Depp v. Heard: Deception Experts Analyze Testimony
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- #CourtTV's "deception detectors" break down #AmberHeard and #JohnnyDepp's testimonies. A behavior expert, a statement analyst expert and a voice stress expert use their extensive skills to discover who is telling the truth and who is lying. What do YOU think?
WATCH #CourtTV LIVE - #DeppvsHeard Defamation Trial - Monday 9a/8c -
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WATCH #CourtTV LIVE - #DeppvsHeard Defamation Trial - Monday 9a/8c -
Amber turd
I wonder if anyone on the jury is having a hard time keeping a straight face, really. I wouldn't be able to.
**ONE THING NOBODY NOTICED !! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT SHE MAY HAVE PUT ON THAT KLEENEX TO IRRITATE HER EYES TO MAKE THEM WATER OR TEAR!! She keeps on rubbing the Kleenex over her face and eyes and inhaling through her nose after she has supposedly already "used it'. I wouldn't put it past her. Watch how many times she touches and retouched her face with it. WHO DOES THAT??!
These language experts aren't very credible. He admitted to kicking her on the plane. That's why these type of "experts" shouldn't be reliable.
@@patriciachianelli7507 I agree. In fact the people working at the trial have been seen snickering after her over-the-top testimonies.
As a woman I can tell she is lying !!! A bottle there? She would have been in the hospital . Why she making such horrible lies ?? This is just so sick !!!
I totally agree
@@infinity5968 unless there is a woman that can testify that she was able to handle a bottle there . LOL and then she she answered when was asked if it painful that she was not thinking about it .
And then she kept coming back to him and would describe their times after as so wonderful until it wasn’t again, rinse and repeat
She lied with the beating and now she is having to build a web of lies to try survive. The cross examination from Depps team is going to be brutal
Se woukd have passed out from pain
The woman is clearly a pathological liar. Her body language alone tells you she’s lying, but her story is so out of touch with the evidence it’s insane.
Especially seeing videos of her baseline behavior. Ex: the deposition from 2016 where her lawyers are babying her. The smugness in her face just shows how little respect she has for people. Those microaggressions peaking out in the testimony are the real her.
Precisely!!! No evidence!!!
She didn't know if the bottle inside her was broken yet didn't seek medical attention afterwards? Gtfoh
@Marius yes the ‘evidence’ is not convincing either. But now we’re supposed to believe lawyers just haven’t presented the copious real evidence she produced. She can’t stop.
Her attorneys are withholding evidence & lied. Her nurse lied. Her doctor lied. Her make-up artist lied. Her psychologist lied. The police lied.
Everyone is at fault but her.
She’s spitting in the face of abuse victims. She’s re-traumatising abuse victims. It’s like watching Joey speaking french. It’s ridiculous. Placating, walking on eggshells, hyper-vigilance, isolation - it’s all missing. She’s a monster.
It doesnt make sense what she is talking about right??? Cant even keep her lies straight. Ridiculous woman, she made a fool of herself
Oh but she definitely says all the right words, she drops "walking on eggshells" in there many she googled "how do victims of narcissists talk". Of course she, the narcissist, is implying her victim is a narcissist. Classic DARVO - Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.
As a real victim of abuse, I don't believe her a single word nor her dry tears. She is a shame for all REAL Victims! 🤬
Yep. And she stares jhonny all the time, i dont even wanna see my abuser ever! If i have to be same room, i don't think i could stare him at all.. i dont know everything she saying doesn't sound right to me.
I think the situation was messed up, first of all because she used all the flaws and sins of JD in her favor, and also because he clearly was an unstable person, who needed real medical, and paychological help. She exploited all that she could, thinking that she would have gotten away with it. So sick
She seems to recover too quickly after telling her story.
She is almost hysterical while telling her story but when the next question is asked she answers in a much calmer demeanor.
Exactly..when you REALLY cry like takes time to get your breathing back to know when you cry you almost go into a panic attack?it doesn't just stop takes time so yes I absolutely agree
Not to mention, not a tear to be seen. Even though she's constantly wiping her face where the tears should be.
The fact that the judge didn't ask if she needed a break, shows that no one was falling for that terrible acting. The audio recording of her at that scene proves she's lying her arse off.
what an excellent point.
Good point!!
I think the judge wasn't willing to allow the same actions took in her UK trial deposition. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT WAS UNFAIR.
The tune of her voice each time she said "sustained" said it all!!!
I was thinking the same thing
I can’t stand her acting, it is so digusting to see a pathological liar acting like a true victim😡😡😡😡😡
She really f,u,k me up mentally, how she defends her lies after she is busted is really disgusting
Get a grip of yourself.Regardless of verdict Depp must get clean and stay clean or he is over.
@@richardkneeland9576 lol... nice deflection.
What exactly did your asinine comment have to do with hers?
As much as we hate this, Johnny had to endure this for years. The court and world 🌍 now have a taste of what he had to endure. 😱
Ur right, its beyond disgusting
As a woman who was married to an extremely abusive and controlling man for years, I hate the vileness, dishonesty and cruelty of Amber Heard. Does she even know how hard she has made it for women of abuse to come forward? She just doesn't care. The only good thing to come of her abysmal behavior, is that the world can see that sometimes a woman can be just as dangerous as a man, and that men can be victims too.
Did you ever stare down your ex as he was about to strike, in a show of defiance? No? Me neither. Victims try to protect themselves or at least not antagonize the abuser. Her stories are pure fantasy.
@@smartmarketing173 I would do Everything and anything to AVOID angering my abuser nor did I ever fight back after the second time. It’s all a sham. It’s so embarrassing to watch.
Yeah it makes it harder for you guys and girls because many women like to abuse their power. If it was a guy, everyone would tell him to man up!
@@cristinagilly567 I did
@@smartmarketing173 I did
I don’t have a dog in this fight but I ask you, why would someone who took copious pictures that show Johnny in a bad light, didn’t take a single picture of her injuries, broken nose, blackened eyes and swollen lips? Why no pictures of blood on the bed?
And why would three police officers, the entire staff of the resident testify under oath of not seeing any signs of physical abuse? And had the body com video as evidence. The body com video is there for everyone to watch.
Why would a doctor and a certified nurse not be told or report any evidence of physical abuse???
Why did she gift him a knife?….she was arrested for physical violence against her partner before.
I can go on and on!
Exactly what I thought, too. Why no photos of actual injuries? And I think she slipped up when she said she used a “bruise kit”. It’s probably exactly what she was using.
Yes, true. They both recorded their conversation because of their argument could went wrong and they both needed proves. She took a lot of pictures of him sleeping, but not her injuries (broken nose or whatever it is and I am surprised that she still has nose). This is just insane
Exactly. I have those questions and more.
EXACTLY!! The pics of these so called injuries were always a couple days later with a very faded injury. She said it herself "bruise kit". Ridiculous!
Even if Johnny doesn't win this case, the majority of the public knows what a monster she is. People will boycott any movie she is in. This all backfired on her.
💯 she's shown her true colors, her acting career is over. This has exposed her and she's ruined.
@@karldanger5150 Correct it's all over for her!
