(It's times like this I wish I could edit my earlier posts)
The Evil Dead trilogy-The first one is a feast in terms of gore and atmosphere, the second does a fairly good job of carrying that over, but dissolves more into campiness by the ending, carrying over to the third.
Monkey Shines-More of an atmospheric movie, but the suspense it provides easily makes up for any blood and guts that could have been thrown in.
Poltergeist-Provides a good supply of gore, but is more plot and suspense-driven than anything. It still provides a number of jump-out-of-your-seat moments though, ones that still can shock me even after seeing it.
The Fly-Both versions (the 1958 and the 1986 version) provide a great deal of suspense, atmosphere and emotion, but for breathtaking special effects, see the latter.
Jaws-A classic.
Psycho-Another classic, though a bit slow at first.
The Shining-Atmospheric, revolving around the slow diffusion of sanity and insanity, provides some good scare moments nonetheless.
And of course, you can't go wrong with any of the old Universal monster movies.