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Aug 23, 2017 4:09 PM
Jun 2017
EcchiKingMamster said:
Kuraokani said:
So we end episode 6 in a way that makes the viewers anticipate episode 7, then make episode 7 a filler/fanservice episode. I don't see how anyone's okay with this. They just wasted a 12th of the first season on some bs.

I will not be buying the blu-ray. Or, at least, not till it's very cheap.

Score before episode - 7.60

Score after episode - 7.10

They did just use a 12th of the episode as filler though... imo, the fanservice in this episode would have been better "sprinkled" throughout the series.

This isnt stopping them from sprinkling fanservice throughout the series aa they been doing

Fanservice episodes are obligation.. we know this
You know this*

Nah, abandoning the plot isn't a obligation or even mandatory. Though, to be honest, I really don't care if they want to put filler in there show or make it a softcore porno. All I ask is that MAL add the Ecchi and Haram tag so people can expect these little derailments.

Aug 23, 2017 4:23 PM

Jan 2015
IChinose in swimsuit? but most importantly KUSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDA. Oh boy i waited for that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aug 23, 2017 4:26 PM

Sep 2016
SirLori said:
Greninja_170 said:
This.....I don't get why the staff had to change those stuff....Really pissed off too TBH.

Stop to cry about that, the reason is simple. This ep. is inspired to something in vol.4.5, now if you put exactly what happened in that volume, without animating the previous volumes, so with the original girl and not Horikita, your reaction will be: WTF happen?? how that girl is so cloose to MC?? why?? Bla bla bla. Than for to do a Fanservice ep. they took inspiration from vol. 4.5 and chenge something to be linear with the story.
Isnt so difficult to understand...
How about...Adapt volume 3 first??
Aug 23, 2017 4:27 PM

May 2015
Kinda disappointing that Lerche decided to take a different direction here and went for something that's not directly the main story. It was enjoyable and all, but it kinda ruined the momentum the show had. Could've worked a lot better just as an OVA.

Well, hopefully they'll continue the main story from next episode on till the end, and don't deviate too much from it.
ReverberateAug 23, 2017 4:30 PM

Aug 23, 2017 4:28 PM

Mar 2012
Kuraokani said:
EcchiKingMamster said:

This isnt stopping them from sprinkling fanservice throughout the series aa they been doing

Fanservice episodes are obligation.. we know this
You know this*

Nah, abandoning the plot isn't a obligation or even mandatory. Though, to be honest, I really don't care if they want to put filler in there show or make it a softcore porno. All I ask is that MAL add the Ecchi and Haram tag so people can expect these little derailments.

Nothing new to be had in anime here

Hirugiku said:
IChinose in swimsuit? but most importantly KUSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDA. Oh boy i waited for that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You fucking know it bruh
Aug 23, 2017 4:34 PM

Jul 2015
I thought we were in the clear after an episode with a pool and some pictures of Sakura in swinsuit. Why force a fanservice-only episode for this show?

Aug 23, 2017 4:37 PM
Review Moderator
Jan 2017
Incoherent a total waste.

Aug 23, 2017 4:42 PM

Mar 2012
ARubinsky said:
I thought we were in the clear after an episode with a pool and some pictures of Sakura in swinsuit. Why force a fanservice-only episode for this show?

Because fanservice is life and you can never have enough, especially in a show with this many fine ass girls
Aug 23, 2017 4:51 PM

Apr 2015
EcchiKingMamster said:
zyke said:

Are you so deep in your delusions that you cannot differentiate reality from hentai?

what does hentai have to do with anything? theres girls in real life with huge boobs, all you have to do is either go outside like to the beach or even a damn grocery store or just fucking google natural large breasts

have you seriously never seen a girl/woman with boobs as big as the girls in this anime???

what the fuck?
Ive seen plenty of large breasts in my life time. Just not 16 years old girls with double d's.
Aug 23, 2017 4:55 PM

Mar 2012
zyke said:
EcchiKingMamster said:

what does hentai have to do with anything? theres girls in real life with huge boobs, all you have to do is either go outside like to the beach or even a damn grocery store or just fucking google natural large breasts

have you seriously never seen a girl/woman with boobs as big as the girls in this anime???

what the fuck?
Ive seen plenty of large breasts in my life time. Just not 16 years old girls with double d's.

