Prop Hunt Moments be like
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- 2024 and we're still playing prop hunt? Damn...
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"That ain't me" has the same energy as "nuh uh"
I love both of those 😂
That is so true
nuh uh!
Start playing a Jackbox game!!
gotta love when pezzy panics in games and goes "UHHH NUH UHHH"
"That Aint Me" Is The Most Powerful Line Ever Constructed But The GODS Themselves
jesus died for that fire line (joke)
Terrorists be like
@@CoalPriceI’m Christian and I can tell you all that is exactly what He died for.
That ain't me
1:38 the way Blarg’s ‘WALLermelon’ went straight over your head😂 understandable tho
I didn't even hear him say that
@@DARTH_VADER-IS-YOUR-FATHER I was the 69th like on this comment
@@ParrotHeadinMT 😎 mission complete
@@ParrotHeadinMT that comment has 2 likes bro wym
Honestly that joke was low hanging fruit.
This man single handandly shaped my entire childhood. Love you fr. Hope you good ❤
Same bruh
Likewise, bro
Man shaped my early to mid 20s
I don’t know how they do it, but each video is more chaotic than the last
Using the word chaotic is a clear sign of autism
I love when smii7Y said "That aint me." and aint meed all over the place
6:53 Dr. Jekyll in the insane asylum
Tbf this line was as hilarious as this entire video
BITCH THATS SO FUNNY LMAOOOO it took me a sec to understand but damn your mind works overtime fr
"That Ain't me..." 🗣🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊
A Smi7ty video and some cereal is pure heavens ❤
Me right now Fr 😂
Man I wish I had cereal right now
literally munching on some nutri grain rn 😆
That's just speaking facts
Munching on some Waffle Crisps as we speak
4:48 The return of Chair Clinging To A Wall, as prophesied by the Gods.
9:04 that is my favorite part lol
John always produces the best one liners 😭😆
Hey smii7y your one of the only people to still keep me laughing during a really stressful time so thank you and please keep going it keeps me going mentally
As a new watcher of all these guys (Blarg, Grizzy, Yumi, Soup) I like how Smii7y puts the peeps he plays with down in the description so I can go and watch there pov vids. Another hilarious vid dude.
I laughed so hard when the watermelon hit smii7y right in the face 13:37
Watermelon jumpscare
"you see that watermelon?" yeah i think he did, just a feelin
the pot sideways scene killed me at 12:40😂😂☠☠ and the fact that he helped Yumi kill is funnier
It took me almost a year to realize Smitty’s profile pic is a skeleton shooting two guys instead of a colossal titan. That’s crazy
Yeah, Puffer, we're all part of the Skittle Squad.
Bro that begining clip where you hid as the apples was insanly clutch
Hey smitty I just want to THANK YOU!!!! I’m not in a very good state of mind right now and I’ve never lost my smile and recent events have done that; but you and the guys keep giving me one! I just want to say thank you to you and the guys for giving me a reason worth smiling and laughing for!
"Once again we cannot stress this enough that clearly isn't me"
Smii7y and co. are always entertaining when it comes to prop hunts :3
13:05 - 13:09 smii7y went full patrick there lmao
I absolutely love smii7y I’m a long time watcher and he’s gotten me through a ton of tough times like seriously a lot he’s honestly one of the reasons I’m still alive I’m so grateful that he hasn’t become a pedo and also just grateful for the content he creates
When Mondstat popped up i got hit with Windblume memories
9:08 the way blarg just causally walked out of there made me tear up.😂
3:39 dude the Tom and Jerry chase 🤣🤣
4:56 is the stereotypical clip of the spy hiding from a gard in a movie
Making waffles because the only way to enjoy Smii7y properly is while eating
Alr tell me when you finish the waffles
@@An_M4A3I just warmed up eggo waffles, perfect for watching a bunch of idiots scream at each other
@@ThatOneStrangerOfficial ok enjoy the waffles
@@ThatOneStrangerOfficial i hope you enjoyed your waffles
@@lilyl1ly they were amazing :) hope you enjoyed Smii7y
13:38 chaos bro
Smiity has an addiction to putting chair in the most obscure places😂
Smitty is the one of the few RUclipsrs to not fall of in 2024 and still make great content. Keep on doing what you're doing bro.luv your video always ❤❤
13:37 you see that watermelon, *Smack*
He in fact felt it 😂
“That ain’t me” 🗣️🔊🔥
that's definetely a "that aint me" video and a Maybe Genshin reference
I swear that’s a slightly different liyue
Sorry didn’t finish the vid lmao😭
@@LanLan_737 yup! And The part That was Supposed To Be Mondstadt Was Really lore accurate
@@LanLan_737 yup
14:02 blarg asking for a car bomb is so underrated 💀
Smii7y: Wooden box planter
Puffer: Wooden box plotter
0:45 poor blargs always getting unlucky timming😂
Blarg getting KABOOM had me Dying
I love watching from your different perspectives. Multiple times the viewtime but it's still really nice to see it
This is better than golf with your friends and helldivers.
always a good day with another smi7ty prophunt
0:07 *”ahh… younge love.”*
Smii7y on 4/20 is a blessing
mondstadt and liyue?
that ain't me
good god i missed you guys playing this game i even went back to the old videos of this just because there so funny
game name???
smii7y finds all the ways to no clip around the map or get into impossible places XD
I love your vids Smii7y and all. Thank you for making the bad days brighter! ^.^
I wonder how many times the phrase “that ain’t me” was said in this video
I love these prop videos
SMITTY AT 6.9 million subs!!! ON 420!!!