It seems that is what really matters to Mr Depp. It isn't about winning the case but letting the whole world see for themselves and know the truth. 🍵
I sure hope so because she should be in jail
@@Katrrey But it is a civil case so even if Mr Depp actually wins the case Miss Heard won’t go to jail. 🍵
My heart was breaking for Johnny when she describing that bottle story … This woman is horrific !! I honestly hope one day she pays for everything that she has done !! Justice for Johnny and every other victim of this sick woman’s abuse 🙏🏻
Justice for all victims.
Get a grip and put your breaking heart together.Regardless of verdict Depp must get clean and stay clean or he is over.
@@richardkneeland9576 absolutely. I hear people saying that they hope this gets him back in the industry and he can make the next movie and on my end I'm thinking don't you people understand that you should be starting a petition that Johnny Depp please please go to 9 - 12 month inpatient Rehab with psychotherapy and maybe even a bit of hypnosis while he's there in order to get to the root and pulled back those-pressive memories that he's evaded in self-medicated for 40 years. If not, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't hear about him overdosing one morning when we wake up from sleep. I'm not wishing this on him but after this many years of using certain drugs on a continual basis for the most part, an individual's heart and organs can only take so much damage even if they are tolerant to hire about and that's the problem that I see. It's one of the problems I see with an accidental overdose. Going right back into the same movie making routine is the exactly therapeutic based on everything that he is admittedly said over the years and in particular in this trial. I look at it the way you look at it which is this man needs help and instead of this petition to keep Amber Heard out of Aquaman too scenes or Justice for Johnny petitions, his fans would do him a lot more good if they signed petitions at a mass level asking him to please get serious about the things I mentioned above as far as impatient multiple types of help. I kind of find it a little bit weird that these people that say they love him and care for him and want the best for him as a human aren't even mentioning these things such as rehab and therapy and so forth. He has absolutely got to get to the root of his demons if you will those childhood traumas have to be brought out. This last few years has probably only added to his PTSD or and whatever else he has. Sorry so long but I'm in a rush because I'm going to break it job and had to use speech to text but I completely agree with you and I'm hoping somebody else will read what I just wrote and snapping to reality about the things he needs most importantly after this trial. BTW, I heard that he is signed to begin filming on a movie about Louie the 15th. Family begins sometime in about a month. From what I get the papers have already been signed so doesn't look like he's going to be going to rehab anytime soon
He’s already won 🥇. It’s not about money 💰 and she so damaged herself. If 💩 was so worried about an eviction? In California squatter’s have more rights. The law would have been on her side. Depp has so much property he could have easily put her in a different penthouse, he let her sister squat. Depp doesn’t sound like the throw out in the cold 🥶 person. It was 100% PR. I just went into IMDb and thought all his films 🎥 need a rating ☝️. At the same time so does 💩 she needs ratings too 👇
@@richardkneeland9576 I think when this woman gets outta his life Johnny will be able to get on with his life. He will never get on till this stuck up snob gets away from him!
As a court transcriptionist, I have covered plenty of DV and sexual abuse cases. And while understand everyone is different I have never heard any victim "perform" and give as much detail as AH does. Of all the cases I've worked on victims generally give the basics, no fancy descriptions. I feel so sorry for the real victims of DV and sexual abuse, this woman is doing so much harm for real victims.
This is the woman who on the stand when asked by her own lawyer how the trail affected her said, and I quote verbatum : "It's the worst thing to ever happen to me... in my life" Not this bottle scene. Not getting repeatedly hit in face by a fist full for 'chunky rings.' But the trail is 'the worst thing to ever happen' to her... Juuuuust saying.
"It looked like he was punching me?" Wouldn't you feel it? And how could you not know if a bottle was broken if it is penetrating you? That would cause very serious injuries.. yet she vivdly remembered that dirty carpet. Absolutely Unbelievable.
EXACLY! And. she said in court she did not nead medical atentiont ? OMG! A broken bottle would cut her for sure inside or outside her body!
To be a bit fair, hyper focusing on odd details is somethings real victims do in the moment
If I “Absolutely” had a broken nose 100% for sure I believe. It sure felt that way. No doctor, nurse practitioner or emergency 🚨 but I’m sure it was broken for a day. Not only do I believe she is a liar, but a bad one at that
No way you get raped with a broken bottle and you don't run to the ER to be stitched up! Just like you don't get slapped and punched with fully "ringed" hands and all you get is just a ridiculous bruise instead of a swollen face and deep cuts (requiring stitches and upon which you could NOT LAY ANY MAKE UP, both cause it would be bloody painful and it would - with high probability - cause infection on the wounds).
@@spcmartin420 Yes, but to keep being fair, we have to admit that NO WOMAN would describe her rape with a broken bottle saying that she didn't THINK about the pain afterwords (bleeding because of it but not looking for medical help...just taking some pills and going to bed...)
You can see how sick Johnny is hearing her lies. He’s disgusted. I feel so bad for the guy.
I know it. Could you imagine having been deeply and completely in love with someone you thought was an angelic dream come true, only to find out that they were "this"? I was in a relationship for 7 years on a smaller scale than this, and it took just as long (@ 7 years) for me to forgive myself for letting myself down, by becoming subjected to that. I’m so sorry that happened to you. As much as it hurts to go through something like that, it’s a learning experience. ❤️
She was so good at documenting everything but her actual “injuries”. We all saw Rihanna’s photos from Chris Brown. AH would’ve been so much worse yet all we see are basically pics of her after she’s had her Botox injections. In MY opinion.
Your opinion is 100% correct.
Exactly and the fact is the paparazzi saw rihanna right before she got in the altercation and she had on make up. RIHANNA IS BLACK EVEN IF LIGHT SKIN. Amber is pale skin white she couldn't be on the late nights show with no bruises. Rihanna had a cut lip and a scar after the chris brown situation.
I was thinking of Rihanna too then I see your msg 👍
I hadn’t even made that connection! You’re so right about Rihanna!
I totally agree. She’s so dumb and so insane it’s frightening and bizarre.
Finally, Americans have something to come together for. We all want him to prevail over this scandalous, terrible woman.
You know I was thinking that earlier today, we all see a terrible injustice that was perpetrated on an Icon and more importantly, a good man who is not only innocent, but he's the survivor! How many people who really need help won't be believed now because of her awful display? She's despicable! ✌️
@M I stopped watching when they agreed that she was lying about the kick on the plane. She actually isn't lying. He admitted it. So none of these experts' opinions are reliable.
@@cruz4790 just curious. I didn’t hear him admit to kicking her in the back on the plane. I’ve been listening to almost every minute of the trial. Maybe, if you can recall, add that information? I’d like to go back and look at that again.
@@jubbins64 That person is lying because he did not admit to kicking her on a plane. If he did, that would have 100% came up in his cross-examination, BUT IT DID NOT BECAUSE HE DID NOT KICK HER. I listened to the audio when Johnny and Amber were talking about the plane argument and that is not at all how that went down. These people are trolling and refuse to come to the realization that Amber is NOT a victim of physical or sexual abuse.
@M no need to be snarky! I SAID I must have missed that. Chillax!
Did anyone else notice that after her “tearful” testimony on the stand, her emotions seem to disappear as soon as she gets off the stand? If I was testifying honestly about a traumatic event, I couldn’t just turn it off like that. By the time she gets back to her seat the hysterical, emotional reaction gone and she actually looks smug. She is a liar. I hope the jury can see through her behavior.
