Playing with H416, FAL, AR-57, Mk14 and RPK in Farm Lockdown | Arena Breakout
- Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
- Farm full of rats
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bro your gameplays r so satisfying and enjoyable , just keep bringing out these gameplays ❤
Appreciate it
7:49 that weapons case right in front of him I’ve picked a h4 twice out of that same case. So anytime your there make sure to check it. Also one of my friends got one the very next game. So that’s 3 H4s from that case alone considering idk how many games. But it’s always worth a check that’s for sure
Very good gameplay, I like the quick paced aggressive style because I play like that (but worse), it is different feom other RUclipsrs, and for that you got my sub. ❤
Appreciate it
If the first guy shoot better ammo you aleardy dead😂 lucky
bro rushed the slowest way possible lmao 😂
bro survived a direct grenade impact 😭
Yo at 20:55 do y’all hear the beat to Mario?
you are so good bro. brought partner's stuff♥️
Awesome Gameplay, you’re really pushing them limits, you’ve got awesome tactics and game knowledge, just be a little less aggressive, anyways respect.
Appreciate it
Why should he be less aggressive?
nah he doing great being aggressive
@@meap6468 It was just my suggestion, nothing bad was said there, he’s just pretty clever guy, he could be a little less aggressive and more of a tactical type, I didn’t try to say anything bad, sorry if you misunderstood me buddy.
Couldnt agree more.
23:18 I thought you dead 100 % 💀
Alternative tittle: running over timmies with high tier equipment.
damn bro u pro
Appreciate it
farm is the real armory lite..every nearly juiced
Please rank in your opinion the top 3 of assault rifle and smg, under a max output condition setup because i dont play with gyro and my recoil control is suck. And please rank the top 2 tier 5 and 6 armour aswell
10 bot 11 players
bro you playing incredible i new sub
Nice gameplay, enjoyed watching 🎉
Glad you enjoyed
I can't enter the farm map with points, why does it say there are no points?
Hola bro me gusta como juegas una pregunta en qué celular juegas?
No way bro had a 8 minute intro(nic gameplay tho)
Ngl homie is cracked
Why is there so many chads on farm? Stop bullying the Timmy's and go play armory. More loot and atleast it's worth it cause of the loot.
Amazing gameplay but the aim is kinda bad
In Titel the H416 is missing 😂
Oh wow i didnt notice
Great player 🎉
12:23 hahah bro you so scared
This game gives serious ptsd
Why doesn’t this have 1 million views? dude is literally the best AB player in the world
I think u dont know who is mitek sade and the top 1 of all
Kiwi is the goat the goat
that h416 build is about 110k?
Bro the first team at second game have some aim issue lol
Wtf vest you had on? If that was me getting shot the way you did I’d be dead.Pro hip fire aswell!
I was using level 6 armor
Pero que satisfacción al ver morir a cada jugador este youtuber merece un Oscar
Your aim isn't bad but please use gyro
a im gay
Hey, don't you have any videos showing your gun classes?
No i dont
@@voidsab747 oh okey
Can you tell me what kind of gun is good for newbies
I would probably say the AK-74N its cheat, has great range and has cheap ammo
nice gameplay, bro.
Appreciate it
Buy keys 201 - man room and main bedroom
How are you not legend yet
Does the light in the weapon blind the opponent if he is nearby?
What device do you use?
Samsung Galaxy S22
Appreciate it
What phone brand you're using?
Im using a Samsung Galaxy S22
Play ak102 please. Its hard to hold the recoil
Sure, i accept the challenge
@@voidsab747 thx. I apreciate it.
3:53 aim is so off
Yeah i completely missed more than half of my shots
Сварщикам привет)0
Can u show mk build?
where is this severs??..look at 17:50 ...hahahaahah
Prolly low rank lobbies, the server is fine
He's Ace wym?
Boa jogar muito mano parabéns 👏👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷
i have 21kills
Instant follow.!
Thank you!
Не открываешь сейфы без бонуса чтоли? ))
bro soing more tetris then war😂
Tetris is fun
@@voidsab747 yup i like it to
I have got 25kills
I 21
Os cara rouba mais seu saque do que te ajuda mete granada nesses rato de saquê perde até a graça do vídeo
what your phone
Samsung Galaxy S22
Call of duty
Is your teammate random???
Yeah im playing with randoms
please banned all thailand player.always using cheat and not get banned
Bro you really are bad at looting
You use cheat esp this so very clearly
He's not using cheats... Thing is he knows how to move, how to shoot and he's using higher tier armor, helmet and bullets than his enemies... If you are a bit skilled and you use >t5 gear you win most of the fights