This is really annoying! After the first conversation about porn casting, I've definitely clicked forward for about 10 weeks in the game. Seen all sex scenes indefinitely and achieved nothing. Invitation to the porn casting does not come. This is no longer fun!! What I have done wrong?
This content is not in the game yet
Sometimes Kate is stuck in college because her suit changes in PE suit, when pill event occurs, and she can't go in main hall (or showering anyway). Why it happens? And how can you fix it?
I think these problems appeared because of Max.
Briefly, DS introduced Max to college, and was too lazy to check the game for errors. Either wait for version 46 or try this
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Claire R.E.

Active Member
6 408
I finished the consequences quest I haven't the new world order quest
provide pictures of your quests, so people can see what's going on, this will help you get help faster, if you need it. Quest (New World Order ) it opens last, you must have completed all quests to start quest (New World Order ). You have already completed all the quests by 100% ? I hope you got an answer to your question.
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