She even smirked briefly when Johnny was talking about her throwing the bottle. Watch her at 18:35.
@@Qudosy I saw that. She is so interested in herself, she believes she will win. If she does, I will lose what little faith I have left in the justice system. But even if she does win, it won’t affect JD’s career thanks to his many friends in the arts. I think her Hollywood days are numbered.Thanks for replying. 😊❤️
She couldn't even cry lol...she tried but no tears
Yes, pretend cry so hard then oh face normal and listening to the next question.
Everyone: compare this to her Australian deposition. You will be shocked.
I was just thinking that same thought. 2 totally different accounts
this is AMber playin 'HandMaiden'
good point!
I agree. She acted bored and frustrated the whole time. Plus she never mentioned anything about being kicked in the back or being head butted. She definitely doesn’t mention being raped with a bottle. She doesn’t shed one single tear or act scared or timid. When she talks about the stair incident with her sister she is almost raging with anger. It’s a different person, different story.
@@RebeccaGallin she looked annoyed and bored and her depo. Who eats during a deposition when they know they have to answer questions?
It's so hard watching Johnny's face while she describes this pathetic lie. She should seriously be charged for this! To accuse someone of that, when it's not true... Is traumatizing.
You are so right, and finally someone appreciates how badly he must be feeling listening to this!
She needs arresting for her horrible violence to this man and all the other partners she's smacked around.
Yes absolutely! If the bottle thing really did happen, it was probably her doing it to her girlfriends !!
She is getting a kick out of it especially when she is talking about his kids... She was smirking...
@@leevarona4281 she actually says the shape of the bottle felt like some specific bottle and I was like how.many times have you done it to be familiar of the shape???!!!! 🙆🙆🙆🙆
She is ridiculous. As a survivor you never forget what you have been through. Even after years of therapy my story is always the same and it never fades as much as I wish it could. Shame on this lying vile human.
I agree. You never forget a detail… including the exact pain of physical and verbal abuse. It’s seared in your mind. This disgusting excuse for a human being can’t remember anything. This isn’t blocking it out… these are blatant lies! 😡
@@JL-zn7me amen!!
@@JL-zn7me oh I'm sure she remembers, she just doesn't want to say what she remembers 😋
not taking any sides here, but it's different for everyone ig. i've become so forgetful after i experienced it all, and i remember in bits and pieces. it's all mostly a blur. and so is the same with a friend of mine who experienced the same. so yeah i just wanted to let you know that it's different for everyone, and not everyone ends up having all the details glued to their minds. :)
also, i hope you're doing better now
It bothered me that she was 'representing' women who are abused. I wondered why she shed no tears. I am so glad of this verdict.
She can’t keep her lies straight. Like judge Judy said “ you don’t need a good memory if you tell the truth “
I wish Judge Judy was the Judge in this case and it was a bench trial.
Beauty fades, stupid is forever.
Judge Judy
Well I can tell you that she isn't lying about the kick. He admitted to it in the UK trial. So these experts actually got that wrong. So what else did they get wrong?
@@cruz4790 He never admitted that in the UK trial. If fact he adamantly denied it.
@@JohanaI22 yes he did he said it was just a tap
Go Johnny, all the world is supporting you, soon it will be over.
@@bobabooey289 Johnny has already won in the court of public opinion. He doesn’t need the 50 million but it would be a little more satisfying to have that win.
*the whole world
@@bobabooey289 Agree
@@Liz_H9319 Due to his disrespectful guttermouth and abhorrent drug addict and alcoholic behavior, his big studio lucrative movie career is over.
With her personality she is going to document everything like she did the mirrors, if it happened she would've gotten documentation.
How is it that she taped him yelling but not him beating her? Most recordings were done secretly, which proves she was setting him up. She secretly recorded their Decorator
Yeah that's the first thing I thought of when my ex was attacking me....grab the phone and record. 🙄😂
Yeah, she also didn't bring ANY of it up during their arguments on tape. She argued about him running away every time but forgot to say, "You cavity searched me!" or "You r*pd me with a bottle" or "I thought you were going to kill me" or "I was barricaded in the bedroom for 3 days." etc. None of it.
Perfectly said. 100%!
@@cruz4790 she recorded everything else...why no photos of her beaten face and body???
@@cruz4790 if you listen to her recording of the Australian incident, you will realise it's setup to record for a long time. At the end of the recording you can hear her pull the recorder out along with the sound of tape being removed along with it, suggesting that it was setup by her to record for a long time even when she wasn't around. We also know that she used the recorder when she went to meet Johnny after she got the restraining order. She probably thought that meeting him might trigger an event worthy of recording, but nothing happened, and Johnny just asked her to leave. This habit of recording suggests that she randomly records or most probably, always records whenever Johnny is around. So I don't think she needs to start recording whenever there is a fight. After the many fights how can there not be at least one recording of any one of the actual fights. It doesn't exist because it would've revealed the truth.
Having had the tip of my finger cut off from a projectile object, his description of what he felt is spot on! No pain was felt but the heat was the main thing I felt. It wasn't for a few minutes that I noticed the tip of my finger was gone and I felt the heat and felt the blood running down my wrist. I believe him. If he was going to attack her with a bottle after he cut off his finger with the phone, she would have been covered in blood. She is also a pro liar- she has been doing it her whole life.
Now, while I completely agree, I lost the tip (from the last joint) of my middle finger to an impact wrench, this is also the same guy (that openly admitted) to THEN using that SAME finger as a paint brush on all the walls. Until the blood ran out, THEN dipped the SAME finger in paint, and continued writing messages. 😳 Now, while shes completely full of sh1t and over 90% of what she says is bogus, you gotta be under some serious medication or a whole lotta drugs to pull that off. There definitely is a lot more to the story, they BOTH have their share of Demons, and while I do believe that "some" of these things actually happened to her, she was 100% the aggressor in all of them.
Let me save you 42 minutes... she's lying 🤥 PERIOD!
My God her testimony was so over the top and unbelievable. I don't believe a word she says
That’s just part of why I don’t believe her …her over the top testimony and stolen from the movie gone girl, & possibly other REAL abuse victims
Justice For Johnny!
He's already this point it's just fun ;)
Omg, she smiled during that testimony. She’s proud of herself.
I appreciate the experts’ opinions but Amber is such a bad liar that we don’t even need experts to opine on her credibility.
Exactly 😂👏👏👏👏
This woman deserves jail. She is such an awful human. How can someone sit there and lie to everyone's face and feel absolutely no guilt. It's just despicable.
She loves to talk about her pubic bone. She needs to go to jail
Forget about jail and get a grip on yourself.Depp must get clean and stay clean or he is over.
Agree 100%
How could Amber Heard not know whether or not the bottle that Johnny Depp allegedly assaulted her with was broken. If it were broken, she would have had searing pain and blood, which would require a trip to the ER.
Have had a bottle in an SA, it hurts and the bottle top clips and tears everything in its way. You can't walk for days, if your PH wasn't balanced you get an infection, it stings to hell to use the bathroom, the outer is swollen, scratched and ugly. So yes, she's lying. Only a doctor can help you.
Even if it wasn't broken, what she described would 100% involve a hospital. I mean you see real cases of abuse, with 1/10th the physical abuse that Amber describes and the woman is in hospital for a week, at a minimum has just very very obvious swelling, and deep bruising. She had none of that, and was even photographed the day after without any makeup and not a mark.