Smii7y: I have the best spot
Proceeds to get found seconds later
3:11 Not Smii7y cutting the clip short by a lot cause in Johns video they where looking for him for multiple minutes and it was so funny cause he was just the quite obvious barrel 😭
4:55 NO THIS AGAIN LMFAO i was just reminded of it watching the 2023 recap vid again
(green chair at the top of a doorway rotflmfao)
bruh how did smii7y and puffer INDEPENDENTLY decide to become legs in a tree thats so funny
LMFAO I love that Blarg like almost immediately got that Smitty was doing the Kronk theme song hahahaa
04:53 Damn it windy out here! part 52
19:50 hilarious asf 😂
This reminds me of the OG Gmod prophunt days
Exactly what I’m saying. Also in the sense because those were the days when one of my then favorite RUclipsrs wasn’t a bad guy.
@@Abdel07733 What?
@@Tired_to_make_content What is it with tnickles? I don’t know who or what that is.
I've binged so many Smii7y videos in the past two weeks that I thought this one was AGES old
but no, time just moved faster for me then
20:23 POV: June
1:51 blargs last words "thats crazy."
That Japanese town map looks so, so much like Ritou from Genshin Impact mixed in with Liyue Harbor (also from Genshin Impact). I'm sorry to say this but the similarities are just too potent.
The second map is definitely Mondstadt as well
THey're straight up genshin maps lol
Right? I feel like the devs were playing a lot of Genshin Impact in their spare time. Makes me wonder what their favorite nation and their favorite characters are...
And i thought i was tripping, thank god
they're not just similar, they're literally genshin maps. first one was liyue, second was mondstadt. they're basically directly ripped from genshin and im quite confused how the game dev hasn't been struck with a cease and desist letter yet.
That move near the begining was so smooth
1:30 Are we not gonna talk about Smii7y's arm glitching out
Apparently no
I love that smii7ys videos are always just straight chaos, everyone shouting at once and laughter lol. It's always contagious
"It almost worked too" there was still 5 minutes left on the clock and he was being chased by 3 people, what do you mean it almost worked lol
Thank you for posting right when I was about to eat lunch 🙏🙏🙏
Bro that map is Mondstadt from fuckn Genshin Impact lmaooooo
I'm so glad I found a comment saying this cause I was fucking tweaking, that's gotta be plagiarism lmao
Thought it was just me!!
So close to 7mil🎉🎉 keep up the good videos
Is it me or are these maps similar to liyue and Monstand
i thought i was tripping when i saw the first map
then i saw the second one and yea they ripped off the genshin cities
He should have said "Let me plead my vase" lol.
0:09 Long Life the KING!!!
it’s nice watching smii7y’s pov one and a half months after the others
23 seconds ago is wild
55 seconds
57 seconds
@@FirstnameLastname-qy9gx one minute
I got 12
@@clashclan6503 two minutes
damn windtrace at the next level
Wait a minute is that mondstat 9:42
Yeah it is
@@Lord_help_me I think the map prior was Liyue or just really similar to it
When the watermelon shows you the way 🤣
It's been 5 seconds and I'm already intrigued
the intro clip just explains the whole series
0:16 2024? Naw it’s 2025 now😂
You know this is an old video right?
the vid is 9 months ago
How do i manage to be late to comments it's march now
"you will never find me" *everytime being a fruit bowl*
Is it just me, or do those maps look like Liyue, and Mondstadt from Genshin Impact.
Listening to the chaos of the gang chasing down 1 prop on 2x speed is legit hilarious.
Love the fucking Genshin Impact looking maps this game ass, it looks a ton like Liyue harbor and Monstadt City where you were running around!
Imagine this game with proximity chat
9:44 why did a watermelon fall from the sky?
It’s not 9:44 it’s 9:41
kryoz should have said "let me plead my vase"
Am I going crazy or the map layout look like some areas in Genshin Impact?
nah the ladder let its intrusive thoughts win
2:40 engineer
Almost 300,000 views in less than 3 hours? Crazy. Smii7y the goat fr.
Day 2 of asking smith to continue the drg series
Cool of smi7y to post on 4/20 thanks for entertaining me while im lit , all i watch on 420 now is smi7y minus mario kart
12k views in 6mins, SMii7Y popped off with this one fr
I mean, he knows how to get an audience am I right?
0:13 welp 😂 thats how you know it’s gonna be funny
The RUclipsrs yearn for gmod prophunt
That's Genshin impact ahh maps fr
Smitty getting hit in the face with a watermelon made me laugh a bit too hard 13:37