Well they exist and this is anime, it doesn't have to be realistic and shouldn't be

Ever seen ppl w eyes that big? Or natural hair being blue, green, purple, actual red? Why don't you complain about those things???

Why is it suddenly a problem the instant it's sexual??
Aug 23, 2017 5:06 PM

Dec 2014
Not sure why so many people are complaining about this episode.

It was a pretty nice breather/obligatory fanservice episode.
The peeping plan was ridiculous and hilarious to watch in action, not to mention all that glorious fanservice from all the girls. Literally all of em have such fine figures. XDD

I knew they were big but I did not expect Ichinose's to be that big. xD

Glad that Horikita enjoyed herself, loved it when she smiled after looking at that picture Ayanakoji sent her. :)
I'm finding it hard to decide who my favorite girl is, though I guess I'd say it's probably either Horikita or Ichinose. :3
Aug 23, 2017 5:15 PM
Jul 2016
HollowIchigo58 said:
Im really happy that the anime is going another direction and im really with happy with the Director, because Horikita is my favorite and Horikita FTW!

Also it sounds like im the only none hater in here.
I LOVE HORIKITA TOO. I don't read the light novel but I don't care if she's replacing other characters, the only one that suits Ayanokoji is Horikita.
Aug 23, 2017 5:22 PM
Jul 2016
AnimeCruiser said:
I don't know about LN's plot but I only know 2 things :
Ayanokoji X Horikita would become the best ever couple if there were to be paired.
Sakayanagi is just too cute !!!
I AGREE, I don't read the LN but the only one I can really see with Ayanokoji is Horikita. I also find Sakayanagi cute at the moment.
Aug 23, 2017 5:24 PM
Jun 2013
mrjames1026 said:
halovn113 said:
Okay. I don't mind about fan service because it's from 4.5 but.... The directors RUINED the story because they bring MOST HEROINE devlopments to Horikita? WT hell?

Are you Chinese reader? lol. A lot of Chinese LN reader are kind of pissed.

No. Google trans. It's nightmare to read because anime passed the English translation.
Aug 23, 2017 5:27 PM

Nov 2015
Usually Episode 7 of the school animes is about fan service tho
Aug 23, 2017 5:29 PM
Oct 2016
i can't belive i waited all week long to a fan servisse ep...

anyways, sakura's cuteness was too much for me hahaha

worst episode so far
Aug 23, 2017 5:37 PM

Jul 2012
I haven't read the LN, but changing the plot of the source material doesn't sound too good.

This was pretty disappointing after a really good episode last week. I usually like exaggeration like this, but trying to peep on their classmates is pretty low. They also risked getting expelled and getting their whole class punished for it.

I don't think if I'll continue this if this next arc doesn't seem promising, but we'll see.
Aug 23, 2017 5:44 PM
Aug 2017
Kinda disappointed this had to be so much of a filler/bridge/fan service filled episode. There has been so much build up so far for the clash of the classrooms. The ending did promise a little after Horikita's speech.

Still VERY eager to see more of Ayanokouji and his skills. He's a wild card that will HAVE to come into play a much bigger role in the episodes to come.
Aug 23, 2017 6:06 PM

Feb 2017
Worst ep for me so far. It was just a boring filler.

Don't get me wrong, everyone was looking mighty fine in their swim suits and I'm all for fanservice, but it felt anticlimactic after how awesome the previous episode was. I wouldn't have minded a fanservice/filler ep if the story would have at least been more entertaining.

Sakura was super cute tho at the end!!!