Exactly! You can’t be penetrated with a bottle forcefully and not sustain any internal injuries? If anybody believes this story than something is wrong with them!! She claimed he used a square bottle? Forcefully? We’ve seen in the news where people were assaulted with broom or mop sticks and suffered internally. She’s the wrong face for DV
@@francescawilliams8177 OMG....hugs :(
@@francescawilliams8177 🤍🤍🤍
The moment she opened her mouth I already knew she was lying. Facial expressions, tone of voice and how she worded out what happened has all the inconsistencies and deceptions of a pathological liar.
How many honest men are now rotting in a prison cell due to the hostile actions of the me too movement and the feminists movement.
Changed mind:- I am a 72 year old woman. When I first heard what Mr Depp had done, I did not like him. I watched every minute of the trial, every witness. I believed Mr Depp Because 40 years ago I was abused for 11 years just like Mr Depp. Physical, mental abuse name calling. 40 years later I still broken mentally.
The incredible embarrasment shame etc for Mr Depp a man to go in front of the whole world and tell that a woman controlled him and best him up.
The question he was asked have you hit a woman etc.
This would have taken him straight back into reliving his abuse. This would have caused him a great deal of stress. Because for us abused it is so important to be believed.
My partner only had his gun taken of him. Because he and his family were powerful.
I was not given justice, I wanted to tell my story and be believed.
After all the mental physical abuse Mr Debb went through its a wonder he can talk at all.
I do not believe a word Miss Heard said but I do believe Mr Debb. Everything he's says reasonates with me.
Yes. I hear you, and agree with all of your comment. JD is the victim, AH the abuser. AH seems to only be able to lie, her inability to act, chosing to act in the first palce, hurt her testimony.
I'm so sorry you had to live like that. I believe you! Big hug ♥️
She acts in the way you would expect an actress in a movie to act; not like a person reliving a real-life trauma.
Add to that a very bad actress
A very, very bad movie
If this truly happened she would have needed immediate medical attention ! She could NOT heal medically from this on her OWN! Her lies make me sick! I am a DA survivor and her lies make me sick!
Not just medical but criminal charges brought, if she had got medical attention. No medical centre will ignore that kind of injury. Secondly, if it were a broken neck bottle she would have bleed out, be screaming in agony, swollen and bruised. Johnny would have been arrested the moment she went to hospital. So she’s definitely lying that type of injury would require medical intervention and weeks of healing and hospital admission. Plus, doubt you would be able to pee properly cause it would sting like hell. She’d be on strong painkillers or morphine to combat that kind of pain. Yet she never sought any medical attention or brought police charges against him…or any police charges through all that abuse….WTF. Any women with that type of injury would seek medical attention plus if she’s child bearing you would to know that hasn’t been affected . Liar Liar Liar!!
Exactly broken nose in two places just magically disappeared on its own
The me too movement created such a poisonous atmosphere in America against men that she thought all she had to do was turn up in court and tell a bunch of lies to have him ,locked away.
Amber is a profoundly broken woman and genuinely fear for her daughter’s well-being.
I hope she gets the help she so desperately needs…🙏🏻
@ H. Mefford She is a criminal with a criminal mind. Criminals get sentenced to time in jail, with no help, just hard justified time for their crime if found guilty. If this was a man, no one would have any pity or want them to get help.
It is true that she's a sick disgusting person!!
She doesn't need help, she needs to be punished.
I hope CPS steps in and takes that child away from her, beFORE she does something that harms her. Because I have a very strong feeling that kid is in trouble.
As someone who does suffer from severe PTSD I can honestly say this woman is lying through her teeth. I left a congratulations message for Lieutenant Schaffer with the Loveland PD. I'm proud that someone from my own community has enough experience to detect one of the worst liars in us history!
Someone said there are 20 markers for ptsd and it’s rare for anyone to have more than 15, in the worst cases. Amber had 19 or so, and the “expert” summoned Amber has studied up on the symptoms and confirmed she had all.
My son has PTSD and he finds it very hard sometimes to look someone in the face for a long time like she does just sitting there with a very confident stare you down look im very defiant
She is acting, it's like she reading a script
@@carleencadd1488 very true and when you talk about things that can bring up your ptsd you don’t want to look at anyone in the face or really talk much about it. You especially won’t look at your abuser.
She claims the Maker's Mark bottle was used, yet there's still liquor in it, and the wax sealed top is still intact. There is also no blood whatsoever. She would have been badly lacerated not just from that, but from the broken bottles she claims sliced up her feet. Bottles are round, the glass would be curved and would embed itself. Also there's no blood or injuries. But most of all, she wore high heels immediately afterwards. You can hear her stomping around on audio wearing them as the doc and nurse were looking for JDs finger. And why didn't they take her to the hospital? Or even notice her injuries?
Amber needs to lose any claim to being an actress, this act stinks. The damage that she does to real victims with her lying is monumental.
Give her a break. Her dog stepped on a bee! 😫
@@normie2716 we are definitely going to miss her. She gave the entire world a chance to see one of these high school bathroom beetches finally get what's coming to them. Her and that fishwife, Megan Markle.
She thinks we the public are a bunch of idiots who believe Johnny had scissors for fingers. She truly believes she’s smarter than most. I work in mental health and the medical field 30+ years and I would bet my license’s that she’s lying. This “ rape” never happened. She needed to come up with something because the op-Ed says sexual violence.
ACTress I learned few diff Jobs
Divorce vis versa ... only few min
As someone who is a survivor of domestic abuse I don’t believe a word of the alleged abuse. There’s no way any of us who have been abused would be so close to our abuser and be able to have such colourful, almost poetic, language. The tears may be that she’s tapped into some other sadness but not what she’s talking about . I think some of the things she’s said may be true - such as the love they shared at the beginning - but the abuse I believe she was the perpetrator. The way he’s sitting and talks sounds like the way I’d speak about my abuser. And the recordings literally tell us what she did!!! She says she did it. She said no one will believe you. She knew it as he’s a man. It’s sick. I’m glad the world has come to understand that there are some seriously disturbing female abusers who abuse men. It’s not something that’s funny. It’s dangerous. Justice for Johnny ✌🏼
What really disturbs me is the way she's scanning her audience while sharing such a traumatic story. She keeps looking at the jury and sometimes into the camera too. It's a sheer performance and she's checking the responses.
I'm not an expert, I just find her manner extremely disturbing.
@@verabolton right! Sheer evil-she's a Jezabel !
What tears?
@@verabolton I stopped watching when they agreed that she was lying about the kick on the plane. She actually isn't lying. He admitted it. So none of these experts' opinions are reliable. Idk about the rest.
I agree....she's the bad one.
I thought it was disturbing how one of the guests on this portion of your show thought that Johnny was the one saying “I wasn’t punching you I was hitting you,” when obviously it was always AMBER saying those things. Thank goodness Vinny corrected him, but that guy just lost a ton of credibility.
I didn’t like his last 2 assessments of Johnny Depp. JD Has a slower cadence and speech pattern but he likened it to he was being slightly deceptive.
