What is the scariest movie/movies you have ever seen?

I need some help, I got a friend who hates to watch horror movies and scares easily, so me and my friends are gonna do what any good friends would do and scare the crap out of him this Halloween. :)

..So what is the scariest movie or movies you've ever seen?... besides The Excorcist... cause we already saw that with him and he nearly pissed his pants :rofl2:


Was King of the Board for a Day
A tape in my parent's bedroom labeled "The Miracle of Conception".


Blair Witch still creeps me out. Paranormal Activity had potential, but they took it too far. I think "the unknown" is the most terrifying thing in horror movies. As soon as you see the monster, it loses it's power. Remember Jeepers Creepers? Awful stuff. But the first 40 minutes, before we find out it's a flying vampire, are pretty scary. All we see is the car and the blacked out windows, then the intensity is blown when they reveal his face.

Not so much "the unknown", but The Orphanage is probably the scariest I've seen in a while http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0464141/. It's subtitled, but if you can't handle that, you probably shouldn't even be in a discussion about films.
Nightmare on Elm Street was the first movie that gave me the creeps. It came out when I was fifteen so its a tad dated now. The Haunting in Connecticut and the Saw movies are pretty good recent movies.
The Omen
The Exorcist
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Sentinal
The Entity is pretty good but its ancient as well

I'll try to check that one out..

I don't mind it being old, I actually prefer the older horror films, I just think they're more Raw and real than the newer ones.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone else, please, keep them coming.


Was King of the Board for a Day

I'll see you, and raise you "Staying Alive". I saw that on a whim after seeing "Saturday Night Fever" and regretted every minute of it.

For a movie that provides more atmosphere than actual gore, the original "Halloween" is a great movie and can't be beat, in my opinion. "The Thing" (the John Carpenter version) provides a spooky atmosphere and amazing special effects as well.
Pet Sematary is really fucking scary, not only because of the onscreen action but mostly because of the ultra-creepy athmosphere...


Was King of the Board for a Day
(It's times like this I wish I could edit my earlier posts)

The Evil Dead trilogy-The first one is a feast in terms of gore and atmosphere, the second does a fairly good job of carrying that over, but dissolves more into campiness by the ending, carrying over to the third.

Monkey Shines-More of an atmospheric movie, but the suspense it provides easily makes up for any blood and guts that could have been thrown in.

Poltergeist-Provides a good supply of gore, but is more plot and suspense-driven than anything. It still provides a number of jump-out-of-your-seat moments though, ones that still can shock me even after seeing it.

The Fly-Both versions (the 1958 and the 1986 version) provide a great deal of suspense, atmosphere and emotion, but for breathtaking special effects, see the latter.

Jaws-A classic.

Psycho-Another classic, though a bit slow at first.

The Shining-Atmospheric, revolving around the slow diffusion of sanity and insanity, provides some good scare moments nonetheless.

And of course, you can't go wrong with any of the old Universal monster movies.


Postal Paranoiac
When I was a kid:

Dr. Terror's House Of Horrors
Night Of The Living Dead

The Silence Of The Lambs
The Sixth Sense.
The Fourth Kind.

Hellraiser II is a classic. Disgusting and strange movie.

I don't like gore movies generally, they're not 'true' horrors IMHO but flicks like Saw or Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake) are disgusting enough to be classified as horrors. Also Cube (1997) was not bad.

But most teenage slashers are just ridiculous.


Nothing but I am open to suggestions.....Everything I have seen now that I think of it has failed to scare me.
Nothing but I am open to suggestions.....Everything I have seen now that I think of it has failed to scare me.

You must subject yourself to the movie. Most so called horrors are stupid and rather laughable than horrifying but try to accept the director's rules of the game. Watch it in the dark, at night when no one else is at home.

Try for example The Fourth Kind. It's not so bad movie.