And can Kushida be in a swimsuit every episode, pls?
ladamesansmerciAug 23, 2017 6:09 PM
'I love you because you're you. I'm happy that you're whole. I don't care if there are sides of you that I don't know, or don't like. If that's who you are, that's fine. As long as you're whole, that's enough for me.'-Kouko Kaga
Aug 23, 2017 6:11 PM

Jun 2015
HereticHunter said:
LOL whats with the lots of hate towards the typical fanservice episode? is not like the whole anime centers on this episode lmao, is not like 1 episode would be enough to destroy an anime. A lot of anime like this one, has a beach/pool episode, is not such a big deal coming from an anime that has shown fanservice before (specially from a source that had a fanservice part scoring the tits of the girls if i'm not mistaken) The fanservice wasn't even that much lmao.

so much this. really wasn't that much fanservice. it was more like setup for the grand scale of the school system
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen
Aug 23, 2017 6:25 PM

Sep 2012
Ok... This ep definitely gave me a weird vibe. It felt like an ova fan service kind of thing, which bring nothing to the story and are full fanservice. I didn't read the LN, but here's what I thought of this one :

I'm not gonna say the ep ruined the anime, because I don't think so. It's just that... WHY ?! And more importantly... WHY NOW ?! After such a cliffhanger ?! It was a really bad timing to put this ep there after all the build up in the previous ep. And it's also a matter of "waste of time". If there's gonna be only 12 or 13 eps and they ALREADY dont have enough time to develop everything as it is in the LN, why make some sort of filler ep ?

What about the fallout of Ayanokouji and Horikita's arguing ?! She doesn't answer her phone twice and thats it ? 0o
He asks for her help and she comes right away ?! Is she in love with him or something ?! Because it seems to me she's like a pawn between Ayanokouji's hands. He can do whatever he wants of her. She seems to be someone of really proud and distant, but... While he didn't even bother to apologize to her, she comes as soon as he calls her. Ok, it's for the class safety, but... still... She was kind of easy going on this one imo. It felt kind of weird.

A lot of you seem pissed about the fact that Horikita is much more developped than others. I'm not, I like her, so... (but then again, I don't know the LN ^^ probably helps )
Oh, and I liked her little analysis on a few students at the start of the ep.

Still, there were a few good moments, and we could see that Ayanokouji avoided answering questions about "why he wasn't going all out" during the beachvolley game. So the question remains : who is this guy and what is he after ? What is he aiming at ?

Hope next ep will get back to serious buisness ! We need answers now ^^

3/5 for me because the timing was really bad for this kind of "break" episode.
Aug 23, 2017 6:43 PM
Jun 2016
The LN readers are raging right now. Talkin about Kurizawa's was given to Horikita. Honestly, as a standalone episode, this was the worst one yet. The plan, humour, plot, and pacing felt off. I'm not a reader but I had a feeling that something was skipped. Checked out the comments and it in fact was. 2 volumes tho o.O. Well, let's see what's to come. Anyways, I liked the pool scene though.
Aug 23, 2017 6:52 PM

Oct 2015
So called 'Fanservice episode'
Yet, peeping operation screentime > Actual fanservice, yuck.

Those whole plot just make it bad, if you want to make a fanservice episode just gives us an actual one dammit. Otherwise just advance the story, not this sh*tty plot.

It's more like comedy filler to me, with that whole, peeping 'don't give up, believe in your allies, 諦めない' banter. You don't even get a good portion of shower scene, volleyball game, or even a girl swimming. sigh

Need more banter? Sudo done it again. can we get an eps where he can stop making a troub... Nah just forget it
gladisrAug 23, 2017 7:36 PM
Aug 23, 2017 6:53 PM

Jul 2015
I love the current episode votation, massive mixed opinion.

I want Lerche to do some hentai, the plot this episode was god tier, holy shit Ichinose in special, 10/10 body and my favorite female VA, just perfect.

