. |
Feb 6, 2008 10:04 AM
Tales of Symphonia is godly. I don't see how you can hate it but to each his own. :3 I really wanna play TotA but I lack a PS2 T_T I've beaten Legendia and Phantasia and am currently playing Eternia. :D |
You can find me on IRC. |
Feb 7, 2008 3:44 AM
Feb 7, 2008 6:54 PM
Suiseiseki_85 said: ^It is godly for many many people. Actually it was the first time i heard that someone hated it, and played it 2 times still <_< Go on the Tales forum and you'll see plenty of hate. But you'll see plenty of people that like it too. I personally like it, but I can see why people might not. |
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Feb 8, 2008 5:35 AM
Personally, I thought Symphonia was the weakest of the Fujishima games and the weakest of the 3D console games, but it wasn't that bad. Though, I've tried playing through it again recently and it's kind of hard to get into it. Since I'm here, I guess I'll post some sort of introduction, too. The original Tales of Destiny totally went under my radar, but I was introduced to the series with either Tales of Phantasia or Tales of Eternia (don't remember which I played first). Since then I've gone on to play Tales of Destiny (original and remake), Destiny 2, Symphonia, Rebirth, Legendia, Abyss and Radiant Mythology. I decided to pass on Tales of the Tempest before it was released because it didn't really grab me, but the poor reception was pretty much the final nail in the coffin. I plan to purchase Innocence at some point, but at the moment I'm waiting for my copy of ToD DC. And, of course, I'm planning to play Symphonia 2 and Vesperia, as well. As for an absolute favorite game in the series, I'd have to say it's a toss up between Tales of Destiny (remake) and Tales of Rebirth. |
Feb 8, 2008 7:03 AM
feder said: Suiseiseki_85 said: ^It is godly for many many people. Actually it was the first time i heard that someone hated it, and played it 2 times still <_< Go on the Tales forum and you'll see plenty of hate. But you'll see plenty of people that like it too. I personally like it, but I can see why people might not. Really?Didnt know that.I guess it is very different that the other Tales games. Still,its the most popular for some reason,and if i am not mistaken,has very good critics and rating on game sites(in contrast with other Tales i mean) No,what i pointed out was why he played the game twice if he hated it,it is strange by common sense. ^I dont know if the PS2 version was any different though,i love my GC and the GC version is a good one. |
Feb 8, 2008 12:56 PM
Suiseiseki_85 said: ^I dont know if the PS2 version was any different though,i love my GC and the GC version is a good one. I've played the PS2 and GCN versions and I noticed the PS2 version is laggier, especially in combat. The graphics are also not as good. They have the pixel problem that Abyss suffers with. |
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Feb 8, 2008 10:09 PM
Suiseiseki_85 said: feder said: Suiseiseki_85 said: ^It is godly for many many people. Actually it was the first time i heard that someone hated it, and played it 2 times still <_< Go on the Tales forum and you'll see plenty of hate. But you'll see plenty of people that like it too. I personally like it, but I can see why people might not. Really?Didnt know that.I guess it is very different that the other Tales games. Still,its the most popular for some reason,and if i am not mistaken,has very good critics and rating on game sites(in contrast with other Tales i mean) No,what i pointed out was why he played the game twice if he hated it,it is strange by common sense. ^I dont know if the PS2 version was any different though,i love my GC and the GC version is a good one. I grew a hate towards it afterwards. It was one of my few games for Gamecube and at the time, I loved it. it's funny how so much love can turn into bitter hate. I hated Legendia when I started playing it, but it soon became my favorite game of all time. o_o I'm a hardcore Legendia collector, everything. I've played both the versions, the ps2 just has extra stuff like hi-ougis and costumes, titles, etc. |
Feb 9, 2008 3:58 AM
Feb 21, 2008 1:48 AM
Hello! I've started playing the series with ToS, so i'm pretty new :) So far, I've played : ToS, ToA (both finished), ToE (just to try at a friend's), ToRebirth, ToLegendia, ToWorld, radiant mythology : these three last I didn't finish yet, school has called a stop to it. My fav is ToA by far, mostly because of the party we have and the battle system. i wil most probably really like Rebirth's story, but I have it in japanese only... so I can't play it with my b/f, he's bored even if I'm translating :/ I'm thinking of purchasing the ToFandom 2, I want these sides stories so to speak for ToA, and I've been through a fan-girl period recently XD |
Feb 27, 2008 8:29 PM
It's nice to see a bunch of Tales fans here! ;D I'm roseice, or Venus. I've been into the Tales games for a few years, my first was ToP for the GBA which I got because I loved the anime. xD My favourite Tales games are ToA, ToD2 (not ToE), and ToP respectively. I've played and beaten all of the Tales games except Innocence... which I'm still working on. I love the Fujishima games and I have all three in both English and Japanese. *sweatdrop* Can't do ToA without Chihiro Suzuki. :D Though I prefer the Fujishima games, I have a soft spot for Destiny 2 and Rebirth. In the end I adore all the Tales games, though haha. Anyway it's nice to meet you guys! |