Exactly. And he must have believed that throughout the whole video so it probably screwed with his opinion on JD for everything. Credibility lost for sure
Yeah, this expert said there's another video out there, that he probably didn't watched and was told about it, cause if he did, he would've known it was Amber's voice saying not punching but hitting.
I hope the jury has a problem with her not crying. I went to court for a traumatic accident, and I cried in front of the judge! I won, cause what I was going thru was real and I was telling the truth and the judge could see that.
Check out some of the other videos and streams, like from people like Emily D. Baker who's talked to some of the lawyers who came to watch in the gallery today. They speak about what the Jury was like and to summarize "Bored and disengaged, waiting for AH to finish (during her direct testimony) and engaged, excited and invested while cross examination was on". There were reports of eyerolls and leaning back in rejections of her dramatics, as well as some Jurors literally doodling in boredom - but only during her direct, not during cross... :'D The Jury ain't buyin' what she's sellin' anymore than the rest of us out here are.
If Amber really experienced those things she’d be dead, or in the hospital with many broken bones, needing loads of stitches, etc. clearly she has never experienced these things. It sounds like a cartoon or action film where you experience horrendous violence and just walk away
As a retired ER/ICU nurse, I concur.
She’s only seen this type of violence in movies and thinks that is real life. You can be shot 47 times in a movie and still kick ass, they definitely tend to downplay the consequences of violence on tv and in movies and that’s her only frame of reference for what she’s claiming. That’s also why she describes things from the perspective of a viewer and not from the perspective of someone actually experiencing it.
Victims of abuse, don’t want to look at their abusers. They are repulsed, angry, disgusted. That’s why she’s ok looking at him, abusers don’t realise the depth it goes, they believe it’s all ok.
Yet, despite all her secret recordings, not one does Johnny ever get violent. This "woman" is horrible. I'm sorry ladies. Trust me, we don't count her amung you.
She’s definitely not one of us.
You're right, what we hear on the tapes is not what she's saying on the stand. She does NOT represent women!!!
And none of those tape did she ever mentioned about incidents of sexual assults. She full of BS
I worked for an attorney that did many DV cases. Trust me, this Heard Turd has never ever been assaulted by an enraged adult male and she is insulting to all of the women that have lived through DV. This woman is a pathetic liar.
She’s barely human
It's like she looked up abuse stories, real and in movies, and put it all in a story to recite on the stand.
She actually STOLE her assistant Kate James story of SA!!! Kate has testified to that!
She did. She stole her assistant Kate James’s story of sexual assault , plus she has used scenes from movies like Gone Girl and quoted from The Talented Mr Ripley. There are videos on it.
She stole one story from her ex assistant lol
Right?! And then doing a terrible job acting it out 😂
100% she’s guilty try’s to embellish every thing so obvious just looking at her body language never mind her 🐊 crocodile 😭 🐊 crocs😭
Watching JD sitting there listening to this woman he once loved and trusted, describe an act of violence so horrible that it's almost too difficult to imagine, is just heartbreaking. The betrayal he must be feeling, knowing that she is pulling out all the stops to get the jury to believe something that he knows Amber knows to be a lie. The helplessness and rage he must of been feeling would have been overwhelming.
Don't forget Amber won the trials before this one. That must've felt even worse
@@thesfnb.5786 Please get your facts straight. Amber Heard did not win anything. The lawsuit JD filed in the UK was against the Newspaper Group who owns "The Sun" for writing that JD was a "wife beater". Amber Heard's only role was as a witness. There have been a lot of people in the know who came forward to say that the judge in that case, Judge Nicol, was not impartial due to him being close friends with the defence counsel and her husband. And since it was going to be the judge deciding the outcome he should have recused himself due to a conflict of interest but...he didn't. There were also a lot of other ethics violations as well. JD didn't stand a chance of winning with odds like that against him. And how anybody could watch Amber Heard giving testimony in the Virginia trial and not see that she was lying through her teeth about EVERYTHING is simply baffling to me.
@@thesfnb.5786 No, she didn't that was the Daily Mail.
Yes she did. The trials JD eventually won came after those previous trials
Even during her crying it was so disturbing and not in a way that makes you sympathies with her it just make you even more disgusted , Johnny looked so concerned when he heard that crying that he looked at her for only time ..
Disturbing is the perfect word !!
Right, it looked like someone feigning distress. Reminds me of those videos of old ladies accusing people of hurting them after getting proved wrong in an argument they started.
I went into this with an open mind, but it’s the crying that gets me - there’s no tears. I’ve watched so many trials (law student) and every time I’ve seen a witness cry, there’s real tears. The judge will mention the box of tissues. And they’ll take a moment to compose themselves. She goes right back in to telling the story. It just seems a bit too forced.
No tears!
Terrible performance, amber....pretty sure she is done in Hollywood ..Definitely histrionic personality
Honestly, I get that the jury can’t see all that we have. But still. If the jury can’t see through her act, they are brain dead.
@@kindnesssprinkles However Cassie didn't get on the stand & destroy herself with very bad acting! That was amazing though! I just didn't buy the juries excuse that it wasn't proven beyond a reasonable doubt! Bull, where was Caylie, why didn't she ever report her small daughter missing! Found where she buried old pets! Did they have to watch her do it to believe it? Crimany!
@Joe, yep, she is so not believable. Full of crap I would say.
Right Joe N. We can see!! Mainly because her story just does not add up!!! The poses she holds for the camera we see too!! She made it ALL up!!!
But if ONE juror believes even ONE thing, he will lose and he did lose in the UK.
And all it will take is ONE juror to believe her and it's all over for him in this trial.
As a member of the public( I am not on social media except here) we are not one sided . I am personally ashamed that 6 years ago even with these recordings I did not at least listen. Johnny Depp might not get his money back, his reputation or get over the embarrassment of his life details , drug addiction and more private matters aired across the globe but he will know that we believe him, his children at the very least will know he might not be the best father, but he did not abuse her. Like he said, he already lost everything, but I am not ashamed to wait and watch Amber Heard loose even more including her sanity for disrespecting DV and SA survivors like that.
@ francesca williams, why would you casually throw out that he's not a great father. I havent heard anything less than positive comments about his parenting from people around him including their mother.
@@JessBlake2 he said it on the witness stand.
@Francesca Williams AH isolated him from his children and they didn’t like her so they stopped wanting to be around her which unfortunately also meant they weren’t there with their father also other people including their mother speak of him being a great dad.
My heart goes out to all the survivors of domestic violence, men and women alike.
Also those who were victims of false accusations.
I can't imagine the pain and suffering you all have been through. 🙁
neither can Amber, apparently.... Her understanding of it is so far off base it's absurd. People have to have the feelings they act out if they are to be believable in a role, even if they are drawn from a different event than the characters portrayal. But someone who hasn't actually experienced an extreme like that will have difficulty pretending because their imagination is a caricature or stereotype rather than a first hand feeling. This woman obviously has difficulty with empathy and is probably a danger to her daughter if she does not get some kind of help....
Shame on that gold digger. She is what real victims do not need.
She should face criminal charges for making false statements and perjury.
The jury unfortunately doesn’t know what we know and they haven’t heard or seen everything we have either. They’re at a huge disadvantage
I seriously wonder though, would the jury have stayed away from the internet during the week long break?
I wish the jury can watch her deposition video. That will prove her lying.