Sakura hiding underwater after splashing was super adorable, same for Horikita, that smile at the end made me so happy.

The whole episode was very enjoyable. Yeah, we could have advanced the story, but IMO it was a fun middle point calm episode before more stuff happens.
Aug 23, 2017 6:54 PM

Sep 2011
GoldenDevilGamer said:
That's the best way to do things from a business standpoint.

While I don't disagree, I think you're talking backwards here. Fanservice sells, and it's been shown to do so before lol. I wouldn't be surprised if people all of a sudden went and preordered cuz of this episode.
Aug 23, 2017 7:01 PM

Mar 2016
This is more Romantic Comedy Highschool drama... I liked it but isn't the best episode so far!

:) funish episode
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Aug 23, 2017 7:02 PM
May 2015
At first I thought they're up to something no good, but interesting, then I've heard of the Plan.
I thought ...
Is this a fanservice episode?
I guess they're in D Class for a reason.
Wouldn't the school know about them?
I see so thats how he made her go to the pool
Overall good epi, but much better if there's an epi for advancing the story
Aug 23, 2017 7:02 PM

Jun 2016

Sorry but i couldn't just not notice how stupid your mentality is.
If a person doesn't like episodes like this one which is FULL of fan service then it's their opinion, you don't have the fucking right of going and starting being rude without a proper reason. You like big boobs? that's fine, but hey, there are people who don't like seeing them being throwed at their faces (literally) the whole episode. (it was not a extreme case though.)
And this anime has a good story at least until now, so i believe most people are watching it for the plot.
They have the right to show their bad opinion about a episode with only fan service and with the story 'paused' if that's the case, don't go complain just because your opinion is not their opinion.
You see, if this was an ova people wouldn't complain because ovas usually are filler just like this episode.
ayumiisAug 23, 2017 7:06 PM
Aug 23, 2017 7:27 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Tyrel said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
That's the best way to do things from a business standpoint.

While I don't disagree, I think you're talking backwards here. Fanservice sells, and it's been shown to do so before lol. I wouldn't be surprised if people all of a sudden went and preordered cuz of this episode.
What I meant from a 'business standpoint' is that fanservice should be saved for OVAs to increase sales. When a heavy amount of fanservice is present in an OVA episode (which hasn't been broadcasted before), it would make a lot more people interested in buying the volume that has the OVA since they haven't seen that fanservice before. An unaired fanservice episode will sell more than an previously aired fanservice episode. This is just my assumption though, since I don't have facts to back it up.
Aug 23, 2017 7:32 PM

Sep 2011
GoldenDevilGamer said:
Tyrel said:
While I don't disagree, I think you're talking backwards here. Fanservice sells, and it's been shown to do so before lol. I wouldn't be surprised if people all of a sudden went and preordered cuz of this episode.
What I meant from a 'business standpoint' is that fanservice should be saved for OVAs to increase sales. When a heavy amount of fanservice is present in an OVA episode (which hasn't been broadcasted before), it would make a lot more people interested in buying the volume that has the OVA since they haven't seen that fanservice before. An unaired fanservice episode will sell more than an previously aired fanservice episode. This is just my assumption though, since I don't have facts to back it up.
Ahhhhhhh, yeah. That'd make sense.
Aug 23, 2017 7:38 PM

Mar 2012

Their right to whine is my right to whine about them whining

and as a fan of fanservice I'm triggered

It was a nice break from the dark tone of the show, not a "waste"
Aug 23, 2017 8:12 PM
Feb 2017
Anyone else catch the transition screen that read, "At this school, students can buy the right to transfer to the class of their choosing. 20,000,000 private points are required to do this."?

Seriously, that fact seems a bit too important to wedge in between 20+ minutes of gratuitous fan-service!!!
Aug 23, 2017 8:15 PM

Sep 2012
FiREIng_maNiac said:
Anyone else catch the transition screen that read, "At this school, students can buy the right to transfer to the class of their choosing. 20,000,000 private points are required to do this."?