Mar 15, 2008 11:48 AM
G'day everyone *waves*. Nice to have a Tales-Fanclub here, which is not only about Symphonia ^__^. I'm a big Tales-Fan since November 2004, it all started with ToS, afterwads I've played some other Tales-Games (e.g. Eternia, Rebirth, Phantasia, Radiant Mythology, Tempest, Abyss, Destiny, Fandom Vol.2 and Innocence). The five last I haven't completed yet, but I'm working on them (school keeps me too busy ;__;)... My favourite game is Rebirth (can't wait for the PSP-Version *has placed a preorder OwO*), this game is really awesome, mostly everything fits to the story, but I'm curious about Vesperia and ToS: Dawn of the new world, too. I usually play the games in the Japanese original version, except when the're released in Europe ^^. |
Apr 22, 2008 1:21 AM
Hiya! I'm FreyaDragon but you can call me Freya. I absolutely love Tales of games. :D I can't wait till TOS: KOR comes out :D As soon as I get a Wii I'm soo getting that game! So far I've beaten Tales of Symphonia for the Gamecube, Tales of Legendia for PS2 and Tales of the Abyss for PS2. I'm working on my second play through for these games so that I make sure that I don't miss anything. *nods* I may have to end up playing through them several times before getting everything. |
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May 25, 2008 10:58 PM
I'm Mikaila, The first Tales game I ever played was Tales of Eternia(re-named Destiny II) I hadn't played too many rpgs at that point and and this one just got me hooked. I think I was about 11 or 12. I've also played Symphonia(my second favorite next to Eternia), Phantasia, Legendia, and Abyss. |
Jul 15, 2008 8:14 AM
hi hi^^ My name ist Justy. I shortly found this Tales of Club and because I'm a great fan of the series I joined here. so hello to everyone!! I'm a fan since Tales of Symphonia came out for the NGC in Germany. It was a really good game and I played it over 100 hours. Then I started to looking for more games of the series and bought Tales of Destiny and Tales of Phantasia. Today I have a total of 11 Tales of games and looking forward to the new outcoming titles. My favorites are: Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Innocence and Tales of Symphonia |
Jul 20, 2008 3:45 AM
Wingz` here, Been a Tales fanatic since Phantasia came out (Yes the very first one) I just hoped that they make Destiny(Remake) in English :( |
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Jul 26, 2008 4:17 AM
nice to meet you all! i started with ToS then with ToP for Snes...and after i finished those i beat ToA and working ToL and ToD atm tho XD ToS has still been my favorite tho ^_^ |
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Aug 2, 2008 7:59 PM
Hi everyone! My name's Philomele. The first Tales I played was Legendia, and ever since I've loved the series. My favorites would be Abyss and Symphonia, and I have a feeling I'll love Vesperia as well. ^_^ |
Under Construction. Please check back in a while. |
Sep 7, 2008 7:33 PM
Ah well, I'm Miken and I scanlate the Tales manga for Wings of an Angel...Meaning if I have time here, I should be doing something for that, but oh well. (Read: Chronic Procrastination is bad for everyone) XD;; I started with ToS and my current favorite is Destiny 2 (but that's mostly because I still haven't gotten my copy of Rebirth yet or have the ability to play the Destiny Remake). Still, Legendia comes in at a very close second. I'm probably not going to pop up here often, but I thought I'd say hello~ :D |
Sep 7, 2008 7:38 PM
Hi, welcome here! Good job on scanlating the mangas, it's really nice to be able to read them through the net, thanks!! ^_^ |
Sep 17, 2008 2:28 AM
Hi, I go by Mack ^^ I don't really have a fav Tales game, cause of the three I played I liked equally! I beat Tales of Symphonia twice and I am on my third playthrough! I beat Tales of the Abyss twice and I am on my third playthrough! I have not beat Tales of Phantasia yet though! I need to get off my lazy butt and do so. |
Sep 29, 2008 4:34 AM
Okay I'm Sushi, I've played Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Eternia, Tales of Phantasia, and Tales of the Abyss. I still need to complete Eternia and Abyss, and I play to get Legendia after I fix my 360. :P |
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Sep 29, 2008 12:35 PM
Hey, welcome you two!!! ^__^ |
Sep 29, 2008 12:59 PM
Thanks for the welcome PetiteChatonne. |
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Oct 8, 2008 9:11 AM
HI! Im Kuresu. My first Tales of game was Tales of Phantasia. I play it through 4/year. I also played Destiny and Legendia but i dun have them. I want to play through all of them, but i have nothing but a PC so it will take some time. I like the animes too but i think the games are far more better. Thats all bout me now. Lets be friends! |
~I listen to Anime Theme and Opening Music, do you?~ |
Oct 20, 2008 10:44 AM
Welcome Cless-kun ^^ cute avatar btw yusei fudo : you're welcome ^^; i don't do much contribution in the club apart from this so.. ^^; |
Apr 10, 2009 8:58 PM
hi, im the legendary midget and i have played several tales games. my favourite one is tales of eternia cos i think the series is better in 2d. i have seen the symthonia and phantasia anime and i plan on seeing the eternia and phantasia one in the future |
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