A H needs prison!
Your so right!
I don't think they need to. What they see imo is plenty to figure out this con artist/ abuser human formed toxic trash.
Has anyone else noticed that every violent act supposedly inflicted on her..... she says she didn't feel pain....not once have I heard her say, I was in pain or agony???? Does anyone else find this really weird?
She actually said she felt pain one time. Interestingly that's the time Johnny said he accidentally bumped his head against hers when he tried to stop her from hitting him. Since this is the only time she said she felt pain it makes me believe his version of events even more.
@@ANewSaga yes, I remember now. Like you said, it's the only time that it was accidental.
I just find it really strange.
I don't know what benefit she thinks she'll gain by constantly saying "it wasn't painful"
@@juliebill6991 Possibly so that she could explain why she didn't ask for treatment / help.
She can't recall any pain because there wasn't any. The events didn't happen.
“I thought he was punching me. It looked like he was punching me.”
Yeah you know if you’re being punched. She is such a fake.
She’s such a joke!
You are a man of great courage Johnny Depp 👍
And patience!!:0
She's not crying, it's an act. She's trying to manipulate the jury, if I was in the stand recounting such a trauma, I wouldn't pose with a tissue to my face for a photo, the camera flash was obvious. Also in her text messages and recordings after this event she is pleading with Dep p not to leave her, to call her etc. I don't know about anyone else but if my spouse AS me with a bottle, causing me to bleed, no way would I want him back. Btw there's no medical evidence to support her (false) claim.
Excellent Comment. 👏👏👏👏👏🙂
She even paused to look at the jury to see if they were falling for her "sobbing" and for pity
Her behavior exemplifies her histrionic personality disorder, that disorder does all the self-centered show with no tears trying to act in a way for approval of others and the borderline disorder is the one which fears abandonment as a major part of it which made her chase Depp relentlessly. She is not a normal person on the stand because she is not a normal person. She is sick mentally.
When Johnny teared up in the court while listening to the audio of harming himself, Amber's lawyer stopped the cross examination - everyone felt the emotion of sadness felt by Johnny. But when Amber wailed and cry with no tears, it was so cringey and annoying to watch because you know you are being fooled with her fake crying
Wow. Her eye engagement with the jury makes her testimony feel like an audition reel
Tbh all the evidence of her speaking already proves she is lying. She didn’t need to take the stand to know. But once she was on the stand and they let her go, it was confirmed she was lying. She nailed herself with that acting. RIP Amber Turd.
She’s a really bad lair! I don’t believe a word that comes out of her mouth!she gives us who have been abused a really bad situation! She should have to do jail time for what’s she done!
I stopped watching when they agreed that she was lying another kick on the plane. She actually isn't lying. He admitted it. So none of these experts' opinions are reliable.
@@cruz4790 wtf are u talking about? Your statement has zero logic. And clearly you have terrible reasoning skills if you think anything about her is credible
@@cruz4790 He has not admitted it. If you're going to keep claiming this, please provide further information.
@@cruz4790 Stop lying, he did not admit to any of that. Clearly this is Amber's new PR team hard at work 🤣🤣
I agree 100%
I heard audio of her saying she didn’t mean to hurt him. Now she is lying on the stand 🤷🏽♀️
What really stinks is the fact the jury won't hear that audio. You even hear her admitting to Jerry Judge that she caused it. Jerry Judge is also on the audio saying he did not trust her and also nothing about her being injured. The fact she is lying on the stand saying Jerry Judge supposedly acknowledged her injuries BECAUSE she knows he can't contradict her given the fact he passed away is so sick. Same thing with her own mother. Her mother knew JD had not done anything to her yet because she is gone, AH is lying on the stand saying she had confided in her mother about JD's alleged abuse.
In the middle of this aledged fight she said that she looked him in the eyes… directly in the eyes. No one that is actually being abused is going to be that bold towards their abuser. I’m sorry but she is provoking him and challenging him. This is not victim behavior it is abuser behavior. I believe that she is telling the real story only switching his name for her actions.
Projection !!! This is what I feel every time she opens her mouth she’s telling on herself !!!
I have looked my attackers in the eyes, but I am not a domestic abuse victim and I used to elbow and hit back. I never had a romantic partner hit me or hit my partner. My older brother used to beat me every time he got drunk. Once I told people what he was doing and they never did anything to help, I started fighting back real hard to try to make him stop on my own. In the end he moved out on his own time and his next girl friend said when he attacked her she pulled out the kitchen steak knife on him. I would be yelling at my brother looking him in the eye shouting he was hurting me and to get off of me and hitting him all the while. He was 17 and I was 13.
That is what I concluded - that she switched the roles in the stories, and that many of the events she described actually involved her as the abuser and him as the victim. This is a classic abuser tactic - they paint themselves as the victim, so they have an excuse to continue their abuse of someone.
I thought, when she did the head butt action, that she had probably head-butted him at some time. Also, from pictures, I have noticed they are about the same height, so head-butting from either party would result in bruised foreheads rather than the bridge of the nose.
I feel so sad for JD, sitting there listening to someone maligning him in such a dispicable way…
Yes it is really discussing and scary how a crazy woman can make up so many lies to destroy a man’s life & hurt his kids
Do not feel sad.Get a grip on your self.Depp must get clear and stay clear or he is over.
I've called her a liar only because I am a survivor of both SV and PV that has caused me post-traumatic stress and syndrome since I was 15 now I'm 59 along with facial reconstruction and new teeth and other mental BS that comes along with all this. And I absolutely hate that social media claims we can only see through her act because we're JD fans. Seen it from the start tried watching her testimony and it was painful to watch and I can't believe people are buying this crap. It's people that have never had to really deal with something this bad and have only seen stuff on TV and that is so far from real life, so what do they have to go on and the whole me too movement her and others like her make it harder for true victims Man or woman.
Stop watching and get a grip on yourself.Depp must get clean and stay clean or is over.
@@richardkneeland9576 Once again... how does your asinine deflecting relate to what she said at all?
Get over yourself there a$$hole. BS troll...
This woman recorded everything but never once got him abusing her but did get her admitting to hitting him. He was no angel but he never hit her
Because she is not expected that JD seriously suing her
“It looked like he was punching me” - No. if something is happening to you, you describe how it felt, or the act of what happened, you don’t say, “it looked like…” Also, her over use of “I remember” constantly. She’s saying that to try to convince the jury that these are things that she remembers. If something happened to you, you speak about that event, because that’s where your focus goes. And you normally talk about what happened start to finish, not in phrases that constantly start with “I remember”.
Also, I’ve been raped and I’ve been a victim of IPV, I mention that because I have personal experience of this stuff. I understand everyone is different, but I think for the most part people cry in a different way when they are talking about what happened. There is almost a deep sadness, an internal grief that causes silent tears to fall sometimes. I don’t know if I am explaining this well, but I guess what I mean is that initially, when the assault happens, you can have these big overwhelming outbursts of breaking down. But over time the pain when recalling and talking about it, it’s a much different emotional reaction. It has a feeling of an emotional ache, a sadness that you carry because part of you has been affected in a fundamental way. And it’s that grief that you’re left with. It in some ways is like the death of a loved one. Initially you break down, the pain is horrendous, all consuming. After time passes, their loss is like a deep ache, you can speak about their death and you might feel emotional and cry, but you normally won’t have as big of a breakdown as what Amber is portraying here. Grief changes and evolves over time. I don’t think she realises that, because I don’t think she feels that. She is portraying feelings, not experiencing and expressing them.