Seriously, that fact seems a bit too important to wedge in between 20+ minutes of gratuitous fan-service!!!

I agree ^^ I paused the video to be sure that I had read the right thing when I saw that ^^
Aug 23, 2017 8:30 PM
Mar 2017
Mind-numbingly stupid fanservice filler episode with no plot, humor or redeeming qualities whatsoever. This series has just gotten worse and worse since the end of the 'test' arc. Dropped, 3/10.
Aug 23, 2017 8:36 PM

Jan 2011
At the 15 min mark. They actually threw this for a fucking pool episode? Seriously filler content when they're that pressed for episodes? And especially after that fucking edgy ass ending to the last episode. And of course this shit jumps to a fucking 8.00 after this episode. Jesus.
Aug 23, 2017 8:43 PM

Jul 2015
ITS TIME FOR FAN SERVICE once again I might add, but far deeper than that bit at the pool in I think the second episode, plus more characters. And ummm... this episode kind of sucked... but at least the girls looked nice.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Aug 23, 2017 8:52 PM
Dec 2014
halovn113 said:
Okay. I don't mind about fan service because it's from 4.5 but.... The directors RUINED the story because they bring MOST HEROINE devlopments to Horikita? WT hell?

So that's why I am finding it strange. I've read some spoilers and they all say that it's not Horikita x MC but watching the anime is making me think otherwise. Although I always don't agree with doing stuff like this I might forgive it this time because the way you describe it feels a bit... haremy. First of all it really doesn't make sense for MC to help Horikita reach class A because that's contradictory to his goal of not standing out. Helping Horikita will make him stand out but he does so anyway.
Aug 23, 2017 9:08 PM
Sep 2015
HereticHunter said:
NovaMagic said:
terrible episode, man the show had a good beginning but I guess it'll go down hill from here

how exactly a fanservice episode will ruin an Anime? I mean how were people not expecting a fanservice episode on an anime that already has fanservice to begin with? (the readers even said that there was an episode where men were qualifying each girl breast but they didn't animate that)

cause this episode is pointless, and from reading some of the other comments they didn't even follow the source material
Aug 23, 2017 9:10 PM

Jan 2013
usually i dont mind swimsuit/fanservice eps but...not in the middle of something serious. make it an extra OVA post-season like a few other shows do since this is what it feels like
Aug 23, 2017 9:23 PM

May 2015
That was really shit.
Aug 23, 2017 9:26 PM

Mar 2016
Look! I know every anime created nowadays has to have an obligatory pool/beach episode at some point...BUT this episode was so weird and felt so out of place.

The episode was a pointless bore and there was almost nothing in the way of character development. The so-called comedy or attempted comedy in this episode fell flat and apart from the cutesy pool play at the end this episode invoked no emotion at all!

Plus for a "fan-service" episode which is what most of these pool/beach episodes are...this episode had nearly no what was the point of this episode?
I shall rule over the realms of anime and manga! Mwahhahahahaha!!!
Aug 23, 2017 9:44 PM
Apr 2011
What a lane episode. The series is not going to be about some unrealistic cold princess opening up (and contrary to the LN), is it now?
Aug 23, 2017 9:53 PM

May 2014
HereticHunter said:
LOL whats with the lots of hate towards the typical fanservice episode? is not like the whole anime centers on this episode lmao, is not like 1 episode would be enough to destroy an anime. A lot of anime like this one, has a beach/pool episode, is not such a big deal coming from an anime that has shown fanservice before (specially from a source that had a fanservice part scoring the tits of the girls if i'm not mistaken) The fanservice wasn't even that much lmao.

Yes, you're right on that, a lot of scholar anime like this have fanservices episodes like that, and it works for the majority of them because those animes are focused in comedy or ecchi, don't try to be more than that. But in this particular case, with this anime having a dark and "take-me-serious" atmosphere all the time and a plot and supposedly "three-dimensional characters", fanservice ends up being something unnecessary and very anticlimactic, it's the same with that attempt of comedy that ended up being more awkward and cringy than funny. Simply don't match with what this anime tries to be.

And it is worth mentioning that I enjoy those episodes too, and I enjoyed this a little. As I see, it wasn't so bad episode (only the stupid and cringy comedy was bad for me), in part all these comedy and fanservice showed that indeed this is a typical scholar anime and the real problem is the "take-me-serious" atmosphere all the time and the ridiculous, exaggerated and explicit of its serious scenes. So, the serie tries to be something and it contradicts itself.

I don't think this episode "destroyed the show" or something so, at least they put it at the end of an arc and not in the middle, that would have been worse.
Rhapsody-Aug 23, 2017 10:02 PM
Aug 23, 2017 9:58 PM

Mar 2012
HollowIchigo58 said:
Dolapo said:
I LOVE HORIKITA TOO. I don't read the light novel but I don't care if she's replacing other characters, the only one that suits Ayanokoji is Horikita.
Yay someone that feels the same as me because I never read the novel's either.

with obligatory fanservice unfortunately comes obligatory whining
Aug 23, 2017 10:06 PM

Dec 2015
2/3 of the episode were basically a waste of time, pretty disappointing.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Aug 23, 2017 10:08 PM

Sep 2012
HollowIchigo58 said:
Neko_96 said:

İ love Horikita too she is best girl
and she is main character/heroine also she is auhtor and director's favorita character :D Horikita haters are jealous :PPP
Exactly, also I see Ayanokoji and Horikita have chemistry with each other and she needs him to help her with against that asshole brother hers.

True, but.. given the fact that we still don't know what the MC is after, we can't say for sure that it would be good for Horikita to trust him too much. Since the end of the 6th episode, Ayanokouji gave me a dark vibe which makes me wonder if he's not just using EVERYONE in order to get what he wants. Which means, if I'm right, of course (I don't know, didnt read the LN, not gonna ^^ ) that he is using Horikita as well and promised to help her get to class A just because it helps HIS purpose ^^
Aug 23, 2017 10:20 PM
Jan 2015
This episode just felt out of place. Like many people have said, it should have been an OVA or something. Well I hope we get back on track next episode.
My Queens

Aug 23, 2017 10:26 PM

May 2017
Boring, filler-ish episode, swimsuit episode yet the fan service is bad and bad animation, what a disappointment. And the MC is getting boring every episode, tho he's already boring from the start

Using Morse code tho was hilarious
Aug 23, 2017 10:37 PM

Sep 2016
Welp next week will tell if this anime adaptation is destroyed or not. If they decide to go back and adapt volume 3 then yeah I'll let this slide. But if they decide to skip volume 3 and 4 then we're going to have a problem here.
Aug 23, 2017 10:49 PM

Jan 2011
AyumiVk said:

Sorry but i couldn't just not notice how stupid your mentality is.
If a person doesn't like episodes like this one which is FULL of fan service then it's their opinion, you don't have the fucking right of going and starting being rude without a proper reason. You like big boobs? that's fine, but hey, there are people who don't like seeing them being throwed at their faces (literally) the whole episode. (it was not a extreme case though.)
And this anime has a good story at least until now, so i believe most people are watching it for the plot.
They have the right to show their bad opinion about a episode with only fan service and with the story 'paused' if that's the case, don't go complain just because your opinion is not their opinion.
You see, if this was an ova people wouldn't complain because ovas usually are filler just like this episode.

Anyone who has read my posts over the last two years would notice an aversion to an any insult implied or otherwise to those who have an opposite opinion about it. I don't nor can see others who enjoy something I don't as insects even with the many let downs and the 50 page re zero threads I kept from that. Too bad others couldn't do the same.
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