Ambers “crying” and breakdown do not seem sincere, believable or realistic. People are able to speak about a traumatic event without behaving in this over the top display of a breakdown. This supposedly happened several years ago, she already made these claims years ago, so it’s not like this is a new event or something she has not spoke of (which is usually when people are more emotional). I have no doubt that victims do breakdown and cry on the stand sometimes, but the manner in which she is doing thus is just far too over the top. She looks like a person who is trying to play the part of what she thinks someone would look like rather than how a person actually would. And of course, once again, there’s no tears, no red nose, puffy face, puffy eyes, snotty nose. Just nothing, but an attempt to fool people with her ridiculous bad acting.
I agree with you 100%
That was a great comment & says it all !!!
She’s a liar 🤥
This guy has obviously never heard Johnny Depp speak in interviews. That's his way of speaking, he uses a lot of words.
This is why other body language experts have all said he's telling the truth. They've gone back and look at previous interviews etc. Looked at his base line. Where does he access information, how fast does he breathe, blink etc... all of those things have to be looked at all together.
That's why getting a baseline of their normal speaking patterns and gestures is so important.
Yep. He would also use a word like strike over hit because he has that European flavor to him language. Probably from being over there for awhile.
I agree. If you watch any interviews of his, he speaks the same way. He is slow speaking alot.
Also... They made a huge error in their analysis. They kept focusing on the word "struck" and said he was avoiding using the word "hit" So.. I went and checked. He says "Struck" Because that's the word that was offered by the lawyer in the question. He wasn't avoiding any words he was answering the question that was asked.. "Have you at any time ever 'STRUCK' Amber Turd?" So it wasn't even his word! It was the lawyers.
How she took the assault story from her old assistant from years ago, the phone thrown to the face was actually large remote she threw at Johnny hit him in the forehead, she is stealing trauma from other people claiming it as her own, things she actually did and switching the role as her being the victim infuriating to watch and hear
@@RebeccaGallin I know! As if you'd do that (steal someone else's experience) in public!
If you watch Kate James’s testimony she is very angry and bitter still, even though she says she’s moved on. Only time she smiles is when she recalls memories about Johnny playing with her son.
Yeah, she is doing The Usual Suspect character's process.
Sounds like the Hillary Clinton and the dnc. Deny deny accuse.
The more I hear from this woman the more I think just how lucky Johnny was to be able to make it out alive.
He definitely was lucky in that aspect.
She makes sure to keep regular eye contact with the jurors the whole time she is supposedly reliving a violent assault. No sexual assault victim will keep looking at the jurors while reliving trauma. She makes me sick.
I call BS on Amber. If you are a man imagine doing this to a woman. You would have the fight of your life she would be kicking you, you would have to pry her legs open and keep them open. Your hands would be busy fighting her. And unless you have an extra pair of hands to push a bottle into her that would be an impossible feat.. unless she was dead, passed out or she was cooperating. Shame on her for saying such an awful thing about him.
Well, there is fight, flight and FREEZE.
That is a reaction many female victims of abuse find themselves in.
The brain subconscious says to the body: "let him hurt me/rape me, then he might not kill me"
I'm not saying Amber is telling the truth but people should be educated of that reaction.
Sometimes victims of abuse are not believed because they didn't fight or flight. They froze.
So please keep this in mind.
Have a good day/night
Not to mention, she's only a few inches shorter than Johnny, so they're of slightly similar height. And she's not a petite woman. Amber talks like Johnny Depp has super strength, which is hilarious. She is a disgrace and needs to do time for these false allegations. She's basically mocking real survivors of abuse, which ironically includes Johnny , by her own hand. She's certifiable.
That was hard to read and so spot on.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…
Johnny knew she was crazy before, but sitting through this was obviously difficult for him.
Not one tear. Not one tear ever. Liar liar pants on fire.
I can bet you she is going to cry on Monday to help sell her lies. She maybe even practiced all week on how to make herself cry after reading people's comments. 🤣🤣🤣
Jodi Arias never spoke one single word of truth about ANYTHING.
Very similar people. Both BPD. At least Jody acted that way.
And I despise them both
Except amber heard won't go to jail for all these lies which is so unfair.....what a heinous person......
That is what I have also been thinking about Amber Heard. Thinking about her whole testimony and even the persona she is doing here versus the UK versus the audios with Johnny and the reality that she lied to her counselor for 3 years, I do not know if even one sentence from her is authentic. That is why Jodi Arias is who she reminds people of.
@@shaft2365 I’m just really glad she didn’t kill him.
@@wishingb5859 everything she says 90% are lies and 10% is truth (as in she was in an elevator, she was in Australia, she was in the apartments, she did set johnny up, his sobriety is not something any 26 to 32 year old should deal with ....but her lies all blur into an insane account of how she thinks victims feel mixed with both her mental disorders and lies, no one has hel her accountable....the part that gets to me 5he most are her allegations of SA, it's ludicrous and being a woman myself, makes no sense at all..... she is alleging serious serious criminal crimes in a civil court matter over tellingporkies because she was annoyed he wanted a it's just a fiasco.....Johnny had togo public 2iyh we all can see what she is.....I just hope he goes and gets sober,
He didn’t say he hit her in that recording. SHE is the one who said “okay I was hitting you. I was hitting you. You’re not punched.”
Yeah and then called him a baby for avoiding a fight
@@angelawatson1594 exactly. The world’s biggest gaslighter next to Donald Trump.
It is painful to listen to her lies ‼️I have never seen such evil woman ‼️
Photos without Metadata should not be allowed as evidence. For obvious reasons, 🤦🏻♀️
She is lying, especially about the bottle. At the very least she would have required a surgical gel anaesthetic for the internal damage. I feel bad for the jury who do not have the opportunity to hear and see everything we have.
They will on cross examination.
If his team doesn't ask why she didn't seek medical attention, I'll be pretty disappointed 😞
@@made-line7627 I want them to ask how he could have been hitting her while holding her down and inserting a bottle below her waist; how many arms does this man have?
Her Vijay must be very loose if it didn’t any damage with the story she told. You cannot have that and still walk around like she did in her recording.
@@smartmarketing173 Haha, true!
His face shows sadness. I think it must be hard to hear her say this, especially knowing he did love her, and he didn't do this 🥺
It's a disgusting act of betrayal. You can see his agony and pain on his face, you can't fake that💔💔
Yup! He still finds it hard to believe he fell for someone THIS SICK.
There is something really really wrong with her. How can she sleep at night knowing she is lying!! She should be charged and convicted of false allegations and VERY bad acting.
I agree. But, she is on the hook for $50 million that she doesn't have so she is willing to do or say anything.
She can't sleep because she's busy scheming. She's got her eye on a one hundred million dollar ball.
@@showmestategirl7001 She's also suing *him* for $100 million, so she's got potentially *100 million dollars* riding on this 💸
She sleeps at night because she is completely void of a conscience. She has no empathy whatsoever.
One thing she isn't lying about is the kick. He's already admitted to it. So these experts' opinions aren't reliable.
This is actually a true story but it belongs to her assistant she stole it from her, she is a disturbing human being
Even these experts seem to have a bit of a hard time admitting that she's lying. People are so worried that if they get it wrong they're going to look bad; so rather than go with their gut instinct and their particular science, they hold back and try not to give a flat SHE'S LYING.
I never put faith in body & voice analysis, as they're can be a few meaning of gestures etc, I agree these so called experts don't want to say she's lying when we all know she is.
I agree, it’s like they are scared to call her out in case the jury rule in her favour and they look stupid. But they are experts, the jury are just every day people. They can disagree.
Actually, they called one thing wrong already. He admitted to kicking her so they aren't very credible experts. That's why these type of experts aren't accurate. There's not always a right or wrong way to tell a story.
Yeah, they don't want to come against the MeTooMovement and the ACLU. It is getting closer to saying "She lied" but it really does seem hard for them to shoot straight.
@@cruz4790 He never admitted to kicking her. Please state your source because I looked up the UK trial and it says he adamantly denied ever kicking her in the back.
As a teenager, six years after my severe, extensive, longtime childhood sa, I was able to tell my story without any tears. I think in large part because victim witness paid for years of therapy. The more you talk about it, the less painful it becomes. I know everyone is different. And when I spoke in court I did lose control and cry while reading my impact statement, but it was fresh at that time. And even then, I cried silently. And I tried with everything I had to stop the tears. I would assume AH has cont to see psychologists. And I imagine she has told this story many times. Her behavior makes no sense. And, yes, I get factors like him being in the room, not seeing him for a long time, etc, can affect her. But she's just overall not believable. She puts the wrong emphasis on the wrong syllable type of thing. Her body language. The way she remembers things. I get why it's important to be careful when making judgement with things like this. And If all I had was her testimony alone, I wouldn't pick it apart like this. But I think people are comfortable picking it apart because there is a "mountain" of evidence that shows what really happened. We don't need her testimony to prove she's liable. It's just added on top of everything else against her.
If amber heard walks out unpunished from this,
I will lose faith in the justice system.
It’s interesting that she had no injuries when everyone arrived including the doctor.
blows my mind how much she looks and scans every person she can to see if shes believable .wow!
It’s crazy that she is the defendant, but she focuses on the jury to try and convince them, but Johnny focuses on mainly on the lawyers trying to defend himself. He probably feels the need to defend himself after this.
Isn't it amazing right? Look at the video from the Danish show where she said she donated the money. She is turning backwards to look at the people in the audience to make them part of her discours. In just a few seconds she turned twice. It's insane!
And describing the most shameful episode of her life she would not be trying to catch eye contact, she would be looking down. I’ve spoken to many abuse survivors in my work and she doesn’t come across as they do.
Stop blowing your mind get a grip.Depp must get clean and stay or he is over
He’s already won 🥇. It’s not about money 💰 and she so damaged herself. If 💩 was so worried about an eviction? In California squatter’s have more rights. The law would have been on her side. Depp has so much property he could have easily put her in a different penthouse, he let her sister squat. Depp doesn’t sound like the throw out in the cold 🥶 person. It was 100% PR. I just went into IMDb and thought all his films 🎥 need a rating ☝️. At the same time so does 💩 she needs ratings too 👇
When there is violence in a relationship - there is always a HISTORY of relationship violence. For JD there is no other girlfriend alleging violence and he had several long term relationships. I think for sure he used defensive actions on AH - I think he has held her to prevent her from hitting him. I do not believe for a second that JD perpetuated any violence on AH. I believe AH was the aggressor and abuser.
Wow. She CAN NOT act!! I can tell she's trying to seem convincing. She's not convincing me of anything. I think she's a total liar. I've watched very little of this trial and have not seen "the female" on the stand until now. She's not a very good actress. Crying that hard and there are NO tears? I cry that hard and my face is soaked with tears!!!! RED FLAG!!!!
I’ve watched the movie zombie land several times and I had absolutely no clue she was in it… because that is how irrelevant she actually is
This woman’s only care in the world is herself, her image but behind doors she is vile and cruel. This is saddening to watch
Even not care about herself because she has thrown herself in the bus.
Her poor daughter
She is a liar...... She can't even remember her own script that how bad of an actress she is.....
Thank goodness these analysts caught everything. What a relief. We’re not crazy in not believing her!
She's always describing the floors in every incident. The dirty carpet, the beautiful parakeet (parquet) wood floors, staring at the floor on the airplane...
Her lawyers coached her to recite that BS.
She dropped the vodka bottle on the white tile.
LOL. Don't forget walls and stairs and the state of the furniture
The "parakeet " floor almost killed me😂😂
After I have listened to the “4 hours recoding” my heart goes to Johnny for what he has gone through every night with this woman….she basically bombarded him with endless insults , demeaning and belittle him with his childhood nightmares with his mum etc….and yet he remained so calm and gentle at all times and all he wanted was just flight the scenes to avoid physical violence from her!!
I agree. I honestly could barely stand listening to her for an hour and he went through it for years.
Same. It was exhausting listening to her. I'm not surprised he got stoned every day. He has the patience of a saint
@@RS-or8sh I think everyone who listens get exhausted.
Let’s all just hope the jury doesn’t believe her. She said so much that it’s hard to keep track of what she said. The jury probably can’t rewind.
I wondered that?! Can they go back and rewatch this testimony, especially her version vs. Depps version side by side?! When you see them side by side her version doesn't make sense and it's obvious she's lying vs. his version.
The jury can look at all evidence, read the transcript and maybe even look at video recording of the direct/cross examinations
Anything she says in court can be reviewed by the jury. They have transcripts of all the testimonies and evidence of all the witnesses. They just don’t have access to the outside stuff that we do, or anything inadmissible like the Australia audio that proves she was the instigator.
Yeah, in that way, she is like an illusionist using the reality that our brains get over-saturated and we get confused. Then, she can steal the wallets out of all of the juries pockets, unless they have someone who is really analytically disciplined who speaks up.
Her acting coach testified that Amber had a real problem with making herself cry whrn needed. I think we see the truth in this.
As a survivor she sickens me. I know with every ounce of my being that she is a liar
I believe you x
I have a feeling this break in the trial is going to be a huge advantage to the Depp team. They've been givien time to parse through whats been said in this trial and compare it with past statements and evidence. Whoa boy, next week will be a doozey!
Yes, did you hear her last testimony today before they started to tear apart her statement??? God I hope the jury listened to the Dr Currys explanation of her diagnosis!!!
This woman is lying so much I don’t know what to think from the jury perspective. How are they going to prove all those lies are false!??? Her note taking is interesting, coming up with rebuttals.
The jury doesn't need to prove their opinions, they either believe her or not and call a verdict based on that
They are like us. They see her clown show and I have faith that they are intelligent enough to do what we would. Bye Shamber 👋
She takes notes all day, Johnny just sits there listening to her lies shaking his head. But doesn’t note anything because the entire story is a lie
Well I can tell you that she isn't lying about the kick. He admitted to it in the UK trial. So these experts actually got that wrong. So what else did they get wrong?
@@cruz4790 He adamantly denied that he kicked her in the UK trial.
"I don't remember" speaks volumes... as a victim of domestic violence, during a trauma, everything remains vivid even several years later.